Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 107 Do You Know Who Is The Real Ant? [13, please recommend and reward]

Chapter 107 Do You Know Who Is The Real Ant? [13, please recommend and reward]

The moment Herman's feet touched the ground, there was a slight electric sound in the air.

Then there was a strong sense of oppression, rushing directly into the house from the yard.

"Thunder Herman! Horrible! It's really scary!"

Murong Hui, Wang Gan, and Xia Jin showed terrified expressions at the same time.

This person just stood there quietly, giving people a flustered sense of oppression.

As if standing in front of a Tyrannosaurus rex, he didn't need to make any movements at all to create a sense of fear in everything around him.

Heman slowly opened his eyes, a pair of cloudy eyes suddenly burst into purple light, like a demon descending, making people afraid to look directly at it.

"Ye Yun, follow me!" Heman said five words slowly, and walked into the room at the same time.

Murong Hui and Wang Gan trembled at the same time, and retreated a few centimeters involuntarily.

Ye Yun looked at Heman indifferently, and said: "You are indeed capable of passing through my barrier to come here at such a fast speed."

"But this task is impossible for you to complete. Before I decide to kill you, it's better to leave."

As soon as he said this, both Murong Hui and Wang Ganxia Jin opened their eyes wide, with expressions of incomparable surprise.

In their view, Ye Yun is indeed unfathomable, but similarly, Lei Mo Heman is also beyond imagination!
Compared with Xiao Xuanzong, Heman is a veteran powerhouse in Southeast Asia.

He almost swept across the entire Southeast Asia more than ten years ago, and his lightning killing technique made countless people frightened.

In comparison, Ye Yun's performance so far is still quite poor.

It's like the same thing, the one with the strong brand is more trustworthy, it's a subconscious feeling.

Heman is nearly seventy years old, and has been famous in Southeast Asia for more than ten years. His name is the endorsement of the top powerhouse!

But they didn't expect Ye Yun to act so relaxed and calm.

Could it be that he is so strong that he doesn't take Lei Mo Herman seriously?

Wang Gan and the others couldn't help frowning slightly.

Ye Yun admitted just now that he has not yet stepped into the innate realm, and Heman was able to leapfrog the level and kill five masters of transformation in seconds as early as more than ten years ago. This strength is probably unbearable for Ye Yun!

After Heman crossed the threshold, he stood there and stared at Ye Yun for a few seconds, then said:

"As far as I know, you were just a waste four years ago. Later, you got a big opportunity by chance. With a certain level of cultivation, you also did several great things in Jiangbei Province."

"However, what I want to tell you is that you Chinese powerhouses are just ants in my eyes! If others are like this, so are you!"

"I'll give you three seconds to consider, should you come with me voluntarily, and then swear not to return to China, or let me force you to go?"

Ye Yun smiled coldly: "As for what you said earlier, you are doomed today."

"Arrogance!" Heman was furious, "Look at this, if you don't show some color to you, you probably don't know who you are talking to!"

"Heavenly Tribulation, come out!"

Boom! !
He stretched out his hand and pointed towards the sky, and suddenly there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky.

A bright yellow bolt of lightning passed through the roof and landed directly on his fingertips.

"Thunderbolt technique!"

The three of Murong Hui's eyelids twitched. You can tell how powerful this lightning bolt is just by looking at it.

That is the thunder and lightning that is known as the heavenly tribulation. If it hits a martial arts master, he will peel off his skin if he does not die!

"Boy, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Heman roared, and the lightning at his fingertips roared, and shot towards Ye Yun quickly.

"Ye Yun, get out of the way!"

Murong Hui yelled and lost his voice.

Ye Yun is his son-in-law and an indispensable figure in the entire Murong family, so there can be no mistakes!
Ye Yun sneered, reached out and popped a drop of water from the nearby cup.


A soft sound.

I saw that the water droplets collided with the lightning, and then absorbed all the lightning in an instant, and were immediately sucked dry by the ground after falling on the ground.


Not only Murong Hui, Wang Gan and Xia Jin, but even Heman was shocked.

Heman's lightning killing technique is a well-known trick in the martial arts world.

Every thunderbolt has the power of a catastrophe, even a master who is at the peak of transformation, if he wants to bear this thunderbolt with his body, he must be prepared to be maimed.

But now, Ye Yun only used a drop of water to defuse a thunder disaster. From the eyes of the four people, it was like saying heavenly scriptures.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!" Herman's cloudy old eyes were completely opened, and the purple light inside had reached a dazzling level.

"Even if you are a land god, it is impossible to resolve my catastrophe with just a drop of water!"

"I must have struck too lightly!"

The muscles on Herman's body trembled, it was a feeling of anger after being humiliated.

Ye Yun sneered and said, "Why don't you show your strongest strength? This way I will let you know that you are the real ant."

"You!" Herman gritted his teeth, "Since you said that, I will let you die!"

Murong Hui and the others suddenly turned pale with fright, and Heman was now furious and left the mission behind.

He now regards Ye Yun as his mortal enemy, so he must work hard!

"Ye Yun, how sure are you that you can hold him back with a full blow?"

Murong Hui's voice was trembling.

The grandmaster was so angry that he shocked the world, not to mention a monster like Heman!

If he tried his best to mobilize the Heavenly Tribulation, the entire Murong Villa and the mountains behind it would be smashed into pieces by him.

Ye Yun smiled faintly, and popped out another drop of water.

Herman was about to burst into tears, and roared: "You dare to insult me ​​like this, I will let you die!"

"Heavenly Tribulation, come out!!"

With this cry, more than a dozen thumb-thick lightning bolts fell, and the temperature in the entire backyard instantly rose by more than ten degrees.


Heman shot fiercely and domineeringly, aiming all the lightning at Ye Yun.

A strange scene appeared again.

All the lightning is sucked into the water droplet.

And that drop of water, which was only the size of a bean, did not show any abnormality after it fell on the ground, and was quickly sucked dry by the ground.

"Impossible! Impossible!" At this moment, all of Heman's arrogance and arrogance disappeared, and there was only shock and fear in his eyes!
Murong Hui and the others opened their mouths wide open, too shocked to speak.

Herman's blow just now was already comparable to the real Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, and that aura was like overwhelming mountains and seas, making people fearful.

But they never thought that it was still a drop of water, and Ye Yun still used only a drop of water to defuse Heman's crazy blow!
Ye Yun at this time, in their eyes, has long been beyond the scope of human beings.

He is not human!

Rather, God!

Ye Yun looked at Herman contemptuously: "Now, do you know who the ants are?"

Herman's face was ashen, lying on the ground and begging:

"Please, senior, let me go! I, Heman, swear to the heavens that I will never set foot in China again!"

He was filled with grief and indignation. He never thought that a master of his own generation would kneel in front of a young Chinese man, begging for forgiveness.

"It's too late." Ye Yun said coldly, with just one look, he turned this mighty Southeast Asian master of magic known as Thunder Demon into ashes!

 Thanks for the 158 reward from book friend 22******588, and thanks to Summer℡nian for the reward~~~~
(End of this chapter)

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