Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 260 The Fire Five Years Ago

Chapter 260 The Fire Five Years Ago

"Hao Renchi! You killed my parents, my younger brother, and my whole family... I will definitely not make it easy for you! I will definitely not make it easy for you!"

"I must take revenge on you, I must take revenge on you!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Wen Jiali's mouth, and then she looked at the door of the bathroom with even more hatred in her eyes.

"Water...water..." Hao Renchi murmured on the bed, "water..."

Hearing Hao Renchi's words, she walked to the bedside table, and then looked at the kettle on the bedside table. There was still a pot of water in the kettle. She took out a package from somewhere on her body and poured it into the kettle. After picking up the kettle and shaking it well, he put the piece of paper containing the medicine in his pocket, then poured a glass of water and put it on the table.

"Yeah!" The bathroom door opened.

Hao Liang came out from inside. She felt much more comfortable because she had just vomited. She washed her face with water and became more awake. When she came out, she saw Wen Jiali pouring water. She couldn't help but said, "Huh? Didn't leave?"

Wen Jiali turned her head to look at Hao Liang and said, "No, I told Uncle Hao that he was thirsty, so I poured him some water..."

"Water, water...water..." Hao Renchi said again on the bed.

"Let me do it!" Seeing that Wen Jiali was about to feed Hao Renchi, Hao Liang couldn't help but said, "How can I ask you to do this?"

"Okay, come on!" Wen Jiali said, and she handed the water glass to Hao Liang before she walked away.

Hao Liang took the water glass from Wen Jiali and sat on the head of the bed, then lifted Hao Renchi's head and fed him water.She fed the water and said, "Godfather, you drink so much wine yourself, what's so good about drinking those guys..."

"Hao Liang, it's okay, I'm going back first!" Wen Jiali said to Hao Liang.

Hao Liang turned her head and asked, "Aren't you waiting for me to go back together?"

Wen Jiali said quickly: "No, I can just go back by myself. There should be a bus by now."

"Ah, you still take the bus! How about I ask godfather's driver to take you back?"

"no, I'm fine……"

After Wen Jiali said this, she opened the door and left.But before she closed the door when she left, she deliberately blocked the lock with a small piece of cardboard, and then closed the door.

After Wen Jiali left, she didn't go downstairs, but went to the stairwell.

Because the room is on the [-]th floor, and the [-]th floor is a suite, I usually take the elevator up and down, and no one walks the stairs at all, and there is a thick layer of dust in the stairwell.

But Wen Jiali didn't care about these things, she just sat down in a corner of the stairwell, buried her head in her knees, and kept crying.

God took pity on her, and finally let her take revenge, and it went so smoothly, so smooth that she couldn't believe her own luck.

And this time, she didn't even have to pay any price for revenge.She thought that she would have to pay her own body as the price for this revenge, but God was so fair to her that she didn't even have to pay this price.


Wen Jiali was tangled again at this moment, because she didn't have to pay her body as the price of revenge, someone had to pay, and that was Hao Liang.When she thought of Hao Liang's simple, straightforward, daring to love and hate, and thought that she was a good person, and that she was really cruel to her like this, she began to feel uneasy.

No, why should you have a bad conscience!You did nothing wrong!When that Hao Renchi killed your family, he never had a bad conscience.Besides, this Hao Liang is Hao Renchi's daughter, isn't that a good thing?

Let their father and daughter repay together, this is very fair, very fair!

Wen Jiali, you can't be soft-hearted, and you can't have a bad conscience!
Although Wen Jiali said this to herself in her heart, she was really unhappy in her heart, very unhappy.

"If a person's heart is full of hatred, even if he takes revenge, he will not be happy."

Just as Wen Jiali was crying in a low voice, a voice suddenly sounded beside her. She suddenly raised her head and found that Lin Lin was sitting beside her at some point. She looked at Lin Lin in horror.

"Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious." Lin Lin said, "You resent Hao Renchi. I saw it when I was having dinner just now. I also saw that you deliberately used Hao Liang to get close to Hao Renchi."

Wen Jiali looked at Lin Lin and said, "Who are you?"

"I am He Xiaoyan's boyfriend." Lin Lin said, "Don't you know?"

"Are you trying to stop me?" Wen Jiali looked at Lin Lin and asked, she was a little frightened and flustered.

Lin Lin said: "Hao Liang is not at fault, you shouldn't let her get involved in your hatred."

"She's not at fault? What about my family? Are they at fault?" Wen Jiali asked weeping, "What's their fault?"

