crazy farmer

Chapter 271 Overview of the Island

Chapter 271 Overview of the Island
For these soldiers stationed on the Royal No. [-] island, they really hope that someone will buy the island. From this, one can imagine the degree of enthusiasm for Wang Leshan. All the good things were brought out to entertain Wang Leshan.

All kinds of meat, canned food, wine, etc. were brought out from the barracks, and a wild boar and several egrets that were unique to the island were hunted early. As for the fish caught by the sea, naturally there would be no shortage of them.

Although these foods are not delicious in terms of taste, they can still be regarded as wild game. Wang Leshan ate them with great relish, and also asked these soldiers a lot of things through Lin Dong's translator. I also got a better understanding, especially about the animals on the island - whoever made this group of soldiers really have nothing to do except defending against pirates on weekdays, so they lived on these wild game on the island, so they are naturally very familiar .

What surprised Wang Leshan was that apart from some porcupines, reptiles such as monitor lizards, sea turtles, and birds such as egrets that are common on islands, there are monkeys and red pandas on this island!

Well, the scientific name of this red panda is the red panda, not referring to the small panda, also known as red panda, red panda.It looks like a cat, with a reddish-brown body, a round face, big ears, stubby limbs, and a long, thick and fluffy tail.In terms of appearance, it is somewhat similar to a small raccoon, but the fur color is a bit different.

Although this red panda is not a small panda, it is still quite precious, and there are not many extant ones.

After listening to Wang Leshan, there are more than 40 kinds of animals mentioned by these soldiers alone, and they are all relatively large. If you count the other small ones, it is not easy to attract attention, such as various insects. , All kinds of insects, there must be more.

Wang Leshan was very happy that there were so many animal resources on the Royal No. [-] Island. When he was happy, he couldn't help having a few more drinks with the soldiers.

These wines are strong, but they are a little inferior in quality. To Wang Leshan who is used to drinking Qingtian, it is quite unpalatable. Similarly, to Lin Dong and Qiaoma who are used to drinking all kinds of fine wines, it is also a kind of taste. torment.The difference is that Wang Leshan touched the soldiers one cup after another for countless times, while Lin Dong and Qiaoma both had a taste of it.

Qiaoma watched Wang Leshan drink one bottle after another with these soldiers, feeling very happy in her heart, hoping, no, it should be said to be praying that Wang Leshan would drink more, preferably drunk.As long as Wang Leshan is drunk, he has a chance.At that time, it will not be running away, but Wang Leshan will be tied up. Although it is not necessary to do anything to him, it is necessary to humiliate him, and he must follow his own rules, obediently and obediently. The island was bought!
However, seeing Wang Leshan drink one bottle at a time, I don’t know how many bottles he drank, but there is no hint of drunkenness on his face, not only his demeanor, but also his actions. Clinking glasses, uh, clinking bottles, bottle blowing, tearing wild game with hands, it's very bold and joyful.

"This guy drank so much, why is he not guilty at all!"

Qiaoma complained again and again, her eyes kept rolling, and she thought about finding an opportunity to put medicine in Wang Leshan wine several times, but it was just a thought. Qiaoma really didn't dare to make any changes at this time. At that time, did Wang Leshan beat himself up again in some fancy way?

From this point of view, getting drunk is unlikely, so the only chance is to wait for Wang Leshan to fall asleep? !

It's just that I've been drinking for almost three or four hours, and it's almost two o'clock in the morning, and I'm still drinking!
"Aren't they sleepy?"

Qiaoma, who had been waiting for Wang Leshan to finish his drink and fall asleep, had tens of thousands of grass-mud horses galloping past in her heart!

Today, she was beaten twice by Wang Leshan, and three times on the plane. Qiaoma was really tired and tired. Before Wang Leshan fell asleep, she couldn't stand it anymore and fell asleep.

Lin Dong naturally went to bed early.

In this way, without a translator, Wang Leshan and this group of soldiers drank purely by physical gestures. It was not bad because there was a soldier who knew a little bit of Huaxia. Although it was not much, he at least drank , After doing this kind of words, I still know it well. According to the sentence on the wine table, don’t say anything, it’s all in the wine.

