Chapter 139 Pride
"I will take care of your mother's affairs. You and your mother's fate as a mother and child is over, why bother to force you to stay in this world! Leave what should be left, and forget what should be forgotten. Otherwise, not only you will be in trouble, Your mother will also be in trouble." Lin Lin looked at the child and said.

"Why?" the child murmured, his tears flowed from his eyes, and fell to the ground one drop after another. He held his little hand, as if he was holding something and refused to let go.

Lin Lin said: "There is no reason, these are the principles of heaven and earth."

The child said: "No. My mother is the best mother in the world. God, it's not fair, she shouldn't be allowed to experience the pain of losing a child. She loves me so much, loves me so can I be willing to leave She...she is a good mother, I don't want to make her sad, I don't want to..."

"What's your name?" Lin Lin looked at the child and asked.

"My name is Pride, my mother said, I am her pride, so my name is Pride." The child said.

At this time, Li Bufan thought of something, pointed to this child and said: "You are that nine-year-old prodigy child, Cheng Zixuan, that prodigy child who plays the piano well and draws well!"

Lin Lin didn't know much about gifted children. After all, his parents didn't know how to study these things, and he didn't care about them. So when he heard what Li Bufan said, he vaguely understood the identity of this child.This child used to be an extremely intelligent child, and being able to have such a child is the pride of being a mother.No wonder, he is called proud!

It really lives up to its name!But bright children generally die young.

It seems that this pride is also God's jealousy.

When Proud heard Li Bufan say his name, he couldn't help raising his head high.Really proud.

Such a child is the pride of heaven and the darling of his parents.

Lin Lin looked at Proud and asked, "Proud, do you love your mother?"

Proud immediately said: "Of course I love my mother!"

"Proud, if you love your mother, you should let go." Lin Lin looked at Proud and said, "Think about it, if you hadn't been wandering in the world and refused to leave, your mother wouldn't have done so many mistakes for you Hey, she loves you, and you should love her too. To love her, you should think about her, let her get out of the pain of bereavement as soon as possible, instead of sinking into grief and unable to extricate herself, which makes her do so much Something went wrong."

Proud is a smart child. When he heard Lin Lin's words, he didn't understand the truth of Lin Lin's words. It was just that when he thought of leaving his mother, he felt very sad.

"Proud, have you ever heard a song called letting go of a kind of love?" Lin Lin looked at Proud and said, "This song is not only about the love between men and women, but also the love between family members."

Proud immediately said: "No, I don't want to let go. I don't want to be separated from my mother. I don't want to!"

Lin Lin couldn't help feeling sad.

And Li Bufan was even more stunned.Although he is very afraid of ghosts, but for some reason, he really can't be afraid of this little ghost in front of him.He even secretly sympathized with the child.

Lin Lin said: "The letting go now is precisely for the possession in the future."

Hearing this, he looked at Lin Lin proudly, as if he felt that there was something in Lin Lin's words.

"Don't be sad, if you reincarnate early, you will be able to reincarnate as a human one day earlier. At that time, you will be able to see your mother again."

Proudly looked at Lin Lin and said, "But at that time, I had already forgotten that I had such a good mother. I still want to be her son, and she still wants to be my mother, is that okay?"

"I'll teach you." Lin Lin beckoned for Pride to come over.Proud approached Lin Lin, and after Lin Lin whispered in Proud's ear, he looked at Lin Lin with joy and said, "Really?"

"I won't lie to you." Lin Lin said with a smile.

"Thank you." He said proudly.

"Okay, I'll send you to hell now." Lin Lin read: "Ashes return to ashes, ashes return to ashes, once you enter the River of Forgetfulness and get rid of the predestined relationship, the six paths of reincarnation go one way."

In an instant, the gate of the underworld opened, but a blue light wrapped in pride flashed into the gate of the underworld, and then disappeared.

And the gate of the underworld disappears immediately after pride enters.

Seeing all this in front of him, Li Bufan was stunned again.After a long time, he came to his senses and said, "Lin Lin, how did you do it?"

"Bufan, you are not allowed to tell anyone about this, otherwise I will never forgive you!" Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan and said.

Li Bufan nodded immediately, like a chicken pecking at rice.

"No, a guy like you is so talkative, he will definitely tell others. I think I have to teach you some lessons." Lin Lin smiled after finishing speaking.

No matter how you look at this smile, Li Bufan immediately said: "Lin Lin, I swear, I swear, I will not tell anyone about what happened today, I will not tell anyone... If I say it, let me From now on, when I give birth to a son, there will be no asshole, and when I give birth to a daughter, there will be no tits!"

