crazy farmer

Chapter 117 It's Not Easy To Be A Bird

Chapter 117 It's Not Easy To Be A Bird
For some reasons, the Shishi Lei family went overseas a long time ago, at least for a hundred years. Therefore, many people think that the Shi Shi Lei family has cut off the inheritance, and only in recent years have there been sporadic cases. As everyone knows, the descendants of Shizi Lei have only traveled around the country in recent years.

In the outer seas, there are advantages and disadvantages for the inheritance of the Style Lei family. It has been able to maintain this inheritance for a hundred years.

While retaining Lei's inheritance, most of the Lei family also inherited some of the living habits of that time, such as clothing and hobbies, all of which have shadows from the past.

At least, for Lei Guangzong's generation, it may be difficult to take off the robes and jackets for a lifetime. As for hobbies, let alone the "Ten Royal Plays" left by their ancestors, the top five are: walnuts, gourds, Buddhist beads, Bodhi, emerald and jade, the next five things to play: purple sand pot, folding fan, pipe, caged bird, singing insect, these ten things are already deep in the bone.

The upper five games are about perseverance, patience, savvy, wisdom, and moral character; the lower five games are about kindness, elegance, demeanor, optimism, and contentment.

This is not playing with things to lose one's mind in the usual sense, but playing with things to nourish one's will.

Lei Guangzong played with all ten of these, and the caged bird was his favorite, which was also related to his optimistic disposition.

On the way here, Fan Yao had already told Lei Guangzong about the general situation here. There were other guests at Wang Leshan. Don't urge Fan Yao to drive faster.As for some of the people Fan Yao mentioned, Lei Guangzong didn't care much about the farmer's ability to make friends, except that he was a little surprised.

After getting out of the car, Lei Guangzong stretched his waist vigorously and took a deep breath. Breathing such fresh air, he was in a good mood.I also took a general look at the surrounding environment. Although there are no elegant facilities, it is better than nature, with green mountains and green waters, and I think it is good.

After that, I naturally saw a group of laughing people around the cabin.

"It's quite lively."

Lei Guangzong said something with a smile, then walked over there holding the birdcage.

"Master Lei, hello."

Naturally, Wang Leshan saw Fan Yao's car coming, and knew that Lei Guangzong had received it, so he naturally went up to meet him. He found Lei Guangzong's attire quite interesting, and it was somewhat similar to some "ancient people" he often saw on TV. He smiled and said to Lei Guangzong: "Because there are many things here, I can't go to the airport to pick you up in person, so please don't take offense."

Lei Guangzong waved his hand, not caring at all, and said: "Whether you satisfy me or not is not the point, the point is whether your wine can satisfy me."

Wang Leshan smiled naively. Although Lei Guangzong's tone was not good, he could tell he was a man of temperament, so he didn't need to be too cautious. As for the wine, he didn't have to worry about whether he was satisfied. The only thing to worry about was his How much can you drink.

"Hey, you also keep birds?"

As Lei Guangzong approached, he naturally saw the movement over there, said something, and walked over curiously.

At this time, the pair of starlings seemed to be a little sulking at being bullied by fried dough sticks, and they kept their heads down and didn't speak. Such a funny expression made everyone present laugh.

However, Lei Guangzong didn't see the whole process of the ins and outs, and only felt that this pair of starlings was a bit silly.

"This is raised on my uncle's farm and can learn tongues."

Fan Yao knew that Lei Guangzong was a bird lover, so she smiled and introduced to Lei Guangzong: "The one on the left is called bad, and the one on the right is called good. These two little guys are quite interesting."

"How fun can it be?"

Lei Guangzong whistled at the lark in the cage, and said proudly, "Can it compare to my lark? Not only does my lark look good, but it can learn as many as 18 tunes."

