Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 339 Yaya's Good Way!

Chapter 339 Yaya's Good Way!

As soon as Murong Yan came home from get off work, she saw Yaya hugging a Sailor Moon doll, and rushed over happily.

"Look, Mama! This is Moon Hare, isn't it pretty?"

The little girl held up the doll as if offering a treasure, and the furry touches Murong Yan's nose, almost making her sneeze.

"Beautiful! Really beautiful!"

When Murong Yan was a child, she also liked Sailor Moon very much.

She hugged Yaya and asked:

"Did Papa buy it for you?"


Yaya shook her head: "Papa took me to Japan, and a grandpa gave it to me!"


Murong Yan was surprised, her small mouth was wide open.

Ye Yun and Yaya were still at home this morning, they didn't expect that after a long time, they actually went to Japan for a tour!
This is so capricious!

Thinking of her man, fighting so hard for his daughter, Murong Yan's little heart is full of sweetness.

At dinner time, Yaya hadn't recovered from her excitement.

Including Chu Wenyan, they have been telling Murong Yan what happened in Japan today.

Of course, the most important thing is to exaggerate the cousin severely.

He is so talented that even Japan's top cartoonist Hidechu Miyazaki is willing to bow down.

Murong Yan giggled while listening, her eyes were full of pride and complacency.

Ye Yun is so talented, as his woman, he is really happy!

He couldn't help looking at Ye Yun with a charming and seductive gaze.

That half-ashamed, half-embarrassed gaze, like the adoring gaze of a young girl when she first meets the object of her heart, is truly incomparably touching.

Ye Yun raised his head, just in time to meet Xiao Nizi's charming gaze, he couldn't help but feel flustered, and said with a smile:

"Honey, what are you looking at?"

Murong Yan coughed, pretending to be calm and said:
"It's nothing."

Chu Wenyan laughed and said:
"Sister's eyes just now are so ambiguous, are you thinking of something bad?"

Murong Yan's ears turned red, she pointed at Chu Wenyan's forehead with her slender jade, and said coquettishly:
"Smelly girl, can I see my husband?"

Ye Yun nodded:

"That's right, wife sees husband, is there any problem?"

He stared at Murong Yan with a smile:
"Then watch it a little longer."

Murong Yan blushed when he saw him, she said with a delicate smile:
"See you later."

Ye Yun nodded and smiled: "Okay, let me know if you want to see it, and I promise to be there on call."

"Oh my god! You two are so good at spreading dog food!"

"I can't eat anymore!"

Chu Wenyan looked at the two with envy and hatred.

Yaya's little mouth was stuffed, she raised her head, and looked at Chu Wenyan calmly:
"Aunt Yan, calm down."

"Baba Mama likes to fall in love during the next meal the most!"

"You have to learn from me and stuff your mouth full, so you don't have to eat dog food again!"

"Hehe, the little girl is so smart!"

Chu Wenyan followed Yaya's example and stuffed a large piece of meat from the Honghuang Xuanyi spirit snake into his mouth.

After eating for a while, she said:
"By the way, the dance troupe I joined will go to another school to compete tomorrow. Do you want to watch it?"

"Yes! I want to cheer for Aunt Yan!"

Yaya immediately raised her hand.

Ye Yun said with a smile: "Then I will go too."

Murong Yan said: "Then I'll wait for you to come back, and then I will celebrate with you!"

Chu Wenyan nodded: "Understood, busy lady!"


next morning.

Chu Wenyan drove and took Ye Yun and Yaya to another private college in Jincheng, Jincheng Xinlian International College.

"Big cousin, this new United International College is also an institution of the same nature as our University of Foreign Languages."

"This time, it's a competition between our two schools. Because their dance settings are better, that's where the competition will be held."

On the way, Chu Wenyan introduced some basic information to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled:

"Then perform well."

Chu Wenyan showed a winning smile, and raised his head slightly:

"That's for sure! I'm one of the pillars of our school's dance stage."

