Super WeChat system

Chapter 191 A New Chat Group?

Chapter 191 A New Chat Group?
Chen Xiaohai's original intention was to find Patriarch Bodhi and appraise the blue gemstone he got from Sismiril Island.However, due to the arrival of the Barefoot Great Immortal, due to the confrontation with Daoist Taiyi, the transaction with many immortals has been delayed for nearly two hours.

After talking with the God of Cookery, he had some free time to ask Patriarch Bodhi.

Chen Xiaohai: Patriarch?Are you there?
After a while.

Patriarch Bodhi: Xiao Hai, what's the matter?

Chen Xiaohai: Patriarch, I found a stone on an island on the earth. This stone is very special, it has extremely abundant aura, and it also has the power to soothe the mind.I came here specially to ask my ancestor what that stone was.

Patriarch Bodhi: Send me the things.

Chen Xiaohai: Yes, Patriarch.

He took out the blue gem and scanned it.

The blue gem suddenly disappeared.

In the Super WeChat system, there is an extra locker in the change system, my locker.

This was researched by Chen Xiaohai later. The Super Wechat system can store things from the fairy world, the Greek god world, the world of heaven and hell, and the world of the kingdom of God. Naturally, it can also store things in the world where Chen Xiaohai lives, just like a space ring.

However, the space ring of the Super WeChat system is quite special, not as simple as an ordinary space ring. After refining, you can extract and store things with a single thought.But it is much more advanced than ordinary space rings, it can store anything, even the incomparably powerful pure yang sword energy and lightning fire.

I am afraid that it is extremely difficult to find a space ring that can store pure yang sword energy in this world.

This locker is connected to WeChat's scan.

As long as you scan an object, you can store the object in my locker.

Chen Xiaohai extracted the blue gem from my locker, then packed it into a red envelope and sent it to Patriarch Bodhi.

Patriarch Bodhi received your red envelope.

Patriarch Bodhi: This is a water element stone.

Chen Xiaohai: Water element stone?
Chen Xiaohai remembered the red envelope given by the Barefoot Immortal earlier, and Clairvoyance said that he had snatched a water element stone, which would be helpful for his cultivation.

Clairvoyant's status in the heavenly court of the fairy world is not high, and his mana is not considered as deep as the sky, but it is also an existence at the level of an immortal, much higher than Chen Xiaohai, an immortal cultivator in the Qi training state.

The water element stone is helpful to clairvoyance, and it is naturally not insignificant to Chen Xiaohai.


A red envelope appears.

Patriarch Bodhi returned the water element stone to Chen Xiaohai.

Ancestor Bodhi: Water element stone is the essence of water, containing extremely abundant aura.It also contains the power of water element, which can calm demons, suppress delusional thoughts, and soothe the mind, which is of great help to practice.Of course, the power of water in it has a wonderful effect of healing and detoxification, and can easily dissolve most of the severe poisons.

Heal and detoxify.

Chen Xiaohai suddenly remembered the bottles of blue wine in Andre's hands.

The cyan wine contains terrifying snake venom, which will hurt even immortal cultivators, but the water element power in this water element stone has the effect of detoxification and healing, and it may be able to dissolve the snake venom in the cyan wine, making it a pure spirit. liquor.

It's a pity that Chen Xiaohai took away the water element stone from Sismilier Island, and replaced it with a gemstone infused with a lot of spiritual energy, which didn't have the power of water element at all, and couldn't dissolve the poison.

But whether Andre knew the purpose of the water element stone, whether he would dissolve the snake venom in the blue wine with water element, was not what Chen Xiaohai was thinking about now.

Patriarch Bodhi: Xiao Hai, besides being able to communicate with the Greek gods, heaven and hell, and the kingdom of God, can you communicate with other worlds?

Chen Xiaohai: There are several anime worlds.

Patriarch Bodhi: Anime world?
Chen Xiaohai: It is a kind of animation in the world of mortals. There is an animation time, and I can also extract things from the animation world.

Patriarch Bodhi: The world of animation sounds really interesting. Show me the things in the world of animation.

Chen Xiaohai: Alright, Patriarch.

So Chen Xiaohai sent all things from the animation world, such as Spirit of Halberd Eater, Zhonghuayiyi, LL, Idol Master, etc., to Patriarch Bodhi. Music chat groups filled with musicians at home and abroad also chose a piece of music to send. go out.

After a few breaths.

Patriarch Bodhi: It turned out to be a false fantasy world.

Chen Xiaohai: A false fantasy world?

Ancestor Bodhi: The human spirit is very powerful and mysterious, when a person has a very strong thought about something false.These thoughts will form a fantasy world, materializing false things.However, the fantasy world is very secretive and difficult to enter.

Spiritual manifestation?

Thousands of people, even over [-] million people, are in the hands of anime such as Spirit of Halberd Eater, Zhonghua Yiyi, LL, and Idol Master.The thoughts of these people gather together to form a brand new fantasy world, which only materializes the content of animation.Every musician in the music chat group has recorded it in the textbook for an unknown amount of time, and naturally has a lot of ideas.

The special power mentioned by God of Cookery should belong to the power of the fantasy world.

Since animation can form a fantasy world, then novels are very likely to form a fantasy world.

However, so far, no novel group has appeared, and Chen Xiaohai is still unable to verify it.

A light flashed in his mind.

Chen Xiaohai thought of a question that had been bothering him.

One item was taken from the Heaven and Hell communication group and sent to Taishang Laojun.


Taishang Laojun received your red envelope.

Chen Xiaohai: This thing is called the master-servant contract, and it is owned by a devil in the Heaven and Hell communication group.I have already used some master-servant contracts, and I don't know if that demon can find the location of the earth through the connection when using the master-servant contracts.

Patriarch Bodhi: You can rest assured that the world of heaven and hell is extremely far away from the earth and difficult to reach.What's more, because of the Immortal Formation, too powerful forces cannot enter the earth, and the devil will definitely not be able to come to the earth.

Chen Xiaohai breathed a sigh of relief.

Patriarch Bodhi: But I want to remind you that this master-servant contract involves the power of the primordial spirit, and every use will have a certain impact on one's own primordial spirit, so it is best not to use it.

Chen Xiaohai: Yes, Patriarch.

After speaking a few words with Patriarch Bodhi, the chat group was closed.

The master-servant contract has always been an issue that Chen Xiaohai worried about. Ever since he signed the contract with the shadow cadres, he was worried that the contract devil Mephistopheles would come to his door.Now with the words of Patriarch Bodhi, Chen Xiaohai felt relieved.

A stone in his chest finally fell.

Looking at WeChat again, Chen Xiaohai blinked.

"Huh? A new chat group?"

(End of this chapter)

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