Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 877 Shushu Munan

Chapter 877 Shushu Munan
Previously, Wang Bin had asked Yan Yiyun to explain all the details of the crime through interrogation, so after Su Munan went in and sat down, he asked lightly:
"What else do you want to say?"

Yan Yiyun smiled slightly, leaned forward, and there was some kind of probing light in his eyes.

"Actually, I have nothing to say. It's just that I found out that you have become rich recently, so I want to tell you something. The reason I didn't admit it the day you went to find me was because I wanted to buy some time to settle Yan'er, so next What I want to say is my personal request from Yan Yiyun to you, Su Munan."

"I am willing to give you all the assets under my name. I just ask you to help me take good care of Yan'er and protect her for the rest of my life. Because she is also the person your lover Miss Tao Siqi loves, so whether it is for Tao Miss, or for other things, please take good care of her, I believe that in this world, you are the most suitable person."

"The world is dark, but I want to use money to create a bright world for her, so that she can do what she likes without being disturbed by any external factors."

"I will give you my money, please take good care of her."

"I know the innocence in this world that has not been hurt at all can only be protected with money. I am willing to give her everything, because she is the person I care about most."

"The two people I killed may not deserve to die, but I will never allow anyone who hurt her to live in this world. I don't ask you to understand my feelings, I just hope you can do what I asked you to do after I leave." everything of."

"In this life, I can give Yan'er what she doesn't have, and I am willing to do what she wants. I just don't want her to live unhappy. I just regard her more than myself, than anyone else in the world. People are more important."

Looking at the man opposite, Su Munan listened to every word he said, feeling a little envious of the woman who was so cared for. He has gone through so many lives, these are the heaviest and warmest words she has ever heard.

"Okay, I promise you."

Su Munan looked at the other party in silence for a long time, and finally responded slowly.

"Besides these, do you have any last wishes?"

Su Munan asked back.

Yan Yiyun lowered his head when he heard the words, pondered for a long time, and suddenly raised the corners of his lips slowly.

"Except for her, I don't have any last wishes. If I have to say something, it is that I can be her brother in the next life."

Su Munan looked at the person opposite, this was the first time he saw real happiness in Yan Yiyun's eyes, and it was also the first time he saw tears in those eyes.

And all of this is because of the woman he misses, this is the first time that there is such a pure family affection that moved Su Munan.


Yan Yiyun pleaded guilty and was sentenced to death, while his accomplice Li Jingcun was also severely punished. The two abominable corpse throwing cases were announced to be solved. The police did not announce who the murderer was, and outsiders could only guess.

It was three months later that Su Munan saw Yan Zhiyan again. At this time, Yan Yiyun was already waiting for execution in prison, and he resolutely arranged Yan Zhiyan to go on a business trip abroad during the five days he fought for.

He also handed over the management of the Yan Group to a trusted person, and Su Munan became the actual power behind it. After Yan Zhiyan returned from abroad, she only got a letter written by Yan Yiyun.

(End of this chapter)

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