Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 261 Revenge After 2 Years

Chapter 261 Revenge After 12 Years

Lin Lin couldn't help but feel sad when he saw Wen Jiali's sobbing, he said: "Don't cry anymore, don't cry anymore... Your parents don't want to see you feel sad for them, besides, this incident has passed 12 It's been years, and they don't want to see you sad."

As he spoke, he took out a napkin from his pocket and handed it to Wen Jiali, asking her to wipe away her tears.

Wen Jiali took the lunch paper that Lin Lin handed over, then wiped away her tears, she looked at Lin Lin and said, "Thank you."

"A fire broke out in your parents' clothing factory? Did your parents die in the flames?" Lin Lin asked, "And this fire is not a natural disaster, but man-made? Hao Renchi was the one who set the fire?"

"That's right." Wen Jiali said, "My father slept in the factory for a few days, because a new batch of resistance had to rush to work, so not only my father was in the factory, but many workers also worked overtime in the workshop."

"On the night of the fire, my mother happened to take my younger brother to the factory to visit my father. She didn't go home because it was too dark, but stayed in the factory overnight."

"But there was a fire that night... that fire killed a lot of people... including my parents and younger brother..."

"Why did so many people die?" Lin Lin said in surprise, "Even if there was a fire, wouldn't the workers escape if it caught fire? How could so many people die?"

"The fire started at three o'clock in the morning. At that time, everyone was already asleep. How many people got up? It was a worker who woke up to urinate at night and found that it was on fire... Then he shouted, and everyone woke up."

Lin Lin said: "Then since he's all up and screaming, everyone should be awakened..."

Suddenly, Lin Lin thought of something, and he couldn't help but said, "It can't be that there is no fire-fighting equipment in the factory?"

Wen Jiali shook her head and said: "There are fire-fighting equipment in the factory, but there may not be any fires, so they haven't been used much on weekdays, or the fire was too big at that time... In fact, there are two reasons why so many people died. The doors of the escape routes were locked with two large chains."

"The door is smashed and closed... how can people escape?"

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "How did you lock the escape route? Your father is too..."

"It wasn't my father who locked it, my father didn't know how to lock the escape channel!" Wen Jiali said, "Someone locked it, it was someone! I have seen some workers who worked in my father's factory back then, and they all said that the two This escape door is usually not locked, but it was locked uncharacteristically that day... They all suspected that someone did it on purpose."

While talking, Wen Jiali was very excited. She would not allow anyone to slander her deceased father.

Lin Lin quickly said: "Don't get excited, don't get excited! I believe in you, I believe in you, your father won't lock the escape route...don't get excited."

Only then did Jiali's mood settle down.

"But what evidence do you have to prove that Hao Renchi did it?" Lin Lin asked.

Wen Jiali was excited again, she said: "Of course I have evidence, although I knew from my grandmother and my uncle that the accident in my father's factory must have something to do with Hao Renchi, but because there is no evidence, they Can't do anything, and I can't say he did it. Because on TV, he always appears as a philanthropist, as a good person."

"Don't get excited... tell me, what is the evidence?" Lin Lin asked.

"Didn't I just say that? I have seen some workers working in my father's factory. From the mouths of those workers, I heard them say that some of them once smelled gasoline... This is a typical arson Traces. The case was closed back then, and it was also arson, and two arsonists were arrested."

"It was two thieves who once went to my father's factory to steal things. They said that because they were caught by the workers in my father's factory, they felt resentful, so they set fire to retaliate."

"The two thieves were later sentenced to death. But the two thieves, after they were caught and sentenced, kept complaining and refused to admit that they were the ones who set the fire."

Lin Lin said: "So many people have been killed, they are afraid of being sentenced to death, so naturally they refuse to admit it, but now the police are handling cases with more emphasis on evidence than confession. You can't think that this matter was done by Hao Renchi."

Wen Jiali said: "I have seen the wife and child of one of the two thieves."

"En?" Lin Lin said, "Have you seen them?"

"Yes, because they are still petitioning for this case...Even though the person has been executed, they still haven't given up. I went to them, but they didn't know my identity. I got a piece of information that a week before the accident, that man named Hao Renchi once paid for the two thieves to eat, just to bribe the two thieves and let them set fire. However, the two of them did not Dare to do it."

"Ah, didn't these two thieves tell the judge about this?" Lin Lin was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"I told you, but the judge didn't believe it, saying that these two people were making false accusations." Wen Jiali shook her head and said, "That's why I'm so sure that Hao Renchi did it."

