Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 110 The Crazy Water Ghost

Chapter 110 The Crazy Water Ghost

"There is definitely a problem with the North Street Ferry!" Lin Lin used to scoff when he heard such legends, but now that he has stepped into cultivation, he is no longer suspicious of such legends.

Lin Lin's water escape technique can travel thousands of miles in an instant, so for a place as close as the North Street Ferry, he can reach it in the blink of an eye.

Arriving at the center of the river at the North Street Ferry, Lin Lin felt a faint black air emanating from the side of the iconic large cobblestone at the North Street Ferry. The black energy from the water demon he collected was much stronger.

If this ferry was ten years ago, there were still people coming and going. However, since a bridge across the river was built not far from the ferry, this ferry has gradually been abandoned.Now the punter on this ferry is just an old man in his 60s. The old man stuck a penny in the boat hole, and then sat on the boat and smoked a cigarette, waiting for the guests.There was not a single guest in his boat, nor was there anyone on the nearby shore.

The current sky is only after five o'clock in the afternoon. At such a time, there are still some people coming to take the boat at the ferry. Lin Lin originally planned to wait until it was dark, but he felt that time waits for no one, and his mission has a time limit. , so he didn't want to wait.Immediately jumped onto the cobblestone.

Ling Kong drew a Tai Chi and hit it on the big rock, and said: "The ground is a prison!"

In an instant, the ghost hiding in this stone was trapped, and then Lin Lin drew a Tai Chi in the air, and said: "Xuanhan is frozen!" to freeze the stone.

The boatman sitting on the boat smoking a cigarette didn't notice how the Taoist priest got on the big rock at all. When he noticed, he saw that the Taoist priest was drawing some spells in the air, chanting some spells, In an instant, a khaki-colored Tai Chi symbol was hit on the big rock, and then a sky-blue Tai Chi symbol was also hit on the big rock.For a while, the boatman's brain capacity felt insufficient.

Staring blankly at the Taoist priest, he didn't even feel that the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground.

This boatman felt that there must be something wrong with his eyes, because he couldn't believe what he saw. It was broad daylight and the sun hadn't set yet...

The priest didn't know what spell he had recited, and in an instant, there was a wind ball similar to a tornado in his palm, and this wind ball could be divided into countless thin lines, like a snake, stretching infinitely. Long, entangled on the big rock, some wind snakes penetrated into the big rock, and after a while, a human-shaped black air was caught from the big rock.

Although it was broad daylight, since the sun had set, there was no sunlight shining on the big rock, and the sunlight had been blocked by the river embankment next to it, forming a relatively dark area.

The boatman felt that he was absolutely right, because the black mass really looked like a human being, and it looked like a small person, a child, and he could faintly see the black mass appearing from time to time. s face.

It was a face he would never forget.

It was a child's face, the face of a little boy.

This boy used to be a good friend of the boatman, a good friend in his youth, named Shuizhu.

That was 50 years ago, when the boatman was still a 12-year-old child, and Beijie was not called Beijie, but Beicun.The living population is not as large as it is now, only about fifty households.

At that time, the Beipu River was still pleasantly clear, not as turbid as it is now, and the river water was still drinkable.

Shuizhu is as old as the boatman, but Shuizhu's family is very poor, and his father is a gambler who stays away all day, and beats his wife and children when he comes home.Shuizhu's mother is willing to do anything in order to have a bite to eat, including of course selling her body and appearance. Over time, Shuizhu has become the object of ridicule in the village.

Everyone called Shui Zhu a bastard, a bastard... In short, Shui Zhu endured all kinds of insults at the beginning, but as time passed, when his anger accumulated to a certain level, Shui Zhu no longer endured it, but rose up to resist up.He beat up those who dared to insult him face to face. He was big, and his shots were ruthless.

The parents of the child who was beaten came to find Shuizhu's mother to insult her, and Shuizhu's mother was also broken and broken. She was severely beaten by her husband at home and abused outside. He took a stick and drove away those who dared to insult her.

After a long time, no one dared to approach them.

And Shui Zhu became famous for being fierce and fierce, and became the leader of the children on Beijie.

"Shui Zhu, do you know that Xiao Hua scolded you behind your back today?" At this time, a brother beside Shui Zhu said to Shui Zhu.

Xiaohua is the most beautiful girl on North Street. Yesterday, Shuizhu went into Xiaohua's house to steal something to eat because she was hungry. He happened to see Xiaohua sleeping on the bed. For some reason, he went over and kissed Xiaohua in a strange way, and ended up killing Xiaohua. After waking up, Xiaohua yelled in fright.

