Chapter 100
Soon, Zisu was sent to the hidden map.

Su Jiangzi couldn't help complaining, such a trigger condition, a ghost would trigger it!Who's okay just happens to be vain here!
But for Su Jiangzi, it should be regarded as a blessing in disguise, if Rushui Liuli and the others knew that they had personally sent her a hidden mission, it would be too late to cry!

System: You have entered the special hidden dungeon map, and will temporarily lose all contact with the outside world, and you can only be sent out after completing the task!
Su Jiangzi clicked on her task list and checked the task. Except that it was a hidden task of A-level, and the task name was Immortal Guidance, the content of the task actually read: Players to explore by themselves!What's even more frustrating is that the task reward says unknown!The most irritating thing is that nothing is clear, everything is unknown, only the punishment for mission failure is clearly written!
Punishment for mission failure: Players will always be stuck in a special scene and cannot delete their account!

Damn, is it interesting to bully a level 1 Bing Xin?

The rewards are not written, are you going to use punishment to motivate her to complete the task?
But what is the task, you can tell me!Players search for what the hell it is!

Su Jiangzi, who is a little bit frustrated, no longer has the excitement of triggering an A-level hidden mission. Can she refuse this mission?
Obviously this kind of thing is not acceptable!Once the hidden task is triggered, you cannot give up. Unlike other ordinary tasks, giving up just deducts gold coins or something!

Su Jiangzi sighed slightly, and wanted to open the Tianxia Channel to see what's going on, but it couldn't open it!

While being puzzled, Su Jiangzi figured it out at once. The system seemed to say that it had temporarily lost all contact with the outside world, so she couldn't see the speeches on Tianxia Channel at all.

It stands to reason that gang channels and friend channels are also blocked!
Su Jiangzi thought a little depressingly, she had been vain, why didn't the few on the friend list come to care about it!

And obviously someone forgot to block all the private messages of his friends, and he was also drunk.

Su Jiangzi decisively abandoned Zisu's account, turned to another computer, and watched the words on Tianxia Channel. It was nothing more than the Sishui family showing off how they got Baizisu, all kinds of pride.

What else did they say that even if Zisu hid in the maze, she would still be taken care of by them!He also said that no one stood up for her, which shows how bad Zisu's character is in the game!
The strange thing is that the Sishui family is basically showing off their complacency, and there are very few people who talk to each other!

what's the situation?Su Jiangzi opened the gang channel, the chat inside was much better, Su Jiangzi pulled to the top and looked down slowly!
[Gang] Every day I am woken up by myself: Zisu is here!

[Gang] Riding the horse and sailing: Is Zisu there!
[Gang] Moon Fleeting Year: Perilla, come out!

[Gang] Cute husky: What's the matter with Zisu?
[Gang] Every day I am awakened by my handsomeness: My sister accidentally joined the Sishui family, and they seem to be discussing how to turn white perilla inside!
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Don't you have her friends, just tell her directly.

[Gang] Riding the horse and sailing: The key is that she blocked friends' information and private chat information!
[Gang] Leng Lingfeng: Why does she have so many things, she has nothing to block, does she think she is doing well!
Su Jiangzi couldn't help but feel some black lines when she looked at this. Could it be that only a good market is qualified to block this information?

(End of this chapter)

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