crazy farmer

Chapter 333

Chapter 333
"I knew it!"

Bai Lu covered her forehead when she heard the words, glanced at Wang Leshan, and said, "This is probably the reason why you didn't set up a marketing department or a sales department after all your products were on the market. Wait for me to obediently come over and fill in the hole for you? Well, You hands-off shopkeeper! All right, I'll take care of the health care product company for you first, to be honest, this company has such a bright future, if you really want to give it to someone else, I don't feel at ease for you. "

"That is, my family's property must be under the control of my family to be at ease. Moreover, I am really worried that this company will be handed over to others."

Wang Leshan chuckled, very happy for Bai Lu's self-seriousness as a housekeeper.

Bai Lu said: "I said to help you take care of it first, but I didn't say to help you take care of it all the time. I also know that you definitely don't feel at ease handing over these health care products to some professional manager. How about it? During the time, you quickly pick a few people from your trusted acquaintances and friends and send them to me, and I will bring them out as soon as possible."

Wang Leshan nodded humbly, but he didn't care at all. It wasn't that he couldn't find someone with management talent among his acquaintances, but it was all about handing over the health care products company to Bai Lu.

Time flies and a few more days pass by, and it is almost the end of the new year.

As soon as the new year comes, the new year is only a few days away, and it's time for the master craftsmen on the farm to leave.

On the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month, Wang Leshan and the people in the farm served practice wine for the master craftsmen. Gongshu Yuanwen and others were all laughing and cursing and saying that they are not coming anymore. Does the Leshan boy wish they would leave sooner? If it is, I feel extremely reluctant in my heart. Although I have not been in Dakang Village for a long time, less than three months, but I have left very deep feelings. I am really reluctant to leave for a while.

The big drunk craftsmen were carried away from Dakang Village by the descendants of the clan who came to pick them up, the banquet was over, and these big craftsmen who chattered or made clanking every day left, the farm was quiet A lot, and it seems a lot deserted.

The farm is deserted, but the whole Dakang Village is much more lively than in previous years.Most of the young and middle-aged people in Dakang Village are working outside to earn a living. Now they have all been called back and arranged jobs. Farms, fruit and vegetable supermarkets, breeding bases, wineries, health care products companies, and Shennong Mountain Villa, all of them are working hard. I got a salary that far exceeds that of the past——Although Shennong Villa has not opened yet, and the employees are all in training, but they are all directly considered to be able to get a guaranteed salary after entering the job, but they can’t get rewards, and there are also those with the lowest guaranteed salary. 5000—and the first few batches of those who were recalled now all received a monthly salary of more than [-], not to mention various benefits. In just three or four months after returning, they earned money that they could not save in the past few years .

Those villagers who worked abroad came back and got a stable high salary. Whoever is the happiest is undoubtedly the elderly and children at home.At this time in previous years, less than half of the people could come back from other places for the New Year. The elderly look forward to their children, and the children look forward to their parents.Now you don't have to look forward to it, you can see it every day.The old people have the filial piety of their children, and the children have the love and guidance of their parents. They enjoy themselves happily and the whole family is happy.

On the 25th day of the Lunar New Year, Wang Leshan gave all the employees of several "units" off, except for those on duty who were arranged in turn. They took seven days off with pay and did not go to work until the third day of the Lunar New Year.Although it is a holiday, there are still villagers who take the initiative to go to various "units" to do the necessary things every day, and they are more diligent than each other.

On the 26th day of the New Year, the village held a general meeting of the villagers. There was no such meeting held at the end of the year in previous years.

On this day, the old people's palace in the village was decorated with lanterns and festoons, and it was full of joy. It was much more lively than the last time during the Double Ninth Festival. Almost all the villagers came to the old people's palace on this day, even though it was originally repaired or even expanded. Fan's Palace for the Elderly is still packed to the brim.

The stage of the Elderly Palace was built as a temporary rostrum, and a row of tables were placed on it, covered with a layer of red cloth, and a microphone was placed on each position, making it quite grand,
When it was close to two o'clock in the afternoon, the old people's palace was already full of people. Although most of the villagers didn't know what the year-end meeting was for, they all came. In the past six months, the weather in Dakang Village has been turned upside down. There is really nothing to say about the collective sense of honor of the whole village, just because it is a major event in the village, it has to come, besides, the village meeting and the village meeting are coming to the end of the year, so it should be done for this year. Some conclusions, and thinking of the possibility of this conclusion, each of the villagers has an incomparable smile on their faces, and they all want to hear about the achievements made by the village in the past six months.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the door curtain on one side of the stage was raised, and many people came out and sat down on the rostrum. As soon as these people came out, the villagers immediately discussed with pride. up.

At a village meeting in a village, the mayor and the mayor are here. Can you not be excited and proud?

In addition to mayor Lin Xiaohu and mayor Ye Yunpeng, Shen Yadong, Mrs. Lin, Uncle Awang, Wang Daxing, Yan Caiyuan, Gao Dali, Wang Leshan and Wang Dabao were sitting on the rostrum.

