crazy farmer

Chapter 272

Chapter 272


Hearing Lin Dong's translation, the officer was even happier than Qiao Mamatika who wanted to sell the Royal No. [-] island to Wang Leshan before, and patted his chest to assure.

Seeing that the business finally came to fruition, Lin Dong breathed a sigh of relief. Although he was relieved, he still had a weird feeling.He wasn't happy about making a deal, and he wasn't worried about Wang Leshan's stupid behavior, which was weird anyway.

Qiaoma also felt strange. Originally, she was extremely eager for Wang Leshan to buy the island. However, when she heard that Wang Leshan was determined to buy the island, she was not in a happy mood, and even found that there was no joy to speak of.

"Mr. Lin."

Wang Leshan looked at Lin Dong again, and said, "Next, I will trouble you for other details and procedures of purchasing the island."

"Of course, of course."

Lin Dong nodded again and again, and then glanced at Qiaoma. Seeing this, Qiaoma also nodded.Although he doesn't have the slightest joy of selling the island now, he still doesn't regret it. No matter how he looks at it, the island was sold to Wang Leshan, a Chinese man with great influence in China. What Ma and the Matica family could only wish for.

Wang Leshan's power in China is related to a deployment of the Matica family, and it is also the reason why Qiaoma wanted to sell the island to him when she heard about Wang Leshan and the Bai family. It's that simple to get the island out of your hands.

Wang Leshan didn't know this, not even Lin Dong.

Of course, even if he knew, Wang Leshan wouldn't care too much.

Back at the barracks again, in order to make the next negotiation smoother, the officer immediately issued a death order to the army on the island, and the south must be dealt with within three days.This time, the people in the army were very motivated, and they absolutely didn't want to stay on this island any longer.

Hearing that Wang Leshan and others were about to leave the island, several military officers in the barracks immediately prepared a farewell party, but Wang Leshan declined, saying that it would not be too late to drink when he came to take over the island after the island purchase procedure was completed. Yu promised to buy the island, which made the officers very happy.

On the way to the airstrip, two of the officers took the man who knew a little Chinese and whispered to Wang Leshan, saying that they would leave some good things for Wang Leshan when they left the island, and they would use He made a gesture of "eight" with his hand, which also means gun.

After several transfers, finally Wang Leshan and his party returned to Neverland before [-]:[-] p.m. that day, and the journey went very smoothly.

It seems that Qiaoma has given up the idea of ​​dealing with Wang Leshan again, and along the way, Lin Dong and Lin Dong have also started to discuss the procedures for buying and selling the island. Wang Leshan is naturally on the sidelines during this process.

Both Qiaoma and Lin Dong are experts in buying and selling islands. They gave the general outline of the matter on the plane, and Wang Leshan entrusted Lin Dong with the full authority for the procedures to be followed. Anyway, he doesn't know much about it. After the procedure is over, he can ask Bai Lanyu to find a lawyer to accompany him to sign.

At the same time, the three of them also discussed and decided on the facilities needed on the island after the troops stationed on the island left.When the army leaves, they will naturally take some things with them. For example, the cannons and other weapons on some fortresses will be left to Wang Leshan. Infrastructure, such as airstrips, power facilities, communication facilities, docks and other things on the island Some facilities and buildings that do not belong to the army need to be the same as what Wang Leshan saw on the island.

In addition to these, Royal No. [-] Island naturally enjoys the privileges and benefits that ordinary private islands should have.

The 30-year use right and ownership of the Royal No. 3 island belong to Wang Leshan, including the [-] nautical miles of the Royal No. [-] island, which belongs to Wang Leshan's private fishing ground. If outsiders enter these areas, Wang Leshan has absolute control over the sea.Moreover, Wang Leshan is allowed to have a certain amount of guns to defend against pirates and other intruders.Of course, these guns need to be registered with the Philippine authorities, and the number is very small, which is equivalent to the equipment of two or three qualified hunters.

As for the development and development of the island, as long as it is within the scope of the private island, Wang Leshan is in charge, and at the same time enjoys the relevant benefits of the municipality to which the island belongs.Two points are very important. One is that Zamboanga, the city closest to the Royal No. [-] island, will rent an airstrip to Wang Leshan at a low price, and the other is that Wang Leshan can use all navigation routes in the waters of the Philippines.

Another point is very important, that is, if a private island is threatened or attacked, it can ask for help from the municipality to which it belongs, and the municipality must also help.However, it is obviously not very applicable to put it on the Royal No. [-].

And there are restrictions. It is impossible to mess around on a private island just because you bought a private island. Anything that violates Philippine laws and international laws is strictly prohibited.On the premise that Wang Leshan did not trigger the law, the Philippine authorities were not allowed to enter and leave the Royal [-] and the exclusive sea area at will. If it was triggered, it would be a different story.

If there is some kind of conflict, contradiction or dispute between the private island and the authorities, there is naturally a set of international laws for arbitration.

There are still many details, Wang Leshan just listened to it, and didn't have much opinion, and he didn't understand many aspects. Anyway, there will be lawyers who will look carefully at that time, so he doesn't care too much.

After leaving the airstrip, the group returned to the sea castle. Wang Leshan saw Bai Lanyu, Fan Yao and others who hadn't left yet.