These soldiers were polite to Wang Leshan at first because Wang Leshan might buy the island, but now, after drinking, these soldiers are more warm and polite than before, purely because they admire Wang Leshan's drinking capacity and cheerfulness,

There were a dozen or so soldiers who drank with Wang Leshan in this barracks, and more than half of them belonged to the kind with thick waists and big shoulders. Let alone how strong their combat capabilities are, their ability to drink is definitely not bad. Like the wine in the barracks called "Grenade" by the soldiers, which is much stronger than the outside wine, each of them can drink at least five or six wines. This needs to be exchanged for ordinary liquor, at least More than 1 and a half catties.

However, this Chinese man, Mr. Wang, has drunk at least 50 so far, which is no less than all of them combined!
To be honest, even soldiers like them on the alcoholic battlefield have never seen such a drinking capacity!
The point is that Mr. Wang drank so much, since he can still drink, he almost refuses anyone who comes to him. Anyone who touches the bottle with him will blow it in one gulp without stopping.

It's fine if you're still drinking, since Mr. Wang doesn't have the slightest hint of drunkenness on his face, the most frightening thing is that since Mr. Wang hasn't gotten up to go to the toilet so far, he's sitting there, bang and drink one by one, acting like a master. Open, probably refers to this momentum.

These soldiers originally wanted to "serve" Wang Leshan, let him buy the island earlier, drink and drink, completely out of the mentality of socializing, just want to have a good drink, and take a look at it by the way How can this Mr. Wang drink!

However, it turned out...

At around 3 o'clock, Wang Leshan was the last person lying down. Then he got up and went to the edge to have a rest, stretched his waist, then found a place to sit down again, looked up at the starry sky, and enjoyed the experience. Loneliness in the night.

At first, Wang Leshan drank with these soldiers. To be honest, he wanted to get some words from these soldiers through drinking, so as to speed up his understanding of the Royal No. [-] island.Obviously, this effect is obvious. Under Lin Dong's translation, he really knows a lot about this island.

It was just that after Lin Dong couldn't bear the sleepiness and went to sleep, Wang Leshan could only communicate with each other through gestures, and if he wanted to talk about it, it was obviously unlikely.However, seeing that these soldiers were already drunk, and he himself may have a good impression of the soldiers because he was used to getting along with Wang Qingsong, so he didn't intend to dampen their interest, so he continued to drink with them.

While drinking, Wang Leshan also opened the door to express his interest. Although the wine was quite inferior, it was still strong. After drinking some, he felt more or less dizzy.Ever since he got [Crazy Farm], Wang Leshan hadn't felt this way for a long time, so he went with his temper, let go and drank to his heart's content.

Drinking with this group of soldiers is still very good, the only regret is that the wine is too weak.

After urinating, Wang Leshan's drunkenness basically disappeared. After sitting for a while, he turned his five senses to the maximum, and made sure that everyone in the barracks and nearby had fallen asleep. There were only a few sentries a few hundred meters away, so he stood up. After bypassing the sentinels, he walked towards the beach.

In the dark night, Wang Leshan's eyes, under concentration, reached the level of night vision, and he took a rough look at the places he walked along the way.Saw a lot of trees, saw a lot of buildings, and other signs of human activity.

Along the way, Wang Leshan is quite satisfied with the plants, trees, stones, and buildings on the island so far.He also heard from these soldiers that the pirates used to gather mainly on the other side of the island. Judging from their meaning and tone, it seemed that the environment there would be quite different. It must have been caused by the pirates. As a result, the barracks were no longer there.Wang Leshan originally wanted to go there to have a look, but after thinking about it, he decided to wait until dawn, and he walked along the road to the beach.

When he arrived at the seaside, Wang Leshan checked his surroundings and saw that there were no monitors or anything like that, so he took off his clothes, stepped on the soft sand and jumped into the sea.

After diving into the water, Wang Leshan entered the space, and brought out the bastards in the space.

The mobs who entered the sea again were very happy. Although it was only a day or two since the last time they entered the sea, they had been in the space for thirty or forty days, and they couldn't bear it long ago.

"Swim around the island for a few times by yourself. Don't show your head and don't cause trouble. If you have anything to do, just run back. I'll wait for you here. Go play by yourself."

When the little monster heard this, he immediately let go of his joy.

