Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 878 Shushu Munan

Chapter 878 Shushu Munan
In that letter, Yan Yiyun said that he only had a few years to live, and he was tired of the current life. He decided to travel around the world and do his own things in the last time of his life. Send back the photo album, but don't think about him, don't go to him.

When Yan Zhiyan read the letter, Su Munan was standing beside her, watching her burst into tears, but remained silent.At the end of the letter, Yan Yiyun explained to Su Munan that after Yan Zhiyan finished crying, her eyelashes were wet with teardrops, and her eyes were full of heartache.

She raised her head and looked at Su Munan, her voice choked up.

"My brother once said that he really wanted to be a doctor, and wanted to travel all over the world to see all the beautiful scenery. I encouraged him to realize his dream. Now he has really gone, but why am I not happy?"

Yan Zhiyan held the letter paper with Junyi in her hand, maybe she already understood in her heart that Yan Yiyun left without saying goodbye because his life was coming to an end, he didn't want her to worry, so he wouldn't let her see the last Painful.

The girl knelt down and cried bitterly in front of him, Su Munan hesitated for a while, but still did not make a move, but stood beside her quietly to accompany her.At this moment, he suddenly understood, what is true good and evil in an instant, nothing is absolute, there is no absolute bad person, and there is no absolute good person.

Yan Zhiyan was very obedient, and in the following days, she did not go into any news about Yan Yiyun, and lived her own life obediently and quietly, doing what she wanted to do.

As time passed, people even wondered if she really forgot about Yan Yiyun. Only Su Munan knew that the girl had changed, and there was an indelible nostalgia in her pure eyes. Brother who won't come back.

After Su Munan's parents who had just moved from their hometown found out about Yan Zhiyan, the two old people were very distressed, and they often tried their best to comfort her and accompany her. Later, she seemed to be the daughter of the two elders, as close as a relative.

After Yan Yiyun was sentenced to death, Su Munan collected his remains and bought a piece of land in Tao Siqi's cemetery for burial, but there was no inscription or words on the stele of the tomb.

After that, Su Munan gradually took over many large and small cases, and he gradually changed from a front-line criminal policeman to a technical policeman who did not leave the scene and was only responsible for behind-the-scenes information work.

Wang Bin often laments the impermanence of life because of this, and the once enthusiastic young man has also become a stable veteran cadre.Although he is still very powerful, has played an irreplaceable role in handling the case, and has even become a new legend, but he always feels that he lacks blood and passion.

But fortunately, he still has a hot heart, so Wang Bin did not force him, but acquiesced in his growth.

Growing up is a cruel thing.

Year after year, with the company of the Su family, Yan Zhiyan gradually came out of the shadows and got a boyfriend, while Su Munan was still single, and he never seemed to have the idea of ​​getting married and having children.

The Su family's parents were very anxious, but no matter how much they urged, Su Munan was always able to change the topic softly, and they stopped talking about finding a partner in the end.

Fortunately, a few years later, after Yan Zhiyan got married, she gave birth to a fat son. The Su family's parents finally had a baby in their arms. They were so happy that they couldn't force their son, so they accepted the reality.

At the age of 35, Su Munan was still working at the Fengting City Police Station and became a well-known network information technology expert in the country. He was responsible for using network technology to solve crimes. At this time, he adopted a brother and sister, fulfilling his parents' wish to have grandchildren. On the one hand, it also stated that he would no longer consider marriage, on the other hand, he also missed the person who touched him very much in this life.

Every Qingming Festival, Su Munan would buy two bouquets of flowers to pay homage to the deceased in the cemetery. Yan Zhiyan would be with him every time. She once asked him who was the person without a name on the tombstone, and Su Munan only replied that it was his. a friend.

After that, Yan Zhiyan would gently bend down, face the tomb, and solemnly worship.

 The fourth update is over, this interface is over, good night
(End of this chapter)

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