Super WeChat system

Chapter 175 Exclusive Recording Studio

Chapter 175 Exclusive Recording Studio

The other few red envelopes are relatively ordinary, either a brand new song, or just opinions on a certain song or a certain kind of music.

Compared with musical talent, these things are indeed inferior.However, Chen Xiaohai still absorbed these things.

After absorbing things from several chat groups, Chen Xiaohai's understanding of music has improved a step.

There is nothing superfluous in the chat group, since Drift Bottle has obtained a lot of things from the cultivator's universe, as well as the cultivation resources for this period, Chen Xiaohai is not in a hurry to get in touch with the chat group of the Four Great Immortals and Gods.

Chen Xiaohai stared at the WeChat system for a long time, then touched his chin.

The chat groups of Immortal Realm, Olympus, Heaven and Hell, and Divine Kingdom have been around for a long time, and after that, there are also two animation chat groups, Zhonghua Yiyi and Halberd-eating Spirit, and now they appear Joined the music chat group, Qingyin Girls, LL, etc.

It has been a long time since the Four Great Immortals and Gods chat groups have appeared, but there are no other chat groups for gods, which is really strange.

According to Chen Xiaohai's understanding, the chat groups that appear in the Super WeChat system must be inextricably linked with the earth.The four chat groups of gods and gods all have religious and cultural inheritance on earth, so what about the inheritance of other gods and gods?

There are many myth systems on the earth, not just four simple ones.Egyptian mythology, Indian mythology, etc. Perhaps these myths will also appear in Chen Xiaohai's Super WeChat system as WeChat chat groups, but they have never appeared.

Chen Xiaohai thought about it, and then stopped thinking about it.

The Super Wechat system is really too mysterious. It was created by Bodhi Patriarch.I am just a mortal who joined Tianjian unintentionally, and it is extremely good to be able to reach this level through the Super WeChat system.

After a short rest, Chen Xiaohai left the lounge.

According to Huang Wenle's suggestion, Chen Xiaohai asked Yu Chengfeng to enroll him in several crash courses on music, such as guitar, piano, music fundamentals, etc.

With the existence of musical talent, coupled with the understanding of music in several other red envelopes, these crash courses did not have any difficulties for Chen Xiaohai.

The next week.

Apart from basic training, Chen Xiaohai just went to a few crash classes to supplement his knowledge of music.Of course, going on a date with Lu Qingya and going out for a walk together is indispensable.

The relationship between Chen Xiaohai and Lu Qingya became closer and closer, but neither of them took the final step.

Lu Qingya was a little shy and evasive.

Chen Xiaohai was a little scrupulous, after practicing, he became more sensitive to some special things.For example, the body of pure yang, such as Yuanyang not lost, these seem to be excellent cultivation physiques, which can quickly improve the cultivation base.

But at the beginning, I seemed to rely on the fifth girl with my right hand to make a move. I don't know if it will have an impact.

There seems to be the magic of the house in the practice of Taoism, and the Zen of Joy in the practice of Buddhism. There are classic quotations in Confucianism.

Then do you not need to care about these things in your own practice?

Every time Chen Xiaohai was with Lu Qingya, these complicated thoughts would flash through his mind.I also thought about having a talk with Patriarch Bodhi, but what kind of person is Patriarch Bodhi, talking about this with Patriarch Bodhi might directly destroy Chen Xiaohai's bottom.

Just think about it.

Lu Qingya was really pretty, especially that smile that bloomed like a begonia, so charming that Chen Xiaohai couldn't extricate himself from it.

A week has passed.

Huang Wenle arrived as scheduled.

Huatian Entertainment.

The president runs the company.

Chen Xiaohai, Huang Wenle, and Yu Chengfeng were talking.

Huang Wenle has heavy bags under the eyes, dark circles can almost become smoky makeup, messy hair, tired face, but eyes exude a strong light: "In a week, I finally lived up to my trust and wrote a song .”

"Come on, you all have a look, how about this song?"

Huang Wenle passed the copy to Chen Xiaohai and Yu Chengfeng.

Chen Xiaohai and Yu Chengfeng took over Copy Street and looked at it, feeling extremely shocked.As expected of Huang Wenle, he was able to write this high level song in a week.

Chen Xiaohai smiled and said, "Thank you, Mr. Huang."

Yu Chengfeng said: "Teacher Huang Wenle, will this song fit Xiao Hai's characteristics?"

Huang Wenle touched his fingers and frowned: "It's hard to say, Xiao Hai's voice is really outstanding, almost perfect. I have worked with many singers at the level of kings and queens, and I can find the characteristics and characteristics of each of them, and Write a suitable song for them. But Xiaohai is different, his voice itself has no flaws, and can be compared with those kings and queens in every feature."

"I wrote this song based on his state and feelings when he sang three songs last time. Whether it is really suitable for him requires him to sing it."

Yu Chengfeng smiled and said, "Since Mr. Huang Wenle is here, let's go to the recording studio to sing and have a look?"

Huang Wenle said: "It is possible, but there is no one in the recording studio at this time?"

Huang Wenle has cooperated with many entertainment companies and knows how scarce recording studios are, especially those with luxurious equipment.Unless you are a singer at the level of a king or queen, even if you are a first-line singer, you have to make a schedule to audition in the recording studio.

Yu Chengfeng said: "Of course, the recording studio I used before is Xiao Hai's exclusive recording studio."

Huang Wenle was surprised when he heard the words: "Exclusive recording studio?"

Then he glanced at Chen Xiaohai in surprise.

Exclusive recording studio, that's the kind of treatment given to singers at the level of kings and queens. Chen Xiaohai can only be regarded as a rookie singer, but he has such treatment.


In Huang Wenle's opinion, this exclusive recording studio is definitely worth it.

With Chen Xiaohai's voice, he will definitely become a top singer, and even have a chance to become No.1 in the singing industry.So, what is the use of the exclusive recording studio in advance?

Huang Wenle didn't know that Chen Xiaohai was the real big boss behind Huatian Entertainment, not to mention the exclusive recording studio, even if all the equipment were replaced with the most advanced equipment, several exclusive recording studios could easily do it.Because Huatian Entertainment exists for Chen Xiaohai.

The three went to the recording studio.

Tuners and other staff are also among them.

Chen Xiaohai walked into the recording room with Huang Wenle's newly written piece. Huang Wenle and Yu Chengfeng were waiting outside, listening.

With the start gesture type out.

Singing recording officially started.

(End of this chapter)

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