"Shh, keep your voice down! This is a hotel!" Lin Lin saw that Wen Jiali's emotions were a little out of control, so he immediately put his hand to his mouth and made a "shh" motion, then whispered.

Only then did Wen Jiali calm down. She wiped away her tears and looked at Lin Lin with red and swollen corners of her eyes.Her heart was full of resentment and unwillingness.

"What's going on? Can you tell me?" Lin Lin asked in a low voice.

Wen Jiali sobbed: "I told you, will you help me? Can you help me? You will only prevent me from taking revenge."

"Do you have to take revenge? Hatred is like drinking salt water in the desert. The more you drink, the hungrier you will become, and it will only make you die suddenly."

"But Hao Renchi deserves to die! He deserves to die!" Wen Jiali said, "He killed my parents, my younger brother, and our family! So, he deserves to die! I want revenge! Even if it means paying me I am not afraid of my life."

Hearing this, Lin Lin sighed, and said after a long time: "Since you are so persistent, I can't say anything, but I really want to know what's going on with this matter? Your hatred is backlogged For so many years in your heart, you really want to tell others about this! Just let me be your audience!"

Wen Jiali said, "Do you really want to hear it?"

Lin Lin nodded and said, "En. Would you like to talk?"

"Didn't you delay the time on purpose, trying to stabilize me so that the police can catch me?" Wen Jiali asked vigilantly.

"I didn't call the police." Lin Lin said, "Don't you believe it?"

"Hehe, so what if you call the police? I didn't kill anyone." Wen Jiali said, "Sometimes, killing a person is too cheap for him. In the end, it can ruin his reputation. It's best to make him die of pain. That is the best revenge for him."

Wen Jiali gritted her teeth when she said this.

"It seems that you hate this Hao Renchi deeply." Lin Lin said with a sigh, "What did he do to provoke your hatred?"

"Twelve years ago, I was seven years old." Wen Jiali said, "At that time, my family had my mother, my father, and a younger brother who was just born and was only a few months old. Our family was very happy together. "

When Wen Jiali said this, there was a smile on the corner of her mouth.Obviously, she was caught in the memory.

"My father opened a garment factory in Shenzhen to process some garments for others. The factory is not big, but it is not small, with more than 300 workers."

"And this Hao Renchi also opened a garment factory, but his garment factory is new and does not have much business, and the scale is not as big as my family's. Oh, speaking of it, Hao Renchi was originally a worker in my father's factory. The deputy factory manager, later he got into a bad fight with my father because of certain things."

"However, his brother-in-law was the director of the Safety Supervision Bureau at the time, so my father didn't dare to say anything more, and the matter was left alone. He also came out to do it alone, opened a clothing factory, and even took it away. Many technicians in my father's factory, as well as skilled car clothing workers."

When Lin Lin heard this, he already understood that Wen Jiali's father and Hao Renchi used to be business rivals.Shopping malls are like battlefields, and not all businessmen are able to speak conscience and morality.It seems that this Hao Renchi must have done something because of business matters.

Wen Jiali continued: "I remember, it was June...it was hot for several days... I was too playful, so I took a cold shower in the hot weather, and I was hospitalized with a cold and a fever."

"The nanny at home goes to the hospital to accompany me every day, and my mother and father sometimes come to accompany me..."

"But for several days, they didn't come to the hospital to accompany me, and I found that the nanny's eyes were red and swollen... I was young at the time, and I didn't quite understand what happened at home. I thought it was because my parents favored boys over girls. I don’t want my brother anymore. I am very sad and very sad.”

"When I recovered and left the hospital, only the nanny came to pick me up. She didn't send me home, but sent me to my grandmother's house thousands of miles away..."

"I haven't seen my parents since then."

"And every time I asked my grandma about my parents, she just shed tears and kept silent. I resented my parents more and more in my heart, and felt that I was abandoned by them... Finally one day, I I got into trouble with my grandmother over trivial matters, and I insulted my parents."

"I didn't expect my insult to get a slap from my grandma. After she finished beating me, she hugged me and howled and cried. I was also beaten by her at the time, and I let her hold me and cry, and I Tears fell uncomfortably at that time..."

When Wen Jiali said this, tears fell and her eyes became even redder.

Lin Lin could feel the bitterness of what she said.

"My grandma told me that it's not that my parents don't want me, but that they want me very much...it's just them...they're all dead, even my little brother who was just a few months old died."

"They died in that raging fire..."

(End of this chapter)

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