When Wen Jiali's story came to this point, Lin Lin also fell silent.

After a while, Lin Lin asked, "How long have you been planning revenge?"

"Two years and three months." Wen Jiali said, "In order to get revenge, I proposed to change my name. My current father is my uncle. He doesn't know about my revenge. He is a childless man. He was very happy when he heard that I promised to be his adoptive daughter."

"Then how do you know Hao Liang?" Lin Lin asked again.

"Lin Lin, there are some things that you shouldn't know, so don't know, okay?" Wen Jiali looked at Lin Lin and said, "I won't say it."

Lin Lin already had a guess in his heart, and he said, "This revenge plan, you can't think of it yourself, even if you think of it, you can't implement it on your own, someone will help you!"

"No, I thought of it myself." Wen Jiali immediately denied.

But looking at her expression, Lin Lin knew that his guess was correct. He said after a while, "If you deny it, I know there must be someone to help you. I hope you won't be treated as a pawn."

"I've talked to you so much, I guess I'm going to miss the show." Wen Jiali was about to get up after speaking, and went back to Hao Renchi's guest room, but Lin Lin grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing? Are you going to call the police and arrest me?" Wen Jiali looked at Lin Lin and asked.

"You don't need to go." Lin Lin said, "You must have a VCR in your handbag!"

"You..." Wen Jiali suddenly realized that Lin Lin knew everything she was going to do, she said in amazement, "What do you know?"

"I know about drugging and wanting to cause their father and daughter to have sex with each other." Lin Lin didn't hide anything, but told the truth, "You are too vicious. No matter what this Hao Renchi is, Hao Liang is innocent Yes, she shouldn't be involved. So, after you left the room, I went in and stunned their father and daughter by the way. I also poured out the water you put in the medicine, and washed the kettle... ..."

"You..." Wen Jiali couldn't help pointing at Lin Lin after hearing this, and asked angrily, "Why did you sabotage my revenge plan? Why?"

Lin Lin said, "I just don't want you to hurt the innocent, lest you still feel guilty after you get revenge."

"Do I feel guilty? What does it have to do with you?" Wen Jiali said angrily. After she finished speaking, she turned around to leave again, but Lin Lin grabbed her hand.

"Let me go!" Wen Jiali said to Lin Lin, staring at Lin Lin with her big red and swollen eyes.

"What are you going to do?" Lin Lin looked at Wen Jiali and asked, he completely ignored the resentment and hatred in Wen Jiali's eyes.

"What does it matter to you where I go?" Wen Jiali said.

"You are so angry that you want to kill someone yourself?" Lin Lin looked at Wen Jiali and said, "I can tell by the look in your eyes that you are going to do this."

After Wen Jiali's inner thoughts were peeped by Lin Lin, she became uneasy, and she said, "What does that have to do with you, I kill my people, and I don't want you to help me!"

"If you kill him, you will also be sentenced to death. Is it worth it?" Lin Lin looked at Wen Jiali and asked.

Wen Jiali asked with a sneer: "Whether it's worth it or not is my business, and what does it have to do with you?"

"If Hao Renchi really did such an evil thing, is it worth it for you to sacrifice your life for a villain?" Lin Lin stared at Wen Jiali and asked, "Also, it's easy for you to die, but you Have you ever thought about the grandma who raised you up so hard? And the uncle who worked hard at the construction site to pay for your college education? No, he is your father now, don’t you feel ashamed of them? "

"I'm ashamed of them, and you did it too. If you didn't destroy my revenge plan, I wouldn't have to sacrifice my life for that villain's life, so you should feel ashamed of them!" Wen Jiali retorted, "It's your fault!"

"Wen Jiali, listen to me, I can help you avenge." Lin Lin couldn't help but feel that he was really meddling in his own business when Wen Jiali said that. It wasn't that big at all, if it wasn't because I thought Hao Liang was a good person and shouldn't have ended up like this, I wouldn't have helped Hao Liang.

When Wen Jiali heard Lin Lin say that he could avenge herself, she immediately asked sarcastically, "How do you avenge me? Are you a policeman? Are you a judge? Are you a god? Are you a god? Hehe... ... Lin Lin, what do you think you are? Can you help me? Stop joking."

"Let go of your hand!" Wen Jiali said sharply to Lin Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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