Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 338 Zijin Dragon Emperor, who will fight!

Chapter 338 Zijin Dragon Emperor, who will fight!
The housekeeper trembled slightly, and looked at Ye Yun in awe:
"President, there is no way to drive this person away."


Hidezhong Miyazaki raised his head and looked at Ye Yun carefully.

It was found that there was nothing special about this man except that he was surprisingly handsome.

Why can't you drive away?

"When did our Miyazaki family become so reduced that we can't even deal with a yellow-haired boy?"

There was a hint of pride in Miyazaki Hidechuka's eyes.

He has white hair, long curly beard, sword eyebrows and star eyes, quite a bit of the power of a superior.

The butler bowed and said:
"He is from Huaxia."

"Huaxia people, so what?"

Hidechu Miyazaki said coldly.

The butler trembled:
"Just now, he smashed the stone lion in front of the yard with a single slap, and all our bodyguards flew away with a single swing of his hand."


Hidechu Miyazaki, who was calm just now, couldn't help but gasp when he heard this.

Suddenly, he jumped up from the chair.

"You, what you said is true?!"

He couldn't believe that someone could do this.

You know, the stone lion placed in front of the courtyard weighs 5 tons and is extremely hard.

Not to mention a slap by a martial arts master, even if you take a bazooka, it may not be able to shatter with one blow!
However, there are fifteen bodyguards in his family, all of whom are elites selected from the national special forces.

Such a large group of people were blown away with one hand.

This...isn't it a joke?
You know, the most powerful martial arts master in Osaka, Koizumi Yokozo, is known as the King Kong practicer and the master of the inner family.

With one hand, he can break water and karate, and he can break rocks and gold.

However, when faced with the stone lion of Miyazaki Hidenaka's house, they all lamented that they couldn't do it. It was really because the stone lion was too hard.

Comparable to diamonds.

It's idiotic for a person to split it with the palm of his hand.

Not to mention, smashing it with a slap.

That is simply a fantasy!

"Of course it's true! President, if you don't believe me, you can go out and see for yourself!"

The butler hurriedly replied.

"No need!"

Hidechu Miyazaki waved his hand.

As the helm of one of the two major animation and film companies in Japan, how could he not be able to tell whether the housekeeper's words were true or false?
It's just that it's unacceptable for a young man in his early twenties to have such shocking abilities.

"Could it be that I haven't been to China for a few years, and their country has become so powerful?"

"Even a yellow-haired boy is so evil, our Great Japanese Empire, what can we do to surpass them?"

With a secret sigh, Hidechu Miyazaki frowned and said:

"No matter how good your martial arts are, I won't give you anything!"

"The original version is the most precious treasure of our company, and it is the essence of the whole cartoon."

"Without its existence, our "Sailor Moon" will never be able to develop such a rich and colorful product."

"This is a huge loss to us Dongying Animation and the Great Japanese Empire!"

Ye Yun nodded slightly.

Although it is just a toy, it has an indescribable meaning to Dongying Company.

It's like, Ferrari's first car.

Boeing's first airplane.

These, for them, are all priceless existences.

And now, I want to take away their most precious thing from Miyazaki Hideo.

Of course they won't let go.


"I brought my daughter here today just to get the toys."

Ye Yun said calmly.

"You, you domineering Chinese, are you trying to grab it?"

Miyazaki Hidechu was surprised and angry.

The means shown by this man are beyond his ability to compete.

Even if he calls the police now and asks the police to come over, it may be too late, and it will anger the other party instead.

However, the original version of Sailor Moon is very, very precious and must not be taken away!

So now he is nervous and at a loss.

Ye Yun shook his head and smiled, "I won't steal it, I want you to give it to me."

"Hahaha! You are so arrogant and ignorant!"

When Miyazaki Hidechuk heard this, his nervousness and fear were swept away, replaced by extreme disdain.

"Why do you ask me to give you such a precious thing?"

"Let me tell you, even if our prime minister is here, I still have the right to refuse to agree to his unreasonable demands!"

"And you are just a Chinese with a little bit of force. What qualifications do you have to say such arrogant words?"

Hoarse, emotional, full of ridicule and disdain.

How crazy are Chinese people to go to the home of a Japanese citizen and ask him to hand over his treasure?

