Urban Youth Cultivating Immortals

Chapter 109 7 deadly sins bounty mission (4)

Chapter 109 The Seven Deadly Sins Bounty Mission ([-])
"Fuck you, you like Zhao Jun yourself! Don't pull me in." Wang Li scolded.She was really disappointed in this Shanzi in her heart. Can such a man give herself a future?

In addition to playing games all day, I still play games...

Forget it, get another boyfriend!Although it is a childhood sweetheart, although it is the first love, but when I think that there is no future with him, I am really worried.

Shan Zi hung up his girlfriend's phone, and the president of the computer game guild sent him a message, asking him to form a group to fight the boss at night. Seeing this message, he immediately responded: "OK, no problem."

"Go to the kitchen and see if there is anything else to eat. If it's not good, let's go out and eat a bowl of noodles!" Shan Zi thought of this, and then stood up.

It may be because he sat and played with the computer for too long, facing the computer all day, and his mental state was really poor. As soon as he stood up, he felt dizzy for a while, staggered and almost fell, but fortunately he held the table with his hands, That's why I didn't fall down.

After playing on the computer for two days and two nights, he hasn't eaten anything since last night, but only drank some water. It's no wonder his physical strength is good. At this moment, he is really dizzy.

Holding on to the table, Shanzi stood for a long time before he felt his head not so dizzy.

However, a burst of drowsiness swept over him. At this time, he was sleepy and hungry.

When he looked up, he saw a Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe standing straight in front of him. Before he could react, the Taoist priest grabbed his collar with one hand and pulled him up. Knowing whether it was an illusion, or his eyes were dazzled by hunger, he could see that the priest grabbed a red thing in his body.

That thing was in the shape of a human being, and it was strangled by the Taoist priest. It kept struggling and screaming. Its screaming sound was terrifying and unpleasant...

After the thing was grabbed out of his body, Shanzi felt a sense of drowsiness... His eyelids became heavy, and his mind became less clear. In an instant, he fell on the bed and fell into a deep sleep.

After Lin Lin solved the obsessive ghost and delivered the task, he got an extra 300 points of spiritual strength and 15 points of merit reward, and also got a novice ring as a reward.

This ring looked similar to the Sumeru Ring. Lin Lin released his consciousness to enter, and found that the space of this ring was not large, only as big as a ten square meter house.

However, the space can be expanded with aura, but now that I have the Sumeru ring, this ring is useless to me and has no practical use.

Lin Lin threw the novice ring into the Sumeru Ring and left it there.

Lin Lin looked at the rubbish on the ground, looked at a large pile of packaging bins of fast food noodles on the computer, and couldn't help shaking his head. Because this young man liked online games too much and was addicted to them, he was caught by the addicted ghost. And the upper body, if he hadn't come quickly, I'm afraid he would have been addicted to the Internet, refused to get off the plane, and died suddenly in front of the computer in the end.

Lin Lin sighed and shook his head helplessly.

The Internet is a double-edged sword, both good and bad.It depends on how people use him.Lin Lin walked over, touched Shanzi's breath, and found that his breathing was normal, and then tested his pulse with his hand, and found that his pulse was also beating normally, which made him heave a sigh of relief.

Now that he was sure that the other party's life was not in danger, Lin Lin didn't want to worry about it anymore, so he continued to accept the bounty mission.

You must know that he still has a long way to go before reaching 3000 merit points.

Lin Lin saw that the last mission of the "Seven Deadly Sins" was to catch the arrogant ghost, and the location of this mission was back to Beipu County.Lin Lin estimated in his heart that this task should be the last task of the novice task!
Lin Lin originally thought that the last task would be more difficult, but he didn't expect that the last task was not too difficult, and he finished the task in only 15 minutes.

Lin Lin also knew the person who was possessed by the arrogant ghost this time. He was a middle-aged man who often drove to school to pick up Ma Xiaoming. Later, he learned from others that this person was the deputy director of the County Public Security Bureau. Nie, called Nie Dong.

However, when Lin Lin found him, he was not in the Public Security Bureau, otherwise Lin Lin would not have completed the task so easily.At that time, Nie Dong was enjoying a steam bath in a certain sauna center. There were only two people in the room, one was him, and the other was unknown to Lin Lin, but it looked like a boss.

When he entered, Lin Lin saw the boss, kneeling on the ground, looking at Nie Dong with a pitiful look, but Nie Dong raised his proud head, and didn't even look at the boss, no matter what the boss did. Begging, when Lin Lin came in, in order to avoid trouble, he didn't forget to bring down the boss who was kneeling on the ground while catching the arrogant ghost.

