Chapter 209 Pack up
"Of course it's clean, because 'someone' will clean it up." Lin Lin said with a smile.

Seeing Lin Lin laughing so strangely, Ma Xiaoming felt chills on his neck for a moment, he couldn't help approaching Lin Lin and said, "Brother, you...don't scare me?"

After he finished speaking, he glanced around and found that there was nothing suspicious about the place where he lived. He said, "Brother, this place is really clean!"

"Do you know the Grudge?" Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and asked.

"The Grudge?!" Ma Xiaoming's head suddenly grew dizzy when he heard this. After all, he is the soul of Nan Kemeng. Although he was once a ghost, when he heard the word "Grudge", he felt a burst of terror.

"You mean..." Ma Xiaoming moved closer to Lin Lin, for fear that he might accidentally offend someone.

"Actually, when I opened the door, I saw a resentment in the whole room, soaring to the sky." Lin Lin said, "Did you see the gossip mirror hanging at the door?"

Ma Xiaoming remembered opening the door just now and saw the gossip mirror hanging on the door, so he couldn't help but nodded.

"Also, there is also a gossip mirror hanging on the door of the opposite room." Lin Lin also said, "Although the two doors are not directly opposite, the light reflected by the gossip mirror on the opposite door makes the people of this house 'Stay here, and stay here for several years, hehe... Over time, they will feel resentful."

Ma Xiaoming asked, "Then where are they now?"

"It's broad daylight, and they can't come out. I'll give you a chance to search everywhere. If you can't find it...then these days, you should take part in military training!" Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said , After he finished speaking, he pulled his suitcase into the one near the east of the two rooms.

Pushing open the door, I found that the room was really clean.With the naked eye, no dust can be seen.Lin Lin drew a Tai Chi in the sky, tapped his forehead, and then opened his sealed "eye of the sky".The room he saw was no longer clean, but full of black dead energy, ghost energy and resentment were very heavy, accumulating on every object in the room.

Although these things didn't do much harm to Lin Lin at all, and now Lin Lin didn't need to sleep, let alone make the bed.

However, Lin Lin, who is used to being clean and tidy, couldn't help but shook his head, then drew a Tai Chi in the air, and used the "Light of Purification" and "Cleaning Clothes Curse" at the same time to eliminate the ghostly and dead energy in his room. After being cleared away, Lin Lin collected those ghostly and dead spirits and put them in a bottle.

This gourd was found by Lin Lin in the Immortal Mansion of the Mountain God. It is called the Liangyi Bottle, and it is a very good magic weapon. Its advantage is that it can collect Yin and Yang and transform them into Yin and Yang beads.

Yin-yang beads are a kind of medicine similar to spiritual energy, but the effect is not as good as that of primary spiritual energy pills, and Yin-yang beads are not for ordinary people, nor can they be used by ordinary monks.At least the monks in the late stage of alchemy can use it.Of course, if it's a ghost cultivator, that's an exception.

After Lin Lin finished cleaning her room, she opened the drawers and cabinets in the room, took a look, and found that there were quite a few things inside.It seems that it should be left by the previous tenant.

For these things, Lin Lin has no interest in staying.He immediately took out a blue and white plastic bag from under the cabinet, and stuffed all the things left by his predecessor into it.

"A photo?" Lin Lin found a yellowed photo in the gap at the bottom of the drawer.He took out the photo and looked at it carefully. There was a man and a woman in the photo.

The man was a handsome, refined, fair little guy with glasses, his hair was cut short like a hedgehog, he looked extraordinarily energetic, and he had a smug smile on his face.

The woman is holding the man's hand, and she also has a happy smile on her face. She has long hair, willow eyebrows, big eyes, and a high nose. She is beautiful no matter how she looks. She can be called a beauty.

These two people are wearing couple outfits, and they can be seen as a couple in love.

"What an enviable couple..." Lin Lin couldn't help but said.He couldn't help but think of He Xiaoyan at this moment.Immediately, Lin Lin stuffed this photo into the bag as well.

Next, Lin Lin made two phone calls to ensure safety, one was for his parents, and the other was for He Xiaoyan.After the safety report was over, Lin Lin continued to pack his things.

Lin Lin replaced all the bedding, pillowcases, and even the curtains on the bed in the closet.

At this time, Ma Xiaoming came in. He saw that Lin Lin had cleared out a big bag of things. He couldn't help pointing at those things and asked, "Are you going to throw these things away?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but took out the bed sheet from inside, and found that the bed sheet was very good, very new and clean, he couldn't help but said: "Such a new thing, do you also throw it away?"

Lin Lin said, "Do you think it's a pity?"