Ye Yun ignored his cynicism, but walked forward lightly, pointed at the painting on the table and said:

"If I can help you draw the most beautiful dragon in the world, would you be willing to give me the toy?"

He saw that there were dozens of sheets of drawing paper on the table, all of which were dragons.

However, each one was discarded without complete painting.

Apparently Hidechu Miyazaki was very dissatisfied with these paintings.

Ye Yun noticed at Dongying Company before that their company is making every effort to create a cartoon with dragon as the element.

The goal is to surpass the most influential anime "Dragon Ball" in Japan.

So he concluded that, as the head of Tokage Animation, Miyazaki Hidechu will definitely do his best to draw a dragon that can surpass Akira Toriyama.

That's why he bet on a dragon.

"You mean, you can draw better than Akira Toriyama?"

Miyazaki Hidechuka's eyes were full of doubts.

Before Ye Yun could answer, the little girl who had been standing there sneered and said:

"This gentleman is really arrogant!"

"Grandpa Akira Toriyama is the best dragon drawer in the animation industry and a world-renowned top manga artist."

"As for my grandfather, he is also known as the Taishan Beidou in the animation industry in this country. He has worked hard for two years, but he still has not been able to surpass Grandpa Akira Toriyama."

"Could it be that you can do it?"

The little girl is beautiful, but her words are sharp, her sharpness is sharp, and she has a spirit that does not match her age.

Ye Yun smiled faintly, only looking at Hidezhong Miyazaki:
"Tell me first, will you agree to my request?"


Hidechu Miyazaki nodded without thinking.

If he can draw a dragon that surpasses Akira Toriyama, then the "Dragon Soul" series of cartoons that he has worked hard to create will be absolutely sure to surpass "Dragon Ball".

If this can be achieved, then the original version of the beautiful girl warrior will not be so important.

You know, "Dragon Ball" is the most influential cartoon in Japan, and has sold more than 3 million comic books worldwide.

It is played on a loop in more than 50 countries around the world, and is known as the famous Japanese animation.

If it can surpass it, it will make him Hidechu Miyazaki the No. 1 anime in Japanese history.

This is definitely a supreme honor.

Don't change the daughter!

"But if you can't draw it, get out of here!"

"Listen clearly, it's really getting out of the ground!"

Miyazaki Hideo is nearly seventy years old, so he naturally knows that in a gamble, there must be winners and losers.

If you win, you will be rewarded.

If you lose, you will be punished.

He doesn't believe that Ye Yun can draw a better dragon than Akira Toriyama, so he has already designed a penalty for losing.

Ye Yun nodded without thinking: "It's a deal."

After finishing speaking, in the eyes of everyone questioning or expecting, he began to paint.

5 minute later.

"My God, is this possible?"

Miyazaki Shunaka, his granddaughter and housekeeper all cried out.

However, Chu Wenyan and Yaya were also dumbfounded.

I see.

Move the fire to Xinglu, rise to the clouds and leave Dinghu.

A golden holy dragon, from among the stars, hovers in the starry sky, looking down on the sky.

That unrestrained aura made all things bow their heads and changed the color of the world!
So majestic, the universe is under its feet!

Who dares to match? !
In the Miyazaki show, never have I seen such a lifelike, exquisite, and unparalleled golden dragon.

At this moment, he seems to have a premonition that his "Dragon Soul" cartoon will reach the top of the world in the near future.

"Sir, I beg you, give me this painting!"

Hidezhong Miyazaki lowered his proud head and bowed respectfully to Ye Yun.

He turned around and asked his granddaughter Mitsuko Miyazaki to immediately deliver the original version of Sailor Moon to Ye Yun.

Ye Yun picked up Yaya and put the toy in her hands, with a doting smile on his face:

"Honey, do you like it?"

"Good porridge!"

Yaya smiled happily, her smile was as bright as the sun.

"Okay, let's go home then!"

Ye Yun glanced at Chu Wenyan and asked her to follow.

"Sir, wait a minute!"

Miyazaki Hidezhong quickly caught up, his eyes full of endless desire:

"Can you tell me where you got the inspiration to draw such a shocking dragon?"

Ye Yun smiled faintly:
"No inspiration, what I drew was just my brother."

The Zijin Dragon Emperor, the ancestor of all dragons.

In the whole world, who will fight for the front!
(End of this chapter)

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