Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 215 The Monster Full of Resentment

Chapter 215 The Monster Full of Resentment
Hearing the word "old witch", the green-haired girl's eyes widened instantly, and she scolded: "Old witch?! Why am I old? Do I look old? Do I look old?"

I have to say that this "old witch" is really not "old", at least it looks like she is really not old.However, she herself said the word "a thousand years ago", which means that her age should be more than a thousand years old.

"I'm not a witch! I'm a witch!" she went on angrily. "I'm not married yet! I'm still a maiden, and I'm not a witch!"

It was really fun for Lin Lin to see the other party go crazy.He didn't want to be venomous at first, but when he thought of how vicious this woman was, he couldn't help but want to continue to be venomous.

"Aren't you old? Look at your face is wrinkled, and your skin is wrinkled like melon skin, and... and... look at the corners of your eyes, there are wrinkles... ...an old hag is an old hag...'

The blue-haired girl started to scratch her hair, and said with a crazy look: "No! I'm not old, I'm not old! Our Wu clan is not old for a thousand years! I haven't gotten old... I haven't gotten old!"

Lin Lin continued to use his poisonous tongue and said with a sneer: "You haven't grown old yet? How old are you? A thousand years old? Two thousand years old? Haha, old witch!"

"Grandma, you are really old!"

Hearing Lin Lin's sneer, especially the last sentence: "Grandma, you are really old!" As if her whole body had been beaten by Shuang, she murmured, "Am I old?"

"No, how could I be old? I'm not married yet! I'm not married yet, and my true energy is still intact, how can I be old! I won't be old!"

She immediately grabbed Xuan Bing with both hands, and said to Zhang Junzi, who was frozen in the ice, with a charming face: "Brother, tell me, am I getting old? Am I not getting old? He lied to me." yes, right?"

Zhang Junzi didn't dare to look into the eyes of this terrifying woman at all. He couldn't help looking at Lin Lin, and found that Lin Lin was looking at him with a smile on his face.

He seemed to understand, he looked at the green-haired girl and said, "You are really old!"

"Me! I... am I really old?" Hearing Zhang Junzi's words, the green-haired girl touched her face with her hand and murmured, "Am I really old?"

"I'm really old... No wonder... No wonder... No wonder you like her and don't love me..." She said as if she was lost, and after she finished speaking, she laughed loudly, her laughter was full of sorrow and sadness bitter.

"I'm old……"

"I'm old……"

With a vicissitudes on her face, the green-haired girl slowly turned around and left Lin Lin's room.

After she left, Lin Lin shook his head and said, "A jealous woman!"

"She won't come back again?" Zhang Junzi asked with some fear.He was really afraid to see that woman again.Because that woman was no longer the sister Xinyu he knew, but turned into another monster, a poisonous woman full of jealousy.

"I don't know. But I really don't understand, what kind of entanglement did you two have with her in the previous life, which made her hate you so much?" Lin Lin couldn't help but shook his head and said, "Forget it, how can this thousand years of resentment I can resolve it."

Feng Junai glanced at Zhang Junzi, then looked at Lin Lin and said, "Shangxian, if we don't reincarnate, will we not be persecuted by her?"

"Aren't you going to reincarnate?" Lin Lin said, "Do you want to stay in the human world in the form of ghosts?"

Feng Junai asked: "Is it not possible?"

"Do you want to become lonely ghosts? The magnetic field of the earth, the magnetic field generated by the current, and the magnetic field of the sun are enough to destroy you! Are you still willing to stay in the world?"

"Also, do you think she will let you go if you become lonely ghosts? You think too highly of her!"

Zhang Junzi grabbed Feng Junai's hand and said, "I'm sorry, Junai, I hurt you!"

"I don't have any better solution now. Well, let me put you in my Sumeru ring first! After your souls are stabilized, think about the next thing."

"Thank you, Shangxian!"

"Don't call me Shangxian, I have a name, so just call me Lin Lin!"

Lin Lin included the two of them in the Sumeru Ring.

After putting the two of them into the Sumeru Ring, Lin Lin looked at the two shriveled human skins piled up on the ground, and the stench in the whole room. He couldn't help covering his nose, and cursed: " This perverted woman! The perverted things she made! So dirty!"

Lin Lin really couldn't bear the smell.

Lin Lin immediately opened the window to let the outside air in, and then opened the door. In the end, the stench still couldn't dissipate.He rushed to the toilet again and turned on the faucet.

The "squeaky" water flowed out from the faucet. Lin Lin used his water control technique to manipulate the water to flow on the floor of his room, those places with dirty and smelly water, and those places that were climbed by "human skin ghosts". I washed all the places I climbed, and after the water was rinsed, it seemed to have grown feet, and it flowed back into the toilet by itself.

After cleaning, Lin Lin returned to the room, still feeling the faint smell.