After catching the Arrogant Ghost, he delivered the mission. Since the mission time was very short, he got an extra 300 points of spiritual strength and 15 points of merit. Besides, he also got the last piece of novice equipment, Liuyun Boots .

Lin Lin took this pair of boots and looked at them. The style was no different from the ancient boots. They were light and weightless, but they felt that the quality was not bad.However, Lin Lin was not used to wearing such boots, so he put the boots in Xumijie for preservation.

After Lin Lin received the reward, the system popped up another dialog box: "Congratulations on completing the novice mission. Rewards: 1. Mental Strength +1000, 2. Merit Points +200."

Seeing that so many merit points were rewarded, Lin Lin couldn't help being happy.It suddenly occurred to him that this bounty token once reminded that there would be additional rewards for completing ten bounty tasks a day, and he couldn't help thinking: "Today, six tasks are completed, and four tasks are added to make up ten rewards." Well, when the time comes, you can receive additional rewards. I wonder if there are merit points for this extra reward?"

"Do you want to continue the bounty mission?"


Lin Lin clicked "Yes."

The dialog box was immediately replaced with "The primary bounty task system is loading..."

After a while, the loading was completed, and a new dialog box appeared in front of Lin Lin, which contained quite a lot of content.

"There are three major series of primary bounty missions, please choose your convenient bounty mission according to your region."

"1. The area north of the Yellow River"

"2. The area north of the Yangtze River and south of the Yellow River"

"3. Areas south of the Yangtze River"

Lin Lin clicked "3", and the dialog box was immediately replaced with new content.

"1. Eastern Series"

"2. Central Series"

"3. Western Series"

Lin Lin clicked "3" again. At this time, a dialog box popped up asking "Do you want to save the selection?"

Lin Lin felt a little "Yes!"

In an instant, the bounty token in Lin Lin's hand emitted a golden light, and the color and texture of the token also changed accordingly.


Seeing such a perverted mission, Lin Lin couldn't help roaring in his heart, the punishment for mission failure is too heavy.This succubus is indeed a fairy who likes to deceive people.

Lin Lin had no choice but to growl.

After Lin Lin clicked "X" to close the dialog box, the map dialog box popped up immediately.

The mission location this time is still in Beipu County, but it is the entire Beipu River.Lin Lin was asked to capture 20 grudges hiding in the Beipu River. This time, he only gave a general location and did not give a specific location. This meant that Lin Lin had to find it himself.

Lin Lin wanted to leave immediately, and almost kicked the boss who fainted on the ground, and then he remembered that there were still two guys beside him who hadn't dealt with it.

Although this man surnamed Nie was arrogant and unkind, Lin Lin didn't know whether he was a corrupt official, so Lin Lin didn't want to punish him or anything, and he didn't have the time to do it.

If two people are left in this sauna room, they may die of heat stroke.

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Lin decided to drag the two people out of the steaming room of the sauna room before leaving.

Because the task address given this time was too general, Lin Lin decided to go to the place where he saved Zhao Xiangfei last time. You must know that when he saved someone last time, a water demon appeared.

Xiaobai said that the essence of the water demon is resentment, which is generated by the resentment of all the people who drowned in this water. This water demon should belong to the category of grudge ghosts!

When Lin Lin arrived at that place, he jumped into the river, and then released his consciousness. Sure enough, Lin Lin discovered the existence of the water demon in a crevice of rocks in the river.

In order to prevent him from escaping, Lin Lin immediately drew a Tai Chi in the air and said: "The ground is a prison!"

In an instant, the water demon was trapped in the crevice of the stone, and he was not allowed to come out.

Lin Lin took out the bounty token and wanted to order delivery, but the bounty token showed that the number of delivery tasks had not yet been reached.Since it can't be delivered, what should I do with this water monster?Should I just leave it here?still……

Could it be that it was included in one's Sumeru Precepts?

No, the aura of Xumijie is sufficient, if you take it in, don't you want to nourish it with the aura of Xumijie?
Suddenly, Lin Lin thought of something, and immediately took out the novice ring from the Sumeru ring, and put it on the middle finger of the other hand. This novice ring has not been modified by his own aura, and he used it to hold the water demon The most suitable.After Lin Lin put on the ring, he put the water demon into the novice ring.

Of the 20 ghosts accumulating grudges, only one was found, and there are still 19 missing.

Lin Lin thought for a while, and decided to visit several places with water ghost legends.

Every three years at North Street Ferry a girl is drowned, and every drowned girl is found beside the same big pebble, and every drowned girl is the prettiest girl on North Street.

(End of this chapter)

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