Xiaohua's parents came over, protecting their crying daughter, cursing the water column together, cursing the water column short-lived ghost and so on.

"Oh!" Shui Zhu didn't react much when he heard what his brother said.

"Shui Zhu, didn't you look at Xiao Hua?" A brother couldn't help asking when he saw Shui Zhu like this.

If it were someone else, they would definitely jump up and deny it as if their tail was stepped on, but Shui Zhu said: "So what if I like her? I just like her, she is really beautiful..."

"When I become rich, I want to marry ten beautiful girls like Xiaohua as wives. No, ten is too little. I want to marry twenty..."

Hearing Shui Zhu's bold words, the brothers next to him and the adults who heard them couldn't help scolding in their hearts: "You are poor, and you still want to marry a wife? You look fierce and vicious, and you look like a short-lived woman. If you want to marry you, it’s not bad, but if you want to marry a beautiful wife, give me twenty... sows!"

Of course, they only dared to curse in their hearts, not out of their mouths.

On this day, Shui Zhu took his brothers to swim in the river to catch fish, and something happened when they fished.When the water column swam to the center of the river, for some reason, he struggled and shouted for help.

Although everyone is joking with Shui Zhu on weekdays, it is because they are afraid of his iron fist, so when they heard his cry for help, many people did not go in to save people, but you look at me, I look at you, and finally the boatman and A few friends with better relationships swam over to save people, but unfortunately, the water column had an accident in the middle of the river. It would take time to swim over. It sank to the bottom of the water, and they searched back and forth, but they still couldn't find the water column.

Since they couldn't find it, everyone didn't want to look for it, and those who were offended by the water column couldn't help cursing in their hearts: "Such a short-lived species deserves to die!"

Three days later, Shuizhu's body floated up next to the big rock.

Seeing Shui Zhu's body, Shui Zhu's mother went crazy. Not long after Shui Zhu's death, everyone could hear Shui Zhu's mother babbling: "Twenty daughters-in-law, all beautiful girls... twenty daughters-in-law , are all beautiful girls..."

Hearing Shui Zhu's mother's crazy words, the faces of many people who heard Shui Zhu's bold words that day changed.

Shui Zhu's mother smiled and said: "The twenty daughters-in-law are all beautiful girls, and the first daughter-in-law is Xiao Hua, Xiao Hua is beautiful, Xiao Hua is beautiful..."

Hearing such crazy words, Xiaohua's parents were terrified. Knowing that the day before Shuizhu's accident, they cursed Shuizhu as a short-lived species, and Shuizhu secretly kissed their daughter Xiaohua, they felt the creeps.

Xiao Hua's parents immediately asked people to prepare black dog blood, found the graveyard of Shuizhu overnight, poured black dog blood on it, and restricted their daughter not to approach the river, especially not to cross the river, hoping to escape disaster.

Three years passed in a flash, and Shui Zhu's crazy mother died of illness less than a year after Shui Zhu's death because there was no one to take care of her, and Shui Zhu's gambling father was also unable to repay due to usurious debts. But he was beaten up, injured all over his body, and finally died on the bed.

Without Shui Zhu's family, everyone has almost forgotten about Shui Zhu's rhetoric before his death.

And Xiaohua has also changed from a 12-year-old girl to a 15-year-old lovely young and beautiful girl. Because of her outstanding appearance, many people have taken a fancy to her at the age of 15, and she can get married at that time Yes, so at the age of 15 she has three years before she can get married.

Parents also feel honored because they have such a beautiful daughter, and they all discussed marrying her to a better family, thinking that their daughter would marry into a rich family, and they would also be honored...

Just when they were having a good dream, their daughter Xiaohua had an accident.

That day, Xiaohua went to the street to buy some things. Because she was greedy for a shortcut, she took a boat. Who knew that after getting on the boat, the boat bumped a bit in the middle of the river, and the whole boat almost capsized. This time, she fell into the water because of the bumps, and many people went into the water to save her.

It's a pity that no matter how people salvaged her, they couldn't find her. Three days later, people found her body near the big rock, that is, where the water column died.

Since then, every three years in this river, a beautiful girl under the age of 16 will be drowned.The people in North Street once paid for mages and Taoist priests to clean up this water column. Unfortunately, those mages or Taoist priests who invited you here were either scared away or some liars. They were not the opponents of this water column at all.

Then it was another 20 years of chaos, when all ghosts and monsters were overthrown, no one dared to ask the mage to clean up the water column, and the matter was left alone.

(End of this chapter)

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