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Chapter 176 3 Days 3 Nights

Chapter 176 Three days and three nights
"The rain falls slowly, like falling flowers."

"The flowers bloom very softly, just like your hands."


a love song.


The room was shocked.

The tuner was stunned.

He doesn't have to tune it at all, and it sounds so good.

Yu Chengfeng was stunned.

Chen Xiaohai sang really well, even better than the last time he sang.

Huang Wenle was dumbfounded.

He has never seen that he can sing so well just by watching it once, neither can the singer of the king of heaven, nor the singer of the queen of heaven.However, Chen Xiaohai sang it out.

In the recording room, Chen Xiaohai sang affectionately.

"The rain that falls on the moon is like your gentle hand."

"One drop, one drop, touching my cheek."


Chen Xiaohai didn't feel much, he just sang and sang as usual.

Since absorbing musical talent, he has a deeper understanding of music.Show him the song once, and he will be able to sing it, as if he had practiced it ten or a hundred times beforehand, it's amazing.

This is what Chen Xiaohai is capable of now.

Finish one song.

The singing continued for a long time.

Chen Xiaohai walked out of the recording room, thinking constantly in his heart.

Huang Wenle's song is really good, it can become a popular song all over the country, and it can become a top song.But, is this song really suitable for him?Chen Xiaohai was a little skeptical, or it could be said that he had some insights.

After having the musical talent, the effect of Fengyin Pill seems to be fully exerted.Chen Xiaohai has a deeper understanding of music theory and music, and music can directly touch people's hearts.

This heart is not only the heart of the audience, but also the heart of the singer.

A good song needs a suitable singer.

A singer must also have good songs that suit him well.

Chen Xiaohai was able to play Huang Wenle's "Rainy Night" to amazing effect, but it doesn't mean that the style of this song is absolutely suitable for Chen Xiaohai.After singing this song, Chen Xiaohai has been thinking about it.

"Great, Xiao Hai, you sing really well."

Yu Chengfeng was very excited, the master's singing voice was really speechless.This song, as long as it is properly operated, can become popular all over the country.It's just a matter of time before the master becomes the top singer in China, and it won't be long.

As long as the master becomes a top singer, he, Yu Chengfeng, also has the opportunity to become a cadre of the shadow.

"Xiao Hai, it's really good."

Huang Wenle applauded, which is really good.

Yu Chengfeng, the tuner and other staff also applauded.

A song by Chen Xiaohai completely conquered everyone.

This song, sung by Chen Xiaohai is really wonderful.

Yu Chengfeng asked with a smile: "Teacher Huang Wenle, this song should be suitable for Xiao Hai."

Huang Wenle said with a smile: "Of course it suits Xiao Hai. There are not many people in the singer world who can sing better than Chen Xiaohai. But..."


Yu Chengfeng looked at Huang Wenle suspiciously.

The tuner and other staff also looked at Huang Wenle suspiciously.

They all sing so well, is there any problem?

"However, I am not suitable for this kind of song."

Chen Xiaohai spoke.

Chen Xiaohai and Huang Wenle looked at each other and laughed.

Seeing that both of them were laughing, Yu Chengfeng, the tuner and others looked confused and bewildered.

What's happening here?
What does it mean?
Yu Chengfeng asked: "Teacher Huang? Xiao Hai? What do you mean?"

Huang Wenle smiled, and explained: "This song "Rainy Night" is sung by Chen Xiaohai. It is really nice and outstanding. Few people can match it. However, this is not because this song fits Chen Xiaohai's characteristics, but because It is Chen Xiaohai's level that can fully express this song."

"As for Chen Xiaohai's own characteristics, his true singing skills have not yet been fully displayed."

This is called not showing singing skills.

How good is it to show off your singing skills? !

Yu Chengfeng, the tuner and others were shocked.

If these words were spoken by ordinary people, they would never believe them.

However, these words were spoken by Huang Wenle, the famous and authoritative teacher Huang Wenle in the singer circle.

Those who have seen what Huang Wenle said are not at fault.

Yu Chengfeng hesitated: "Mr. Huang, should I write a song for Xiao Hai?"

Huang Wenle smiled and said: "Of course I want to write another song for Xiao Hai. I originally thought that the song I wrote this week was enough to cope with it, but I didn't expect it to be worse. It seems that I still need to continue to work hard. After all Our contract is still there."

The contract was just Huang Wenle's rhetoric.

The contract requires Huang Wenle to write a song, and "Rainy Night" is already a song.

However, everyone in Huang Wenle is still willing to write, because he wants to see where Chen Xiaohai's highest point is.

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "Then I will trouble Teacher Huang."

Huang Wenle glanced at Chen Xiaohai, and said, "Xiao Hai, judging from what you said just now, you should have some understanding of your own characteristics."

Chen Xiaohai said: "I don't understand, I just feel that this song is not completely suitable for me."

Huang Wenle smiled and said: "It seems that you have a certain feeling and understanding of music. During this period of time, you should have learned a lot about these things."

Chen Xiaohai said: "I listened to Teacher Huang Wenle's advice and went to learn some."

Huang Wenle said: "Very good, then I will stay at Huatian Entertainment for the next few days to help you write new songs. If you are free, you can come to Huatian Entertainment often, so that I can write songs based on your voice."

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said: "Okay, then I will trouble Teacher Huang Wenle."

The two of them made a happy decision and stayed at Huatian Entertainment.

As for school matters.

Chen Xiaohai had informed the school a long time ago, even if he didn't have to go to class, there would be no problem.

three days.

To be precise, it was three days and three nights.

Chen Xiaohai and Huang Wenle stayed in Huatian Entertainment, writing this day and night.Except for the necessary eating and drinking, just write this in the room.

After three days.

Chen Xiaohai and Huang Wenle walked out of the room.

Chen Xiaohai's face was calm, his appearance was exactly the same as three days ago, without the slightest trace of fatigue.He is already a cultivator, a cultivator who has reached the level of Qi training, even if he does not sleep for a month, there will be no problem, let alone three days and three nights.

On the other hand, Huang Wenle looked sluggish and exhausted. After three days and three nights of fatigue, plus the hard work of the previous week, his body could not bear it at all.If it wasn't for Chen Xiaohai secretly pouring in a piece of mana for him, Huang Wenle would have arrived long ago.

However, the harvest of these three days is also great.

Three songs in three days greatly exceeded the expectations of Chen Xiaohai and Huang Wenle.

As soon as the two went out, Yu Chengfeng also arrived.

The three went to the exclusive recording studio to record songs again, and the three songs were recorded.

Chen Xiaohai and Huang Wenle were very satisfied and chose one of them.Then Huatian Entertainment sends it to the Internet for operation.

(End of this chapter)

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