Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 138 Li Bufan is in Trouble Again

Chapter 138 Li Bufan is in Trouble Again
When Leng Bingbing finished filling out her volunteer form, and she only filled out her first choice, which was Kyoto Normal University, and did not fill in the other two or three volunteers, she also handed in her volunteer form.

The old lady frowned when she saw Leng Bingbing's application, but she didn't say anything, and just accepted it.

Regarding filling in volunteers, as a head teacher, you can't give too many opinions, especially when students have already filled out their volunteers.

"Lin Lin, Lin Lin..." Lin Lin went to the shed, and just unlocked the bicycle, when he heard someone calling him from behind. The voice belonged to Li Bufan.

"Lin Lin, are you free?" Li Bufan came to Lin Lin's side and asked in a low voice.

Lin Lin said, "What's the matter?"

This kid speaks in such a low voice, it feels like a thief.There's certainly nothing good about it.

"It's not convenient to talk here." Li Bufan said.After Li Bufan finished speaking, he looked around, like a thief.

Lin Lin couldn't help but find it funny, he said: "Then go to my house!"

"Okay." Li Bufan said immediately.

When Lin Lin and Li Bufan pushed their bicycles away, Lin Lin felt it.

Li Bufan's appearance as a thief is not pretending, nor is it caused by his overthinking, but that there is indeed something following him.

However, Lin Lin pretended not to know, but if he brought this thing home, it would inevitably affect his parents.After thinking for a while, Lin Lin said: "Bufan, I suddenly remembered that my mother didn't cook me lunch today, and there is nothing in my refrigerator at home."

"I said Bufan, it's already noon, should you treat me to a meal?" Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan and said.

Li Bufan rode on the bicycle and said angrily: "What do you want to eat? But let me tell you, I am poorer than you now. My house has just been burned down. You know it."

Lin Lin smiled and said, "En. Just a bowl of snail noodles, you can't afford it!"

He really didn't have any money on him.Because I came out in a hurry, I didn't bring any money with me.

"Okay, a bowl of snail noodles!"

After ordering the snail noodles, Lin Lin didn't eat them in the store, but asked the boss to pack them.He took Li Bufan to eat snail noodles on the stone table under the big banyan tree in Heti Park.

"Hey, Lin Lin, what are you doing? It's a hot day, sitting here eating snail noodles. We might as well go home and eat, at least there is air conditioning, no, your house only has fans." Li Bufan said with some complaints .Although he complained, but when he saw Lin Lin sitting down, he could only sit down with Lin Lin.

It was a hot day, and it was still noon, and there was no one in the park.

Lin Lin said angrily: "How good it is to eat here. Look, the river wind is blowing and it's cool enough. What are you picky about? Eat yours quickly, or the snail noodles will dissolve after soaking for a long time. Unpalatable."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he started to eat, and it was quite delicious.

Li Bufan had no choice but to follow suit.

After eating, Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan and said, "Wait a minute. I'll come as soon as I go."

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he stood up, and Li Bufan just raised his head, but when Li Bufan raised his head, he found that Lin Lin in front of him seemed to disappear?
No, still here?
Could it be that the disappearance in a split second was my own illusion?
"Bufan, is this thing following you?" Lin Lin held something in his right hand, looked at Li Bufan and asked.Although Li Bufan couldn't see what Lin Lin was holding in his right hand, he could see a dark brown air mass on Lin Lin's right hand.

He froze for a moment.I thought to myself, what is this?
Lin Lin tapped Li Bufan's forehead with the index finger of his left hand. In an instant, Li Bufan saw that what Lin Lin was holding was a terrifying thing.

Like a man, but not a man, for though he looked like a man, his skin was like cracked old bark, and his hair was green, and his eyes were hollow, and he had no nose, There is only one mouth, which appears to have been carved with a knife.Its body is not high, about one meter or so.

At this moment, Lin Lin was pinching his thin neck tightly. It struggled unceasingly, trying to cry out, but it couldn't.

"Lin Lin, what is this?" Li Bufan said with beads of sweat on his forehead.

"Ask me? This thing has been following you. Why are you asking me now?" Lin Lin looked at Li Bufan angrily and said.

"What?" Hearing this, Li Bufan's face turned even paler.No wonder I always feel that something is following me these days. It turns out that it is really not my illusion, and the thing that follows me is not a public security officer or something, but this unknown thing.

"Tell me, what are you?" Lin Lin asked fiercely waiting for that thing.

But that thing struggled, struggled, and didn't speak at all.

"If you don't say anything, don't blame me for being ruthless!" Lin Lin said, looking at that thing coldly.