Forced to do nothing, Lin Lin still used the light of purification to purify the entire room once.

This time, the stench in the room finally disappeared, but the purified room "filth" condensed into a black substance.

Lin Lin put the mass of black matter into the Liangyi bottle, and then breathed a sigh of relief.At this time, the sound of a key opening the door sounded.

When Lin Lin heard this voice, his "six senses" told him that the person outside was none other than Ma Xiaoming.Ma Xiaoming was followed by two people, no, to be precise, there was only one person, and the other was Yin Ling.Lin Lin looked at the two pieces of human skins on the ground, shook his head helplessly, and then took the human skins into Xumijie.

Lin Lin came to the living room, and the moment Ma Xiaoming entered the living room, he turned on the light.

"Ah!" Suddenly turning on the light, the people who came in were startled, and they couldn't help screaming.

They breathed a sigh of relief when they saw clearly that the person standing in the living room was a human, not a ghost.

"This is the expert I told you about!" Ma Xiaoming pointed at Lin Lin and introduced.Behind him is a pair of mother and son, the mother is a human, and the son is a ghost.

Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said, "You have been out for so long, just for their mother and child?"

Ma Xiaoming said: "Brother, this mother and child are too pitiful, please..."

"Don't talk!" Lin Lin raised his hand and said.

At this time, the mother who came in knelt down, kowtowed to Lin Lin and said, "Master, I beg you, I beg you, please resurrect my son! My son shouldn't die, He is still very young! I beg you, please resurrect my son, it doesn't matter how much you want!"

The moment Lin Lin saw the mother knelt down, she moved away. The mother kowtowed not to Lin Lin at all.After being kowtowed by others, if you don't handle people and do things, this will also damage your merit.Lin Lin didn't know this at first, but it was recorded on the seal of the mountain god, so Lin Lin knew it.

"Brother, you can definitely help this mother and son!" Ma Xiaoming also looked at Lin Lin pitifully and said.

Lin Lin took a look at the young man who knelt down with his mother, this time he had opened his eyes to see.He shook his head and said: "This is his catastrophe. He is 30 years old. He has a disaster. After this disaster, he can live 27 years longer, which is 57 years old. But he can't survive this disaster. It's God's will. I can't help it." he!"

Hearing Lin Lin's words, the mother who was kneeling on the ground couldn't help crying, "I have only one son, I have only one son! I have only one son... I don't want him to die. Already alive, master, I have heard people say that if you borrow your life, I beg you, I beg you, please lend my life to my son!"

Lin Lin looked at the mother who was kneeling on the ground, and couldn't help but said, "You should be 69 years old this year!"

"69 years old, after September, I will be 70 years old." My mother said, "My husband and I have worked hard for half our lives to have such a little flesh and blood. He died at a young age. How can you tell me to live! Man, I beg you, please lend my life to my son!"

"Even if you want me to die now, I don't have any objections." The mother was about to kowtow to Lin Lin, but Lin Lin held her tightly, and she couldn't lower her head no matter what.

Hearing this, the son next to him couldn't help saying: "Mom, if I am resurrected, it will be at the price of your death, and I don't want to be resurrected, Mom, no, I don't want you to die..."

What Lin Lin dislikes the most is this kind of motherly kindness and filial piety, and his heart softens.With a sigh, what could he say?He had no choice but to walk into the room. Before entering the room, he said to Ma Xiaoming, "Come in!"

Hearing this, Ma Xiaoming knew that Lin Lin must be angry, and he also knew that he should not bring the mother and son back to Lin Lin.But he really couldn't bear to see the mother and child parting.

Maybe he saw what happened to him back then in the mother and son.

After entering the room, Lin Lin closed the door.

"Brother, I was wrong!" After entering the door, Ma Xiaoming looked at Lin Lin sitting on the bed, and he immediately bowed his waist and said with a look of fear.

Seeing his frightened look, Lin Lin couldn't help but ask, "What's wrong with you?"

"I shouldn't have told their mother and son that you have a way to revive her son and gave her false hope." Ma Xiaoming looked at Lin Lin and said.After he finished speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to look at Lin Lin again.

Lin Lin said: "He is a person whose lifespan has expired. For such a person, if I revive him, it would be against the law of heaven. If it is small, it will suffer from thunder disaster, and if it is big, there may be a lot of troublesome causes and effects."

Ma Xiaoming said: "I'm sorry, big brother, I really didn't know that this person's lifespan was over. I thought he hadn't been taken away by ghost messengers for so long, and I thought he was not at the end of his lifespan."

"He was taken away by the ghost messenger, but for some unknown reason, the ghost messenger lost his soul and left him in the world...that's why he stayed until now." Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said.Because on this man's body, Lin Lin saw the traces of the ecstasy lock left by the ghost guard when he was arresting the soul.

Ma Xiaoming asked, "Then what should we do?"

(End of this chapter)

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