Wang Leshan came out of the water, entered the space, rinsed, put on his clothes, and lay down on the beach, looking up at the sky, unable to see enough.

It was very peaceful all night, without any twists and turns, let alone seeing frequent pirates.The sky on the sea lit up very early. When the sun was ready to burst out under the sea, Wang Leshan called back the mobs and brought the mobs who were reluctant to part with the ocean back into the space. In a hurry to turn back to the barracks, he watched the sunrise happily.

On such a small island, seeing the sun rise slowly in such an endless ocean is definitely a wonderful thing, not to mention how beautiful it is, the feeling alone is definitely worth cherishing deep in memory.

Moreover, when a person watches the sunrise in such an environment, there is a feeling that the sun is rising specially for him. This feeling is very refreshing!

After enjoying the sunrise, Wang Leshan turned back to the barracks.Coming back this way, I looked at the islands on this side again, and I am more and more satisfied with the lush islands.

"Hey, wake up."

After arriving at the barracks, seeing people sleeping soundly all over the ground, he couldn't help laughing, walked over and kicked Qiaoma, woke him up, then woke up Lin Dong, who was not sleeping well, and started Ready to visit the island.

Although these people were very upset at being called up so early, none of them dared to get up, tidied up a little, and then went out under the leadership of the garrison chief who was drunk and vomited countless times last night. the barracks.

The Royal 10.5 island has an area of ​​50 square kilometers and is an irregular polygon with the largest width and the largest length being very similar.There are long sandy beaches on the east, west, north, and south sides, but there is no natural bay in the south. Two of the three piers on the Royal No. [-] island are built on the south side.The other one is in the north, but the scale is much smaller than that in the south, and it has been in disrepair for a long time. It has been more than [-] years since it was last used.

The two piers in the south have been used by pirates for a long time, and they are often repaired and maintained very well. The two piers together can dock many ships, and the hinterland connected to one of them is quite large. It can be said to be a very good pier.

It's just that there aren't many ships coming in and out of this Royal No. [-] island except for pirates. Such a good pier is somewhat wasteful.

Since the main pier is to the south, the place where the pirates live is naturally also to the south.

Under the leadership of the army chief and accompanied by Qiao Ma and others, Wang Leshan visited the east, west and north sides. Wang Leshan was very satisfied with these three sides.As Lin Dong said at the beginning, the island is rich in fresh water resources, plant resources, and animal resources.Also, the infrastructure is there, including a small power plant, a small airstrip, and a communication tower.

Judging from the four basic conditions of fresh water, transportation, electricity, and communication, it is undoubtedly fully equipped, and it is very good.

After watching these three sides, Wang Leshan and others went to the south. Wang Leshan was quite curious about the south where pirates had lived for more than a century.

Of course, from the officer's unwilling expression, it's not difficult for Wang Leshan to see that the south side is probably not much better.

Even though Wang Leshan had made some mental preparations, when the time came, he was still quite surprised and shocked. The situation was much worse than he had imagined.

There are row after row of very messy, dirty, or wooden or stone houses, and there are even many caves that have been dug out as residences.

Wang Leshan knew that there could not be only pirates living here, and there must be family members of pirates. Moreover, judging from the scene, there must be a lot of people.

Judging from the traces at the scene, it was bombed here, and the outer area was cleaned, but the scale was quite large, only one area was cleaned, and the inside was not cleaned.

Wang Leshan could easily guess that the east, west, and north sides of the island must have been cleaned, otherwise it would not be so tidy. After all, this army has been here for two years, so it must have done something.Probably because the project in the south is too big, these soldiers are really unwilling to do it.

As for this dirty and messy place, God knows if there are still corpses buried inside that have not been dug out, Wang Leshan is not very interested in going in to see it.

Seeing that Wang Leshan stopped moving forward, the most nervous thing was the officer. He was afraid that Wang Leshan would give up the idea of ​​buying the island because of this place, and secretly scolded himself why he didn't insist on letting the soldiers clean it up!Then he looked at Wang Leshan eagerly, and said good things through Lin Dong.

"Don't look any further."

Wang Leshan didn't make too much of a fuss, and said directly: "I bought this island, but before I take over, it must be cleaned up."

(End of this chapter)

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