Hearing Lin Lin's words, the thing struggled more obviously, as if it was afraid of Lin Lin.

And Li Bufan seemed to have noticed something was wrong.

After a while, Li Bufan said: "Lin Lin, it seems that you grabbed it by the neck, and it can't speak!"

At this time, Lin Lin suddenly realized that he immediately drew a Tai Chi in the air, and said: "The ground is a prison." Immediately, a circle of light appeared around Lin Lin, and the circle of light disappeared in a flash.

And Lin Lin threw this thing down. After Lin Lin threw this little thing down, he covered his neck and coughed, and it took a long time for the coughing to stop.

After it stopped coughing, it immediately wanted to run away. Unfortunately, no matter which direction it ran, it would be hit all over its head. In the end, it had to cover its head with its hands and squat on the ground with its buttocks. Cleft mouth called pain.

Li Bufan was very afraid of this thing, he couldn't help but grabbed Lin Lin's sleeve, and looked at this thing in horror.

"Tell me, who told you to come here?" Lin Lin looked at the thing coldly and asked.

"Yes, yes, I came here by myself." The thing spoke, and it opened its mouth to speak, and it turned out to be a child's voice.It's also very nice.

Lin Lin sneered and said: "You came here by yourself? You are not afraid of the sun's rays, you can follow a person in broad daylight, and you have such a body, don't say you are an ordinary kid. I don't will believe it."

"Ah, it, it, it turned out to be..." Li Bufan covered his mouth and looked at this thing with wide eyes in horror.

"I followed it myself." The thing stood up, and it said to Lin Lin, "If you want to kill, you can kill, and if you want to cut it, you can cut it! What are you doing with so much nonsense? It's a big deal, your soul will be scattered, and you won't be able to survive. "

Li Bufan found that his brain was not enough.

"It seems that you are very protective of the people behind you. Hehe, do you think that if you don't speak, I won't be able to know who the people behind you are? Don't you know that I can use the soul search method?" Lin Lin looked at the little ghost coldly and said, "At that time, only at that time, you will become an unconscious soul body, and I happen to be short of a Taoist soldier by my side, so it would be appropriate to use you. It can be used to deal with the people behind you."

Hearing Lin Lin's words, the thing's empty eyes showed fear.It cursed: "You are so mean. You mean little man."

"I'm despicable? Hehe, you're not despicable, why are you following my friend? Are you trying to murder my friend? Let me ask you, what does the two arson cases in Beipu have to do with you?" Lin Lin revealed Said with a sneer.This guy is definitely connected to the arson case.

"I won't say it." It said stubbornly, "Hmph, do you want to use the soul-searching method? I immediately detonated the ghost pill in my body, and when the time comes, everyone will die together."

"Haha, you've learned how to threaten me." Lin Lin couldn't help laughing. After laughing, his tone became more and more cold, and he said, "You are so brave."

While Lin Lin was speaking, the figure disappeared in the same place again, and when Lin Lin returned to the original place, that thing was pinched by Lin Lin's right hand again.

Lin Lin pinched its neck and put his left hand on its forehead.

It struggled, trying to break free from Lin Lin's control, but it was a pity that it couldn't break free at all. Not only that, it wanted to detonate the ghost pill in its body, but found that it couldn't detonate no matter what. The inner pill was controlled by the person in front of him .

With a sneer, Lin Lin took off his left hand that was placed on the head of the thing, and thrust it into the dantian of the thing. After a while, a thing about the size of a quail egg, emitting black mist, was caught by Lin Lin. pinch in the left hand.

After Lin Lin took out this thing, he threw it on the ground again and again.After this thing was thrown on the ground, it was no longer a strange thing, but turned into an ordinary child.

Mo Yang, who is eight or nine years old, looks very cute, with a cropped cut, big eyes, and a delicate face like a porcelain doll.

"This is..." Li Bufan looked at the cute child in front of him. He couldn't connect this cute child with the strange thing just now. Is this child really the strange thing just now?

"Give me back the ghost pill." The child shouted.

Lin Lin looked at the child and said, "This thing is so evil, if you are corrupted by it again, you will become a ghost. I can't return this thing to you."

"Forget it, I will send you into reincarnation and let you be reincarnated as a human after I have done my good deed to the end!"

After Lin Lin finished speaking, he wanted to send this little thing in front of him into the water of the Yellow Spring, and let it drift directly with the river of the Yellow Spring, flowing into the six realms of reincarnation.

"Wait a minute," cried the little boy, "my mother will be sad if I leave like this."

"Your mother is the one who found this evil thing for you, right?" Lin Lin looked at the child and said.

The child bowed his head and acquiesced.

(End of this chapter)

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