Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 210 The First Ghost Customer

Chapter 210 The First Ghost Customer

Just when Ma Xiaoming finished shopping for vegetables, and went to the meat place with a basket, he inadvertently looked up and saw an old lady with a vegetable basket. Pale, somewhat ugly youth.

The appearance of this young man is somewhat similar to that of the old lady.

Looks like the old lady's son.

Ma Xiaoming stared blankly at the young man. This young man should not be a "person", because Ma Xiaoming could see objects that should have been covered through his body.

The young man seemed to have noticed the way Ma Xiaoming looked at him.

Immediately, a trace of joy appeared on his face, and he ran over immediately, stopped Ma Xiaoming, and said, "You can see me, right?"

"You must be able to see me, right?" He reached out to grab Ma Xiaoming's shoulder, but unfortunately his hand passed through Ma Xiaoming's shoulder, and he couldn't touch Ma Xiaoming at all.

He's weak, weak...

Ma Xiaoming could feel that the young man in front of him was very weak, and he was afraid that if he stayed by the old man's side like this, he would disappear sooner or later due to sunlight, magnetic field and other reasons.

This young man should have died less than a year ago.

Ma Xiaoming nodded to the young man.

When the young man saw Ma Xiaoming nodding, he was overjoyed, couldn't help but put his head in his hands, and cried "Wow".

Ma Xiaoming watched him cry helplessly, and when he finished crying, he said: "God, I've been waiting for eight months, eight full months, and finally found someone who saw me."

Ma Xiaoming sighed secretly when he heard the young man's words, how similar this young man is to himself!He also died for several years, and no one could see him.He can only wander in the place where he died, the school, and the home that no longer has parents, living in a daze.

If he hadn't met Lin Lin, he might be even more miserable now.

"My name is Xiao Min, I... I don't know how I died." The young man said while scratching his hair, "But I just died."

Ma Xiaoming said in a low voice: "If you can, wait a minute, follow me home! Although I can see you, but my ability is limited, I'm afraid I can't help you. Your body is too weak, you come to my house Go, I will offer you a stick of incense to make you full, otherwise you will be too weak."

Ma Xiaoming didn't want to act too abruptly in such a lively place like the supermarket, and he had to know that if he spoke into the air, he might be considered crazy.

Xiao Min also found that there are indeed too many people here, so he couldn't help but nodded and said, "Okay. But I'm afraid of the sun..."

The sun's rays burned him uncomfortably, and every time he faced the sun, it was like facing a torture.He is really afraid of the sun.

"From here to my house, I can walk somewhere that is not exposed to the sun." Ma Xiaoming said with his head bowed.

After choosing a piece of pork belly, Ma Xiaoming left with a vegetable basket.

After paying at the cashier, Ma Xiaoming took Xiao Min into the shadows and walked home.

After the door opened, Ma Xiaoming asked Xiao Min to come in, but Xiao Min showed a frightened expression when he saw the gossip mirrors on the doors on both sides, and quickly shook his head and said, "I...I can't get in..."

Seeing this, Ma Xiaoming immediately took off his own gossip mirror and the gossip mirror at the opposite door.He can now be sure that there should be no one living in the opposite door.Otherwise, there won't be so much advertising paper in the gap between the doors.

"Now you can come in!" Ma Xiaoming said to Xiao Min after turning the two gossip mirrors upside down.

After entering, Ma Xiaoming directly brought Xiao Min to the table, lit incense and said, "You can eat the incense candles yourself first, and I'll cook. When it's ready, we'll talk."

Xiao Min nodded.

After a while, the food was ready. Ma Xiaoming walked to Lin Lin's door, knocked on Lin Lin's door and shouted, "Boss, boss...it's time to eat!"

Lin Lin was contemplating in the world of Go, he couldn't hear what the outside world was like.

Ma Xiaoming shook his head helplessly and said: "It seems that the boss is wandering again."

"Googoo" the growling of his stomach made him not want to wait any longer, so he just sat down at the table to eat.

"Now you can tell your story. I will listen while eating." Ma Xiaoming said.

"My name is Xiao Min, and I live in..." Xiao Min said, "I really don't know when and how I died. I think I died inexplicably..."

"You want to find out the cause of your death?" Ma Xiaoming asked while eating.

"At first I really wanted to investigate." Xiao Min said sadly, "I didn't want to investigate later."

"Why?" Ma Xiaoming looked at Xiao Min puzzled and asked.

Xiao Min said with a wry smile: "Did you see my mother who was shopping for vegetables just now?"

Ma Xiaoming nodded and said, "I see."

