Chapter 904

Randomly picking a cell, Lingluo finally released the two people who were imprisoned in the Lingshi space. They were stunned when they were suddenly caught in the space, and they had never encountered such a strange situation.

In that space, they can see everything outside clearly, but no matter how they escape, they can’t escape that square inch of land. They can also hear the sound outside, but no matter how they shout, people outside can’t hear it. To, can't see them either.

People are most afraid of ignorant things, because they don't know what they are, so they are even more afraid, but the terrible thing is that they can't even die in that space, and finally survived until now and are released. When the two see Lingluo again His eyes were terrified, and his mind had almost collapsed.

The door of the cell was closed, and Lingluo sat down at the door, posing for a long conversation, looking at the two men who were neither human nor ghost tossing him in the space in front of him, with a peaceful look on his face.

"Don't worry, I'm not a monster, and I don't intend to kill you. I just have a few questions to ask you. Of course, if you reveal my secret, then you don't even want to live in this world." Now, please tell me, who is the master of your organization?"

Lingluo didn't intend to reveal the Lingshi space to these two people, but only vaguely summarized that her purpose was to find out who was behind this killer organization, and then find a way to keep it for herself.

The two men were quite frightened by the weird space, but when they heard this question, they both fell silent, their eyes revealing a certain determination, determined to keep silent.Lingluo waited for a while, seeing that they didn't intend to speak, and didn't force her, she got up and patted her clothes, and took out the last ecstasy plant left.

"Since you don't want to talk about it, it's useless for me to keep you. This is a highly poisonous plant. If you really don't want to talk about it, then eat it."

Hearing this, the two looked at each other, the determination in their eyes turned into resignation, one of them stepped forward to take the ecstasy grass, Hao pulled half of it into his mouth without hesitation, and the other took the rest The half of the plant was eaten.

In fact, if Lingluo hadn't sealed their meridians and pulled out the fangs from their mouths, they would have committed suicide long ago. They would rather die than betray the organization.

Seeing their impassioned appearances, Ling Luo held back a smile, waiting for the effect of the ecstasy grass to take effect. Sure enough, after a while, the two men who were righteous just now became blurred and their eyes were slack.

"Who is the master of your organization?"

When the time was right, Lingluo started to ask questions, but she didn't expect that the next two people's answers would surprise her.

"Our master is the regent Bai Mo."

The answer was unexpected, but Lingluo didn't know that this well-known killer organization in the Jianghu was also under Bai Mo's subordinates. She thought he was only involved in the political power, but it turned out that his influence was everywhere.

Having got the answer she wanted, Lingluo felt a chill down her spine. She realized that she might have underestimated that man before.

Dazed for a moment, Lingluo used the effect of the ecstasy grass to blur the memory of the two of them, making them no longer remember the Lingshi space, and then left the dungeon and Ziyun Garden to find a random place to abandon them.

She originally wanted to imprison the two of them for a period of time, but if the other party was Bai Mo, then there was no need.

(End of this chapter)

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