"This curse is a bit harsh, but it belongs to your son and daughter, not you personally. Besides, your son has no asshole, so he can have surgery, and your daughter has no tits, so she can have breast augmentation." Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan. Said.

Li Bufan thought for a while, and immediately said: "Then let me never get a girl and masturbate for the rest of my life. That's all right!"

Hearing this, Lin Lin couldn't help laughing, and then said: "That's enough. But, Bufan, you remember your oath, don't break it, or I won't be able to save you when the time comes. Because you made this oath yourself."

Hearing this, Li Bufan was dumbfounded.He immediately said: "Lin Lin, this oath is too harsh, can I change it?"

"What do you think? If the oath can be changed at will, what oath is there?" Lin Lin rolled his eyes, and then said to Li Bufan angrily.

"Woooooo..." Li Bufan was about to cry at the moment.

"Okay, don't pretend to be pitiful. Tell me, what do you want from me?" Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan and said.

Li Bufan said: "There is no more now."

At this moment, he looked at Lin Lin nervously, with an unnatural expression on his face.

Seeing how powerful Lin Lin was, Li Bufan didn't know that the blue light that rescued them that day must have been made by Lin Lin.Lin Lin's methods have already made Li Bufan treat Lin Lin like a god.

Seeing Li Bufan's unnatural expression, Lin Lin couldn't help saying: "Bufan, you don't have to be so nervous, you can treat me as a friend. I'm still the same Lin Lin from before, and I'm still your brother."

After hearing Lin Lin's words, Li Bufan couldn't help but said, "It's a brother. Is there a brother like you? Don't tell me anything!"

Lin Lin thought for a while and said: "Some things, I don't tell you, it's for your own good. However, you can really treat me as a brother. I will always treat you as a brother."

Li Bufan immediately said: "That's what you said!"

Lin Lin nodded.

"En? Where did it go? Why did it disappear?" Li Bufan said while searching for Lin Lin's pockets, as if he was looking for something.

"What are you doing?" Lin Lin asked angrily.

"Where's that black bead just now?" Li Bufan clearly saw that bead was held by Lin Lin in his hand, so he couldn't find it in a blink of an eye.That thing should be very powerful.

Lin Lin scolded: "Of course I destroyed it. Such an evil thing, why keep it?"

In fact, Lin Lin did not destroy this object, but was put into the Xumi Ring by Lin Lin.

"Destroyed? Hey, what a pity, this thing should be able to do a lot of things! Do you think mortals will gain mana after eating it?" Li Bufan couldn't help but said.You know, after that little ghost eats that object, that little ghost can turn into that scary look. If he eats it, what will he look like?

Lin Lin rolled his eyes at Li Bufan again, and he said, "Not only will there be magic power, but it will also be very powerful!"

"Really?!" Li Bufan said in surprise when he heard this.Suddenly he felt that something was wrong, and he said, "Since it is so powerful, why did you destroy it?"

"Because it can turn a good soul into evil, and eventually become a ghost who knows nothing. This thing should be a ghost pill of a ghost. I don't know how it fell into the hands of pride. I think it should be It was his mother who made a deal with some devil in order to keep pride by her side!" Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan and said.

" scary." Li Bufan shrank his head.He was still terrified when he heard the word devil.

"Bufan, tell me what you know about pride." Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan and said.

It was only at this time that Li Bufan came to his senses. He said, "Actually, I don't know much about pride. I heard it from the Internet and from my mother."

"As much as you still know, just tell me." Lin Lin said.

Li Bufan thought for a while, collected his thoughts and continued: "I only know that the proud mother is a single mother. She is the only daughter of one of the four major families in the county. Her name is Cheng Yuanheng. She used to be a doctor who studied in the United States. When I came back from abroad, I was proud of being a four-year-old."

"This incident has become a shame for the family, and it has also become a reason for the other three families to look down on the family."

"However, Cheng Yuanheng's grandfather likes to be proud. Therefore, Cheng Yuanheng's father has no way to refuse this grandson."

"Proud has shown differences from ordinary children at a very young age. He is very smart. It is said that he began to read at the age of three, read books and newspapers by himself at the age of four, played the piano well at the age of five, and was able to play the piano at the age of six. It's a good painting."

"Before the age of seven, you can finish all the textbooks in junior high school."

"When I was eight years old, I participated in the Chopin International Piano Competition. Although I didn't enter the top ten and only won No.11, it caused a great sensation and became a household name."

(End of this chapter)

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