"I guess she didn't know about my death, because I died outside. She just thought I was working outside and didn't come back."

"If you investigate the cause of my death, my mother must know the fact that I am dead."

"I don't want her to know, I just want her to be happy and happy."

Ma Xiaoming nodded and said, "Huh? Then you just followed her because you wanted to see her?"

"No." Xiao Min shook his head and said, "I put a bank card at home and asked my mother to report it for me. I didn't give her the password or anything."

"Do you want to tell her the password of the bank card?" Ma Xiaoming asked.

Xiao Min nodded and said, "Yes. I don't worry about her living alone..."

"Do you have a wife and children?" Ma Xiaoming asked.

"Yes." Xiao Min nodded and said, "However, they don't live with my mother. My wife doesn't like my mother... and she and I have divorced, and the child was taken away by her. Hey..."

"Actually, I really can't let her go."

Ma Xiaoming frowned, and said for a while, "You don't want her to know the fact that you are dead, but you want me to tell your mother, your bank card password, which seems a bit difficult!"

Xiao Min couldn't help but smile wryly when he heard this, and said after a while, "I know."

"If I don't do it well, I will get into trouble. If your death is exposed, your mother will suspect that I killed you." Ma Xiaoming is not an idiot, he has considered this situation.

Xiao Min lowered her head, bit her lip and said nothing.

Suddenly Ma Xiaoming asked, "Do you know where your body is?"

Xiao Min shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"What? You don't know?" Ma Xiaoming looked at Xiao Min in surprise and said, "Why are you so confused? You don't even know where your own body is?"

Xiao Min said: "When I woke up, I just felt that the sun was very strong, and I felt very uncomfortable when I walked on the street. Then I went under the house to enjoy the cool, and it rained. A lot of rain..."

"It's really difficult for you to handle this matter. It seems that I can't help you anymore." Ma Xiaoming shook his head and said.He really didn't know what to do with this matter.

Xiao Min said: "Except you, I really don't know anyone who can help me, I beg you, please help me!" After he finished speaking, he wanted to kneel down to Ma Xiaoming, and Ma Xiaoming wanted to reach out to help him, But found that he couldn't hold his hand.I had to open my eyes to see him kneel down.

Ma Xiaoming said: "It's no use begging me! I really don't know what to do with you."

But Xiao Min just refused to get up.

Ma Xiaoming frowned and thought for a while, then said: "Stay here first! Wait for my elder brother! He may have a way to help you. However, I don't know if he will help or not."

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Ma Xiaoming couldn't help turning on the TV, and watched the news broadcast and the Imperial Capital News.

After watching the news broadcast and Imperial Capital News, Ma Xiaoming accidentally saw a group of bulletins:
"In a residential building in XXX, City X, a male corpse was found decomposed. It is understood that the deceased was a 29-year-old single youth who lived alone on weekdays. People in the community said that for nearly a year, I have never seen the man. Since eight months ago, the house where the man lived has emitted a very bad smell. The smell of corpses has affected the neighbors. At first, I thought it was the smell of rotting meat, so I didn’t make much reaction. But as the weather gets hotter, the smell becomes more and more unpleasant..."

"According to the on-site investigation, there was no trace of a fight in the house, and the man was lying on the bed...It should be carbon monoxide poisoning or sudden death..."

Suddenly, a photo was canceled on the TV, and the person in this photo was Xiao Min.

Ma Xiaoming looked at Xiao Min in astonishment and said, "Your body has been found."

Xiao Min's face suddenly turned ugly, and he said: "No, I have to go back to visit my mother. If my body is found, he will definitely receive calls from those people to inquire."

After Xiao Min finished speaking, she was about to float out the door.

"Xiao Min, wait a minute, I'll go with you!" Ma Xiaoming didn't know why, but he actually wanted to accompany Xiao Min to his house to see what happened. Could it be because when he was Nan Kemeng, suddenly Death, watching your parents die of illness, and feeling sad?
Does he not want Xiao Min to have such regrets?
After trotting along with Xiao Min, Ma Xiaoming finally arrived at the house where Xiao Min's mother lived.In fact, Xiao Min's mother lived in the same community as them, but because the community was too big, it was divided into several different areas.The place where Xiao Min's mother lives is in the West Area.

Since it's only on the second floor, it's a quick walk up the stairs.

"This is my mother's house." Xiao Min hesitated at the door, he dared not go in.

Ma Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, then looked at Xiao Min and said, "Sooner or later we have to face it."

Ma Xiaoming immediately rang the doorbell.

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

"Yeah!" The door was opened, and the old lady looked at the strange big boy standing at the door, and asked suspiciously, "Who are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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