You have captured a great god

Chapter 101 It seems that the number has been deleted!

Chapter 101 It seems that the number has been deleted!
[Gang] Huskies are cute: In such a critical moment, why are the three gang leaders not online today?
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Where is she?

[Gang] Gu Ruofengliu: Lingfeng is so nervous?Didn't you still feel that Zisu is not good enough for our boss yesterday?Changed in just one day?
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: How is that possible!Even if I don't think she is not worthy, but the leader's words have been released, the leader is not here now, and we haven't even protected Zisu, that's our problem!

Leng Lingfeng is still very principled in doing things. Although he still feels that Zisu is not good enough for Tsing Yi, he still can't just watch Zisu being bullied and do nothing!

Su Jiangzi smiled gratifiedly. It turned out that her thinking was too narrow. She knew that Leng Lingfeng was not so nervous because of her, but she was still very grateful, even if he didn't do anything in the end!
[Gang] Every day I am awakened by my own handsomeness: How do I know this!If you add friends, you can only know that she is offline, how can you find her location!
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Forget it, I'll use the locator to take a look!
Speaking of Leng Lingfeng, there was no sound, but he said again soon:
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: She is in the maze!
[Gang] Qin Shimingyue: Isn't she only in her fifties?A Bing Xin, spawning monsters in the Maze Secret Realm by herself?Will it be too powerful!
[Gang] Gu Ruofengliu: The secret place of the labyrinth is smoky all year round, and it is not so easy for them to find Zisu!
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: dispatch support!
[Gang] Tomson: Calm down, in the labyrinth secret realm, apart from the fact that the monster is a little more obvious, where can the players see it!Who are we supporting?strange?

[Gang] Ride the horse and set sail: So what should we do!Is it possible to put Zisu alone?

[Gang] Gu Ruofengliu: Over there, it is not so easy for the Sishui family to find Zisu, we still have a chance to find something!

[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Doesn't anyone know the gang leader's contact information?

[Gang] Qin Shimingyue: You also know that the gang leader and their games are very separated from reality, and they don't like to divulge information about their reality!

Su Jiangzi watched them talk about how to rescue her plan in the gang, but the Sishui family seemed to be smarter than they imagined, and they didn't hesitate to spend money.

Because she didn't resist too much, it was just their ability to speak, so Zisu had already been waived. This was something that caught those people in the gang by surprise!
[Gang] Every day I am awakened by my own handsomeness: Zisu has been banished!
After these words, the gang channel was quiet for a while, and after a while:

[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Damn, the Sishui family is really capable!Is this an open challenge to us?
[Gang] Huskies are cute: Uh, they are still showing off on the Tianxia Channel how they turned white perilla!Are we rooting for Shisu?

[Gang] Gu Ruofengliu: Now is not the time to fight with them, let's see how Zisu is doing now!

[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Why isn't the gang leader online yet?His own little daughter-in-law has been sacked, why is he so weak at the critical moment!
[Gang] Tomson: Ling Feng, calm down!
[Gang] Yueliu Nian: Can I intervene weakly?Zisu seems to have deleted her account!

[Gang] Leng Lingfeng:! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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