Generally speaking, Wang Dabao must sit in the middle of the village assembly, but this time it was different, Wang Dabao sat at the very edge.After everyone else sat down, Wang Dabao sat down, tapped the microphone twice, and the whole old people's palace fell silent.


Although Wang Dabao has even participated in the global press conference, and he is still the kind of talker, but Wang Dabao still can't change the village cadres who say hello twice before speaking. Wang Dabao said in local dialect: "Villagers, folks, the last village meeting of this year begins now."

Amid the thunderous applause from the villagers, Wang Dabao paused for a moment, and then said: "Now, please allow me to introduce the distinguished guests present at the meeting."

Beginning with Ye Yunpeng, Wang Dabao introduced them one by one. Every time a name was mentioned, the villagers gave warm applause.Needless to say, Ye Yunpeng and Lin Xiaohu, Shen Yadong, Mrs. Lin, Uncle Awang, Wang Daxing, Yan Caiyuan, Gao Dali and others are all representatives of the most important "units" in the village.

After the introduction, Wang Dabao said: "Now we invite our most respected Mayor Ye Yunpeng to give a speech."

Applause again.

"Hello, folks from Dakang Village."

Ye Yunpeng also spoke the local dialect, naturally to take care of the many elderly people in the village, and said with a smile: "Originally, for today's meeting, Village Chief Wang didn't intend to let me come, and I don't know if he thinks that I, the mayor I was too busy to invite me, or I didn’t do things and be a person, and they beat me on the basis of the masses, in short, I came here on my own.”

Ye Yunpeng's ridicule in the local language is kind and humorous. Many people in the village have met Ye Yunpeng, and even talked with him. Knowing that the mayor is very kind and friendly, they all repay him applause.

"This time I came, in fact, apart from wanting to chat with the folks, I also brought a mission." Ye Yunpeng said again: "Everyone should know about the infectious disease and special medicine a while ago. Due to the great contribution made by Dakang Village in this incident, the Ministry of Health and provincial and municipal leaders jointly made a decision to award Dakang Village the title of National Civilized Village and the Village Committee of Dakang Village The National Advanced Grassroots Title. It just so happens that today is the village meeting, so I decided to award it to the big guy at the meeting."

Hearing Ye Yunpeng's words, the villagers suddenly burst into more enthusiastic applause and cheers. Although most of the villagers did not understand how important and rare these two titles were, they all felt that the word "national" sounded like It's awesome, and it's a collective honor, so the big guys applaud desperately.

When Wang Dabao and several cadres in the village heard Ye Yunpeng's words, their eyes turned red immediately, and they were so excited that they couldn't breathe.Ye Yunpeng didn't reveal anything about these two awards before taking the stage, which was a big surprise!
After the awards were presented, Ye Yunpeng took the lead in clapping again, said words of encouragement and congratulations, and then said: "Folks, there are still some jobs in our city, so I won't stay here for a long time. I have time to wait. Let’s talk to you guys again.”

Lin Xiaohu also said something and left the meeting with Ye Yunpeng.

Wang Dabao, who calmed down his excitement, continued to preside over the meeting. Next, Mrs. Lin, the representative of the Shennong Research Institute and the health care product company, spoke. Next to Mrs. Lin was the general manager of Shennong Villa, Shen Yadong, who was followed by the manager of the breeding base. Uncle Wang, Wang Daxing, the employee representative of Crazy Vegetable and Fruit Garden, Yan Caiyuan, the director of Shennong Brewery, and Gao Dali, the farm employee representative, each told the villagers about the situation of their "units". They learned more about the situation of their family's work unit, so that they can rest assured and support their family's work. At the same time, some employee representatives were selected at the meeting to praise and praise.

Of course, the most important thing in the speeches of these people is who in the "unit" got how much salary last month and how much bonus this month. This is also a topic that is most interesting to the villagers.

After the representatives had finished speaking, it was naturally Wang Leshan's turn.

For Wang Leshan, the villagers are looking forward to it the most. Everyone knows that the biggest contributor to Dakang Village today is Wang Leshan.

After imitating Wang Dabao, Wang Leshan said "Hello" twice, greeted the villagers present with a smile, and said: "I have asked Chef Fan and others to set up dozens of tables on the farm. After the meeting, everyone will chat while eating, and the rest of the time will be handed over to Uncle Dabao, who has something important to announce."

The villagers were taken aback, expecting Wang Leshan to say a few more words.Unexpectedly, Wang Leshan was so honest. After announcing that there would be a banquet tonight, he directly passed it on to Wang Dabao.

"This is Leshan."

Wang Dabao smiled wryly, and said, "Everyone should have heard that Leshan is a hands-off shopkeeper, right? Everyone should believe it now, right?"

The villagers all burst into laughter. Of course they have all heard of Wang Leshan's "elegant name".

"Leshan is right. I have something to announce to everyone."

Wang Dabao became serious, with excitement in his eyes, and said: "Everyone in our village knows that Leshan has set up many factories in our village, which not only solved the employment problem of our villagers, but also improved the The income level of our village, and also gave our village shares, like Shennong Brewery, our village has 5.00% of the shares, I believe everyone has heard of it, right? I believe many people have also heard of it Something about the winery..."