"This time, I will strive to win the championship and participate in international competitions in the future!"

"Okay, we all support you!"

Ye Yun and Yaya cheered for Chu Wenyan at the same time.

While speaking, the car has entered the urban area.

A black Maserati passed by Chu Wenyan's car, then the Maserati suddenly slowed down and landed behind Chu Wenyan.

At this time, two young girls were sitting in Maserati.

The driver was Ling Xue, and the co-pilot was a little girl with colorfully dyed hair.

"Sister, isn't that handsome guy just now the one in your video?"

The little sister is Cheng Xin, Ling Xue's cousin.

Since Chu Wenyan's car windows were all open, she saw Ye Yun in the back seat, much like the person in Ling Xue's phone.

Ling Xue naturally also noticed Ye Yun, a strange color flashed in her eyes, there was excitement and bitterness.

Gently nodded: "It's him!"

Cheng Xin frowned slightly and sighed:

"Sister, he is very handsome, but you are torturing yourself too much!"

"Look at you, because he's lost a whole circle of weight, it's so distressing to see!"

Ling Xue shook her head and smiled wryly:
"I didn't, don't talk nonsense."

"I'm not talking nonsense! I noticed the way you looked at him just now!"

Seeing Ling Xue silent, she had no choice but to change the subject:
"By the way, the driver seems to be Chu Wenyan, right?"

Ling Xue nodded again: "Yes, how do you know her?"

Cheng Xin sneered and said:
"She and I were classmates in primary school, and we were both studying in Dongzhou Primary School at the time."

"Besides, I still have a debt to settle with her!"

She suddenly unbuttoned her seat belt and said to Ling Xue:

"Sister, stop quickly!"

Ling Xue stepped on the brake subconsciously, and said in surprise:

"what are you going to do?"

Cheng Xin sneered:
"Help you teach them a lesson!"

After speaking, he opened the car door and ran out.

"Cheng Xin, don't mess around!"

Lingxue stomped her feet anxiously. Last time, Cheng Xin saw Ye Yun's video and did not tell her his identity.

If Cheng Xin messes around, he'll be in big trouble!
She hurriedly dialed Cheng Xin's phone number, but the other party never answered. In desperation, she could only slowly catch up in the traffic.

Soon, Chu Wenyan drove to the parking lot outside Jincheng New United International College.


As soon as I got out of the car, two Harley motorcycles rushed over in front of me.

Two shirtless young men with tattoos and a girl with colorful hair stared angrily at Ye Yun and Chu Wenyan.

"Chu Wenyan, you are really shameless!"

Cheng Xin jumped out of the car and looked at Chu Wenyan with disdain.

"Being a mistress to a married woman, is he really shameless!"

Chu Wenyan immediately realized that she was scolding herself for being Ye Yun's mistress, and she couldn't help but blushed with anger:

"Cheng Xin, are you sick? He is my eldest cousin, what are you talking about!"

Cheng Xin sneered, with a look of disdain:
"Big cousin? Calling so intimately, why don't you say nothing?"

"I've heard that there are a lot of distant cousins ​​who do that kind of thing!"

"Why are you pretending to be innocent!"

Chu Wenyan was so angry that he gritted his silver teeth, stomped his feet and said:
"You are really sick! Crazy!"

Turning around to Ye Yun said:
"Big cousin, let's ignore this psychopath, let's go!"

"Want to leave? It's so easy!"

Cheng Xin led two men to stand in front of Ye Yun and the others, glaring at Ye Yun and saying:
"I don't care who you are, go and apologize to my cousin now!"

"You have caused my cousin so badly, you can't just let it go!"

Before Ye Yun could answer, she looked at Chu Wenyan domineeringly again:
"And you, remember when you slapped me in elementary school?"

"I said, I will ask you to get it back sooner or later!"

After she finished speaking, she raised her right hand and aimed at Chu Wenyan's face and slapped it hard.

It was Ye Yun who slapped her two meters away.

(End of this chapter)

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