After entering the castle, they found a meeting room. Lin Dong and Qiaoma drew up the relevant island purchase contract in triplicate, written in English.Wang Leshan couldn't understand it, so he naturally gave it to Bai Lanyu. At the same time, he also talked about some details that he had finalized with Lin Dong and Qiaoma on the plane. He heard that everything was recorded in the contract, so there was nothing to ask. up.After Bai Lanyu read the proposed contract, he asked Wang Leshan about some of his doubts. When Wang Leshan said that everything had been discussed, Bai Lanyu naturally didn't say much.

In this proposed contract, Bai Lanyu only read some of the clauses. For other details related to the law, he naturally needed to find a lawyer to represent him.

After reading the contract, Bai Lanyu called Bai Lu directly. Bai Lu invested in a law firm abroad, and it was most suitable for her to find a lawyer.

Soon I also got a call back from Bai Lu, saying that she has found a lawyer who understands the island business and will arrive in Heitulben tomorrow.

The details were negotiated, the contract was drafted, a lawyer was also hired, and Lin Dong and the others would leave in terms of procedures. It can be said that everything is ready and only owes... the money.

Yes, the most important step is still missing, which is the money needed to buy the island.

The selling price of Royal No. 1 Island is 1 million U.S. dollars, and Wang Leshan only has more than 1.5 million Huaxia coins now. Even if you add the odds and ends of other cards, it will be at most [-] million Huaxia coins, which is naturally not enough. And the notch is arguably quite large.

The exchange rate between U.S. dollars and Huaxia currency is a little more than 1:6, which means that Wang Leshan still has a difference of about 5 million Huaxia currency.

There is still such a big funding gap, if you dare to buy the island directly, it is probably Wang Leshan.

After a simple meeting ended, Wang Leshan handed over the advance payment to the middleman Lin Dong. The advance payment was 1000 million US dollars, which is more than 6000 million Huaxia coins. Most of Wang Leshan's money went away like this.

Seeing that Wang Leshan had paid the advance payment, Qiaoma got up and left the conference room.As for Wang Leshan, there is nothing he can do on the Royal No. 1000 island, let alone this fantasy island. At most, he will send someone to watch Wang Leshan from a distance. So, just take the [-] million US dollars as compensation.Of course, at this time, Qiaoma didn't think Wang Leshan would run away.

Wang Leshan and others also left the meeting room. Before dinner, Wang Leshan walked to the side alone, took out the phone, smiled wryly, and found that his phone could not make international calls, so he borrowed the phone from Bai Lanyu .

Wang Leshan called Cheng Liying and Zhong Qing one after another, naturally to borrow money, um, to put it nicely, to make some advance payment.

Now there is a funding gap of about 5 million. Although Wang Leshan has N times the value of things on his body, for a while, Wang Leshan really doesn't know where to sell them all. People borrowed money.

Both Cheng Liying and Zhong Qing have business dealings with Wang Leshan, and the amount of funds is quite good. Among them, Cheng Liying herself said that Jin Yumantang can give Wang Leshan a certain amount of advance payment. As for Zhong Qing, Wang Leshan has a certain amount of money. Confidence.Moreover, Wang Leshan promised to pay it back within one month, or pay it with goods.

Sure enough, when the two women heard Wang Leshan's words, they directly agreed to transfer the money to Wang Leshan within a day.

Wang Leshan originally asked both of them for one hundred million Huaxia coins. Although it exceeded the 5000 million quota that Cheng Liying had said before, Cheng Liying still agreed and prepaid 5000 million more. He promised Wang Leshan a quota of 2 million yuan, which was more than Wang Leshan originally asked for.

Although Wang Leshan didn't tell Zhong Qing that he wanted to buy the island, Zhong Qing certainly knew about it.Although Cheng Liying didn't know that Wang Leshan lacked funds to buy the island, when she heard that Wang Leshan wanted to borrow money, she didn't say anything. After working with Wang Leshan for such a long time, plus some personal relationships, she knew that Wang Leshan would not borrow money for no reason. , there must be an urgent need.

"Not enough money?"

When Wang Leshan put down the phone, a voice came from behind: "Why didn't you call me, afraid that I don't have money?"

Wang Leshan had already known that Bai Lanyu was coming, turned around, scratched his head, and said with a smile: "Who said they didn't look for you? I'll ask you right away."

Bai Lanyu, whose face was not very good-looking at first, was overjoyed when he heard the words, and the cloudy weather turned, and he asked, "How far is it?"

Wang Leshan stretched out two fingers and said: "It was originally short of [-] million Huaxia coins, but now it is still short of [-] million."

Hearing the words, Bai Lanyu secretly rolled her eyes, cooperating with this guy to come out and buy an island with only [-] million Huaxia coins, there is no one else.On the mouth, he said rather contemptuously: "How dare you ask someone to borrow it for only [-] million?"

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "If I knew my sister-in-law is such a rich woman, I would have borrowed it from you."

Bai Lanyu spread her hands and said, "I'm not a rich woman. I can give you a maximum of [-] million. I really can't borrow that much. However, your wife is a real rich woman. If you want one billion, she I can probably make it up for you.”

(End of this chapter)

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