Wang Dabao paused for a moment, and the villagers' ears were already pricked up.

Of the many factories Wang Leshan has built in the village, two of them are owned by the village, one is the Dakang Mountain Scenic Area, which has not yet been seen, and the other is Shennong Brewery, which holds 5.00% of the shares. These shares belong to the village collective and are under the unified management of the village committee.

There is not even a shadow of the Dakang Mountain Scenic Area, but everyone knows that Wang Leshan has promised to give each villager a minimum dividend of [-] yuan per year within three years.Judging from the current situation, the villagers all believe this, and there is nothing to doubt, because now the monthly income of the villagers working in Wang Leshan is [-], which is really normal.

It is Shennong Distillery. Some time ago, there were a lot of rumors in the village about how Shennong Distillery makes money, but I don’t know the details. Looking at the situation today, Wang Leshan, who is also the director of Shennong Distillery, is going to announce this. When something happened, the ears naturally stood up one by one.

Seeing this, Wang Dabao coughed lightly, and said, "Since the opening of Shennong Distillery, in less than two months, the total revenue has reached... 43 billion!"

43 billion!
43 billion!
43 billion!
This number kept echoing in the ears of the villagers like a curse, and the whole audience was silent.

Wang Dabao had already anticipated this situation, and continued: "Excluding a series of expenditures such as taxes, wages, and raw materials, the dividends of the shares held by the village collective at the end of this year will be 1.3 million yuan! Villagers, I know you are a bit surprised to hear this number now." It's hard to accept, but it's indeed 3000 million!"

The villagers in the audience were still silent. The figure of 3000 million obviously shocked them thoroughly.

Wang Dabao's voice continued: "According to the contract signed by the village committee, the village collective representatives and Wang Leshan, the village committee has the right to retain 1000% of the proceeds for the construction of public facilities in the village. The villagers will receive 2106 million yuan. According to the number of villagers in our village, which is 5, including the elderly and children, each person can get 2231 yuan this year."

More than 5 per person!
After holding their breath and hearing this number, the villagers completely exploded, their eyes flushed with excitement!

In the village, there are generally at least four or five people in a family, and it is normal for many people to have seven or eight people. That is to say, before the Chinese New Year, their family can at least get more than 20 yuan. You can get 30 to 40 yuan!
In Dakang Village, in the past, a family worked hard for a year and finally had 5 yuan left over, which is definitely a lot. If a family can make [-] to [-] yuan a year, it will definitely be considered a big family in the village!

What is the concept of being able to save more than one hundred thousand yuan? That means earning a small car a year, which is a remarkable thing in the countryside.In rural areas, the general cost of building a three-story building is about [-] yuan, and the interior decoration is included.

There are so many villagers working in Wang Leshan this year, with a monthly income of 10,000, and even [-] a month. Moreover, Wang Leshan’s food is provided and they live directly at home. This is much more than living in other places money.These villagers are all trying to save tens of thousands of dollars before this year. After all, this year’s working hours are not long, and they will save [-]+ next year. It will be better for children and the elderly to buy cars and build houses. life.

It's great now!
Suddenly everyone got more than 5 yuan!
This is really more surprising than pie falling from the sky, this is money falling from the sky!
More than 5 per person!
Tomorrow, you can buy a car at home and build a small three-story house!


Just when the villagers were helping each other to confirm whether it was true or not, Wang Dabao’s voice sounded again, and the word “but” was undoubtedly like a thunderbolt to the villagers at this moment. The twist is so scary!
Could it be something wrong?
The villagers all looked at Wang Dabao!

Seeing that the villagers' attention was attracted, Wang Dabao said solemnly: "Before today's meeting, I called a few cadres in the village, and I also called Le Shan and others. We big guys discussed it together. There are two plans for dividend distribution, and I would like to invite everyone to refer to them.”

"The first plan is that the big guys take all the money away."

After a short pause, he continued: "And the second plan is that each person will receive 1 yuan first, and the remaining 2231 yuan will be temporarily stored in the village committee as a housing fund. When the spring of next year begins, the village Designers and planners will be invited to build new houses for the village. The specifications of the houses will be built according to the single-family villas with a cost of 100 million, one for each household! Except for your housing fund, the rest of the money will be temporarily It will be paid by the village and Leshan, and will be supplemented with annual dividends without any interest. To put it bluntly, it means using your dividends to help you build new houses. There are several considerations for the second plan. First, The houses in our village are generally old, and I know that our villagers all have housing needs. The second is to build villas in a unified way, which is also for the sake of the appearance of our village. Third, and the most important point, the price of such construction is not high Fei’s villa is also to encourage everyone to work hard, not to stop working after knowing that there are so many dividends every year, and to lie on the village collective and eat nothing.”

"Of course, this plan is only a suggestion from our village committee and Leshan, and the final decision is still in the hands of the big guys. In this way, everyone will think about it when they go back and vote by secret ballot tomorrow night."

(End of this chapter)

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