Lei Guangzong bought this lark from an acquaintance for nearly a million dollars, begging his grandma to tell his grandfather. A good eagle needs to be boiled, while a good bird needs to be pressed. In addition to its own call, there are eighteen kinds of "tunes" such as Huishan magpie, big magpie, cuckoo, dog days, sparrow fighting, rooster fighting, cat meowing, dog barking, etc.

Moreover, this lark has a broad and aggressive voice, which can last for more than an hour.Lei Guangzong likes to take this lark with him wherever he goes, and when he goes to "meet the birds" with his friends, he always has a bright face.But treat it as the most important treasure, treat it better than his own son!

What Lei Guangzong said was not in a low voice. The people present naturally heard it clearly and looked at him curiously. However, they knew that this must be Wang Leshan's guests, and they were all qualified people. It is also impossible to speak out to run on anything.

Seeing that everyone looked over, Lei Guangzong smiled at the big guy, and then blew a whistle to tease the lark, making it start to perform "tunes" in turn.

I have to say that this lark's cry is melodious and pleasant to listen to, but no matter how to change the various calls, compared with the pair of starlings, it is really different. It is not a comparison, but at least it is the little witch. See Dawu's.

However, they are all qualified people, and it is difficult to say anything to laugh at anything, but they all responded with a kind smile.

Of course, they are qualified people, and the pair of mynahs are definitely low-quality bastards. They were not in a good mood at first, and a provocative guy came, and immediately yelled: "What's your name, what's your name !"

Among them, the bad thing even flapped its wings on the spot, and immediately flew to the top of the birdcage, grabbed the birdcage with its claws, snatched it from Lei Guangzong's hand, and then flew up with flapping wings.

This process was quite fast, and Lei Guangzong was still immersed in the "what's your name" just now, so of course he couldn't react.

"Little broken bird, what's your name?"

The bad thing flew into the air, grabbed the claws of the birdcage and shook it back and forth, scaring the lark inside quite a bit. How could there be any "tune"? It started chirping and screaming.

"Don't bark, don't bark!"

Maybe it felt the "bad spirit" in the bad thing, this lark obediently shut up.

"It's ugly, it's ugly."

The bad thing taunted the lark's cry, and then glanced at Lei Guangzong again, with contemptuous eyes, and then opened his voice and sang: "I am a bird imprisoned by you, I have already forgotten How high is the sky. If you leave, give me a small, small castle..."

I don't know where I heard this bad thing, but I actually sang "**" and I don't know if I was making fun of the lark in the birdcage.Although every few notes are interrupted, it is rare that most of them are in tune. At least anyone can hear that there is a melody.

This time, not only the people who were present were stunned, but even Lei Guangzong was stunned, as if he had completely forgotten that his beloved baby was hanging dangerously in high school.

"Don't make trouble, come down."

Seeing this, Wang Leshan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and sipped lightly at the bad thing in the air.

A bad thing is a man who is not afraid of the sky and the earth, even if he often eats fried dough sticks, he still dares to fight hard, but he is the only one who obeys Wang Leshan's words. Listen to him well, and even have to desperately "please" other humans for him.

Hey, as a starling, I not only have to talk about cross talk and double reeds with Haoshi every day, but also sing to please the public, am I easy?

Hearing Wang Leshan's words, the bad guy immediately flew down, returned the birdcage to Lei Guangzong, and said "I'm sorry for scaring you", then flapped his wings and landed on Wang Leshan's shoulder, obediently using his head Rubbing Wang Leshan's neck, I was afraid that Wang Leshan would get angry. If this human being got angry, he would not be able to eat delicious food.

Seeing this, everyone was stunned for a moment. Where did the unruly bad thing go? Wang Leshan immediately changed into a good baby with a low shout. This change is too fast.

Co-authoring, this is one thing down one thing, right?
"Master Lei, I'm sorry, this little guy usually likes to mess around."

Wang Leshan glared at the bad guy, and then apologized to Lei Guangzong.

Lei Guangzong stared at the bad thing with straight eyes as if possessed by an evil spirit, shook his head, and shook his head again.

(End of this chapter)

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