Chapter 905

After solving these two troubles, Lingluo went back home, she really should have a good rest.But she didn't know that on the other side of the same world, two figures, one purple and one gray and white, had already seen her actions in their eyes.

"Hey, Ah Mo, what is the origin of this woman? Her knife looks like a ghost. I checked ancient books, but I have never seen such a thing. Could it be their Wulu family? Is the peerless treasure unknown to the world?"

On the top of the mountain, on the edge of the dense forest, the purple figure leaned halfway on the tree trunk with a root of grass in its mouth, while the gray figure just stood quietly under the moonlight, silent.

His question was not answered, Chuhe didn't care, but took out his gold thread and began to rub it carefully under the moonlight. The more he looked at it, the more confused he became. His doubt was for Xueling. He really couldn't figure out what it was. What magical weapon can cut the golden thread.

On the top of the mountain, Bai Mo ignored the noisy people behind him, but quietly looked at the two subordinates with strange expressions.Unlike Chuhe, he didn't care what happened to the hidden weapon, but he really wanted to know how Wulu Lingluo captured the two of them right under his nose.

"Ah Chu, go and see them."

When Chu He was elusive about his own golden thread, Bai Mo's unwavering voice suddenly came to his ears. Hearing this, he immediately put away the golden thread and jumped off the tree trunk to look at the two black figures in the distance on the top of the mountain , rarely frowned seriously.

"Okay, you wait, I'll go and have a look."

Chuhe nodded, agreed, and then moved his body, using lightness kung fu, his body floated like a feather among the mountains and trees, and landed in front of the two people after a few taps.

As the distance got closer, Chuhe raised his hand to pinch the pulse of the two, rolled their eyelids, and found that they were in a strange state, but their bodies were normal and nothing happened.

After the inspection, Chuhe preliminarily deduced that the two people's state was not caused by drugs, but he couldn't say why, and when he was about to get up and turn back to report to Bai Mo, Bai Mo had already stood beside him at some point.

"Ah Mo, these two people are physically normal, but mentally abnormal. I have only seen this kind of situation in some people who have been seriously frightened and bewitched. I will not talk about the fright. Your subordinates should not be so useless, but I've only seen the ability to bewitch you, so I'm not sure what happened."

Chuhe honestly explained his discovery, and couldn't help but think of Lingluo's magnificent face again.That was a strange woman who refreshed his cognition again and again, and he didn't know what tricks she used this time.

Bai Mo looked at the two subordinates on the grass. He didn't wear the half mask tonight. His face exposed to the moonlight was a little pale, his brows were exquisite and picturesque, and his lines were graceful, but he seemed to lack some vitality, except for those eyes Occasionally revealing some emotions, basically you can't see any redundant expressions on him.

"Ah Chu, this is not deception."

After a long time, Bai Mo spoke again, Chu He looked up, but saw that he had already looked away, walked slowly into the night, and quickly disappeared into the black night like ink.

Cursing his lips, Chu He shrugged his shoulders, and instead of following, he turned around and headed towards Ziyun Garden of the Wulu family.

(End of this chapter)

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