Killing God Returns as a Nanny

Chapter 106 The Extremely Terrifying Thunder Demon Herman [33, please recommend and give a reward]

Chapter 106 The Extremely Terrifying Thunder Demon Herman [33, please recommend and give a reward]

Murong Villa.

In the morning, the breeze is cool.

At this time, Ye Yun was in the backyard, where Murong Hui was.

Murong Hui had just dug out a martial arts secret book from a certain master a few years ago, so he wanted to ask Ye Yun to take a look to see if it was suitable for him to practice.

Some time ago, Ye Yun's finger opened Murong Hui's meridians all over his body, and his cultivation soared.

But he only has cultivation, but he doesn't have any skills to practice.

It made him feel like a car with fuel tanked up, a waste of time sitting there.

So I rummaged through boxes and cabinets, and finally couldn't find the cheat book, and wanted to practice some actual combat skills.

He put the book in front of Ye Yun and said: "This exercise is called "Amaterasu Sutra". It was given to me by the master who taught me the exercise five years ago."

"It is said that this is a very powerful skill. It has both offense and defense. After practice, it is more than enough to deal with masters with peak internal strength!"

Ye Yun looked at it casually, and said: "This exercise is not bad, but since you want to practice, it's better to practice some powerful exercises."

Murong Hui had already heard the meaning behind Ye Yun's words, and said a little excitedly: "Ye Yun, do you have a skill that you can teach me?"

Ye Yun nodded: "That's right."

Murong Hui rubbed his hands and laughed, "Okay! Thank you very much!"

Ye Yun smiled slightly: "You are my wife's father, so you don't have to see me."

Then he raised his hand and pointed at Murong Hui's forehead again, Murong Hui's eyes trembled immediately, and his body trembled with excitement.

"Great! Really great!"

Murong Hui couldn't help but praise: "Even if I haven't practiced it before, I can tell that this is definitely an extremely powerful technique!"

Ye Yun nodded and smiled.

What he passed on to Murong Hui was an exercise originating from the Demon Dragon Clan in the Promise God Realm. This exercise was extremely fierce and domineering, and it was also extremely defensive.

It can be said that it is as quiet as golden soup, moving like a starburst, and its power is infinite!
In the past, people from countless galaxies had scattered corpses all over the place in order to compete for this exercise.

If Murong Hui knew the real source of this exercise, he might faint from fright.

But to Ye Yun, these are nothing, since Murong Yan's father is in need, it doesn't hurt to help him.

"Ye Yun, you are really the lucky star of our Murong family!" Murong Hui praised.

Since Ye Yun came back, the Murong family has been thriving.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled, then got up and left the backyard.

"Mr. Ye!"

Just as Ye Yun stood up, a voice came from outside the door.

Wang Gan and Xia Jin walked quickly into the backyard under the leadership of the housekeeper.

After clasping his fists at Ye Yun, Wang Qian cupped his hands at Murong Hui again: "Master Murong, I am the Commander-in-Chief of Beibei District, Wang Gan, nice to meet you!"

Murong Hui had heard of Tianluodiwang for a long time, but it was the first time he had dealt with people there, especially since the other party was the commander-in-chief of the Jiangbei District, so he hurriedly cupped his fists in return:

"So it's Commander Wang, hurry up!"

He took Wang Gan and Xia Jin into the living room, and Ye Yun followed suit.

After several people sat down, Wang Gan said, "Mr. Ye, I took the liberty to come here today because I have something to tell you."

Ye Yun nodded and said, "What is it?"

Wang Gan said: "Our intelligence department found a post offering rewards on a forum dedicated to underground forces yesterday. The target in the post is you!"

Ye Yun smiled faintly: "Oh? What do they want to do to me?"

Wang Gan smiled slightly: "The person who issued the mission wants to find someone who will take you to Scotland and promise that you will never return to China."

As soon as Ye Yun heard the content of the mission, he knew that Roy did it, so he said with a smile:

"I didn't expect that Roy would not give up and do such a boring thing."

He waved his hand indifferently: "This matter is not a big deal."

Wang Gan had a solemn expression on his face: "Mr. Ye, don't underestimate this matter. For us, this is a very difficult matter!"

Xia Jin stood up, took out a document from her purse, and said:

"As you know, Mr. Ye, Roy Rhodes is not a threat to you."

"However, the person he hired is definitely a very terrifying person!"

She looked at Ye Yun seriously: "Excuse me, Mr. Ye, have you heard of Raymond Heman?"

Ye Yun shook his head: "I haven't heard of it."

"Thunder Herman!"

On the contrary, Murong Hui exclaimed, his expression full of panic.

He swallowed fiercely, looked at Ye Yun and said, "This man is a devil! No! A devil among devils!"

"He is a master of spells from Malaysia. Not only does he move as fast as lightning, but he can also trigger a catastrophe with a single strike. His power is infinite!"

"As early as ten years ago, he came to China once, and killed five Huajing masters in his first attack, which shocked the entire southern part of China."

"Later, half of China's martial arts circle jointly launched a siege on him, but failed to hurt his skin, and let him escape back to Malay West under the noses of everyone."

"This person's whereabouts are elusive, his temper is extremely violent, and his attacks are extremely brutal. Therefore, he is famous in Southeast Asia and is called Thunder Demon. I don't know how many martial arts masters have been brutally killed by him."

"Ye Yun, you must not underestimate this person, he is definitely an extremely terrifying opponent!"

Xia Jin nodded: "Master Murong is right. This Thunder Demon Heman has killed 21 masters of transformation so far, and there are hundreds of masters below the master. He can kill five people in an instant with the power of one person." A master of transformation, he is definitely a super terrifying existence!"

Wang Gan went on to say: "Although this time, Roy wanted to take you back to Scotland, and didn't intend to use force with you, but it's different when Heman makes a move!"

"If he sees your disobedience, he will definitely be furious, and maybe he will kill you!"

"We also took this into consideration, so we rushed here at the first time. I hope you are fully prepared."

Ye Yun smiled calmly: "Do you think I am not Heman's opponent?"

Wang Gan said: "Mr. Ye, I have also seen your ability with my own eyes. At that time, Xiao Xuanzong was a master of transformation, and you were so suppressed that he could not lift his head. It means that your cultivation should be higher than his."

"But as far as I know, the one who is above the realm of transformation is innate, who can break through the realm of the master of transformation, and after successfully surviving the catastrophe, he can become a land god, but from ancient times to the present, there is no one among hundreds of millions of people who can become a land god one!"

"At such a young age, Mr. Ye, being able to overwhelm the equally young Xiao Xuanzong is already an extremely surprising and miraculous move. But in my opinion, you should not be a land god, right?"

Being able to become a land god and advance to the ranks of innate masters is completely different from ordinary people.

They can not eat sweet grains, live for hundreds of years, and can communicate with the world, and their gestures are infinitely powerful.

This was completely different from Ye Yun's impression, so Wang Qian felt that no matter how powerful Ye Yun was, he was just standing outside the threshold of a congenital master.

Ye Yun nodded and smiled: "I am indeed not a land god."

"Oh! That's really bad!" Xia Jin covered her mouth nervously.

"Lei Mo Heman was able to instantly kill five Transformation Realm Grandmasters ten years ago, and his current cultivation level is even more so. If you are still wandering in the Transformation Realm, the danger will be great!"


As soon as she finished speaking, there was a thunderclap in the yard.

A bare-chested, gray trousers, disheveled hair, an old man with a withered body, was falling from the lightning.

(End of this chapter)

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