Ma Xiaoming nodded and said: "It's a pity. You know, when I was Nan Kemeng, my parents made a living by picking up trash. If they could pick up such good things at that time, they would probably be very happy It's a month!"

Lin Lin was silent for a while and said, "I'm not used to using other people's things. If you think it's a pity, I'll give these things to you!"

"Ah! Really?" Ma Xiaoming asked overjoyed when he heard this.

Lin Lin nodded.

Just as Ma Xiaoming was about to carry the things back to his room, he suddenly thought of something, and said flatteringly, "Lin Lin, you asked me to take these there that..."

You must know that these things are all left by the previous tenant. If there are any additional things left, it would be bad.He didn't want someone to scold him when he was sleeping in the middle of the night...

Lin Lin couldn't help laughing when he heard this. He said: "The sun is very good these days. If you wash these things with water slurry if they are useful, then put them in the sun for seven days to get rid of the shadows." Gas, that's all."

Ma Xiaoming was overjoyed and asked, "So simple?"

"It's that simple." Lin Lin nodded and said, "Take it!"

Ma Xiaoming happily took the big bag away, but was stopped by Lin Lin.

"If you're hungry, eat by yourself. Remember to tidy up the kitchen and the refrigerator, things you need." Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said.

Ma Xiaoming said, "Don't you need to eat?"

Lin Lin looked at Ma Xiaoming and said, "Have you ever seen a fairy who wants to eat?"

Ma Xiaoming was stunned when he heard this, and he shook his head after a while and said, "I haven't seen it before." Suddenly, he couldn't help but said, "But along the way, didn't you eat all the time?"

Lin Lin said: "That was in front of people. In fact, it doesn't matter to me whether I eat or not. Well, let's not talk about it, you should hurry up and clean up!"

Ma Xiaoming said helplessly: "Okay!"

After Ma Xiaoming left, Lin Lin sat down and called Xiao Xie and A Bao through voice transmission.

After a while, Xiao Xie's voice came, and she said, "Master! Where are you? Why do I feel that our connection is so weak?"

"I'm in the imperial capital now." Lin Lin said.

"Emperor Capital!" Xiao Xie couldn't help but said when he heard this, "Master, have you gone to school? I'm still at Abao's house now."

"I'll give you two days to come back immediately." Lin Lin said to Xiao Xie.

"I have no problem, but Ah Bao is reluctant to part with her lover and her parents." Xiao Xie couldn't help but said, "She has been wandering around her parents' house and her lover's house these days."

After hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help but sighed and said, "A Bao's cultivation base is so low now, and he is so attached to his family and friends, I'm afraid something will happen. Xiao Xie, bring her back!"

"Oh, Master, something happened, but there is nothing left now." Xiao Xie said, "I'll talk to you when I get back."

"Come back soon! You are too far away from me, and you will have less protection from me." Lin Lin couldn't help but said, "You must come back in two days."

"Okay." Xiao Xie said.

After Lin Lin finished contacting Xiao Xie, he fell into a dream.He entered the sea of ​​consciousness, saw a black and white chess game under the big banyan tree, couldn't help but muttered: "Xiao Hei, Xiao Bai, I will become stronger as soon as possible."

He originally thought about going into a dream to enter the advanced battlefield practice, but thinking of the physical examination tomorrow, he decided to wait until the physical examination was over before entering the dream practice.

He sat on the Go board and began to study the game.

Ma Xiaoming is indeed a diligent person. Half a day later, he cleaned up the kitchen and refrigerator, and wiped the doors, windows and sofa with water. Even the things Lin Lin sorted out, Ma Xiaoming himself was in another room of his After tidying up, he also took the things of his predecessor to the washing machine to wash them clean, and then put them on the balcony to expose them to the sun.

After cleaning it up, Ma Xiaoming clapped his hands and said, "It's finally clean."

Looking up at the time, it was already past five in the afternoon.

"I went to buy some food and came back."

He took the key next to him, and was afraid that Lin Lin would go out later, so he couldn't help raising his hand to knock on the door, but after thinking about it, he put his hand down.

Will the gods still be trapped outside the house?That is impossible.

He shook his head with a smile, and went out with the key.

Outside the community, there is a big supermarket that sells everything.Ma Xiaoming didn't have much money on him, and the prices in the imperial capital were really expensive.In Beipu County, a catty of green vegetables costs one yuan, but here it costs more than three yuan...even some items cost more than ten yuan.

Ma Xiaoming didn't want to sell more things at first, because Lin Lin said he didn't need to eat, but thinking that it would be too much for him to eat alone without cooking Lin Lin's food.

"He is the big brother, he saved your life... now you should take care of him like a younger brother and be filial to him..." Thinking of this, Ma Xiaoming decided that no matter what happens in the future, he will cook for Lin Lin .

(End of this chapter)

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