Super WeChat system

Chapter 192 Creation Idea

Chapter 192 Creation Idea
A new chat group appeared under the four chat groups of Immortal Realm, Olympus Chat Group, Heaven and Hell Chat Group, and Divine Kingdom Chat Group.

Brahma chat group.

"Brahma chat group?"

Chen Xiaohai said in a low voice.

I have some understanding of Brahma, the creator god in Indian mythology.

There are three great gods in Indian mythology, Brahma, the creator of the world, Vishnu, the protector, and Shiva, the destroyer.

Brahma is the embodiment of the supreme will of the universe. In Hindu mythology, he is considered the creator of the universe and also known as the "Lord of the World".But in fact, the worship of Brahma is far less than that of the other two great gods. In view of the fact that the world has been created by Brahma, people's attention has naturally shifted more to Vishnu and Shiva, that is, the maintenance and destruction of the two powers for the power of the world. scramble on.

Shiva: The third of the three gods of India.Also called "Xiwa".is one of the most worshiped gods.It is a god that symbolizes "prosperity" and "good omen".At the same time, it symbolizes "destruction" and is the god of resurrection.Generally regarded as the "God of Destruction".He is also the god of fertility.

Vishnu: One of the three main gods, together with the first two are called the tripartite gods.There are many titles, more than a thousand, and the common ones are "Narayan", "Lord of the World" and so on.

"Could it be that this time there is a chat group about the gods of Indian mythology?"

After hesitating for a while, Chen Xiaohai opened the chat group.

Vishnu: Brahma, what is this you made?
Shiva: This thing is really interesting. It seems that it can be connected to all parts of the world. As long as we join the chat group, we can contact directly.

Saraswati: Very interesting.

Indra, the Emperor of Heaven: This chat group seems to have many functions.

Death God Yama: Brahma, since you created the chat group, you should talk about it.

Asura: Brahma chat group, the chat group is named after Brahma himself.

Brahma: Okay, I just want everyone to talk about this chat group.This chat group can connect most places in the world. As long as you join the chat group, you can have a conversation with each other, even if it is far away.And there is also a red envelope function, you can send red envelopes of your own things to everyone.Everyone can grab red envelopes and get corresponding things.

Water God Varuna: Red envelopes are really interesting.

Yama: Brahma, since you created the chat group, then send a red envelope for everyone to have a look.

Garuda: Yes, Brahma, send a red envelope.

Fire god Agni: Brahma, send a red envelope for everyone to have a look.

Brahma: Alright, I will give out a red envelope right now.


A red envelope appears.

Chen Xiaohai, who was already prepared, was quicker.

Congratulations on grabbing Brahma's red envelope.

Brahma's red envelope?
The corners of Chen Xiaohai's mouth twitched slightly, this was a red envelope from the creator god Brahma in Indian mythology.With Brahma's status in the Western Heaven God Realm, it is absolutely impossible to send out ordinary things.

Shiva: Brahma, you have even sent out the idea of ​​​​creating the world, which is really a big deal.

Yama: The green stone of the earth, Brahma, you can even get this kind of stone, it is really amazing.

Varuna: Well, the ten thousand heavy waters of the Ganges have helped me a lot.


One by one, the gods are praising what Brahma sent out.

Brahma: I have already distributed red envelopes, Shiva and Vishnu, do you two need to express it too?

Shiva: No problem.

Vishnu: It's just a red envelope.


A red envelope appears.

Chen Xiaohai was quicker, the red envelopes had been robbed.


Another red envelope appeared.

Chen Xiaohai clicked again.

Congratulations on grabbing Vishnu's red envelope.

Following the distribution of red envelopes by the three main gods, other gods, such as the Emperor of Heaven, God of Vulcan, God of Water, God of Death, etc., distributed red envelopes one by one.

Chen Xiaohai quickly grabbed the red envelope.

Red envelopes appeared one by one.

One by one, the red envelopes are scrambling.

Until there were no gods to continue sending red envelopes, but to discuss the matter of Xitian, Chen Xiaohai shut down the chat group.

change system.

One more locker.

West Sky Locker.

There are four red envelopes inside, from Brahma, Vishnu, Agni, the god of fire, and Varuna, the god of water.

Brahma's red envelope is a creation idea, and the creation idea is an extremely magical power, similar to words that follow the law.The user stimulates the idea of ​​creation, and can use the idea of ​​creation to create what he wants, just like the god of creation.

Of course, the creation idea will be affected by the strength of the user, and the created things will be one level worse than the user.Just like, it is impossible for Chen Xiaohai, an immortal cultivator in Qi training state, to use the idea of ​​creation to create an immortal.

Vishnu's red envelope is a disc, which can withstand three Vishnu-level powerful attacks.As one of the three main gods of the Western Paradise, Vishnu has unfathomable strength.Even in the fairy world, I am afraid that he has the strength of the Da Luo Jinxian level, even reaching the point of quasi-sage.

The red envelope of Agni, the god of fire, is a ball of anger, burning the sky with anger, burning all things in the sky.The power of this scorching fury is probably no less than that of Apollo's sun fire.

The red envelope of Varuna, the water god, is a drop of water. Don't underestimate this drop of water. It is the essence of water from hundreds of rivers, and its power is astonishing.

The four red envelopes all have amazing effects.

But it's a pity that Chen Xiaohai can't use these things for the time being.

After counting the red envelopes.

Chen Xiaohai began to practice.

After a few days of practice.

He raised his Celestial Eye to the fourth level, and Chen Xiaohai, who was in the fourth level, had even more astonishing eyesight.With a pair of eyes, even a bug ten thousand meters away can be seen clearly, and even the ability to see through has been strengthened, and the consumption of mana has been greatly reduced.

The perception of Sanyuan Zhenjue has also improved a lot, which is of great help to the improvement of cultivation.

Even the perception of formations has improved, and by the way, the small four-element formation in the room has been strengthened.It is extremely difficult for even a cultivator in the realm of transforming gods to break into the villa.

After dealing with the affairs at home, I went to Huatian Entertainment.

Huatian Entertainment.

CEO's office.

Yu Chengfeng asked: "Xiao Hai, have you settled your matter?"

Chen Xiaohai nodded: "It's settled, how's the company's situation? How's the song's situation?"

Yu Chengfeng was a little surprised and said: "I don't know what happened to Star Entertainment Entertainment, and they removed the information about Huatian Entertainment in a short period of time. Moreover, the release of their new song and record release of the champion of the draft has been postponed, which seems to be intentional. avoid."

"But it is precisely because of this that your two songs have been occupying the number one position on the online new song list for two weeks. This news is definitely very cautious for us."

Chen Xiaohai understood in his heart that Zhengtong News Agency should be involved in Xingyu Entertainment's move.

Chen Xiaohai asked: "What do I need to do next?"

Yu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Shooting the MV."

(End of this chapter)

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