Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 856 Shushu Munan

Chapter 856 Shushu Munan
The house Su Munan rented was on the fourth floor of this old-fashioned old building. There was no elevator in it, and the voice-activated lights in the narrow corridor had broken down at some point, even if it wasn’t broken, it would have been turned off at this point.

Staying up all night made people tired. Su Munan turned on the faint light of the mobile phone flashlight and went upstairs, while raising his hands to rub the painful temples. When he reached the third floor, he suddenly heard a weak, strange sound from a house in the corridor.

A sensitive string in his mind suddenly tensed, Su Munan immediately turned off the phone, stepped lightly and approached the door that made the sound to listen carefully.

This old building is dilapidated, and the sound insulation effect of the doors generally installed is not very good, but this one is an exception. Not only is it installed with heavy anti-theft doors, but even deliberately made sound insulation treatment. Su Munan listened for a while, but he felt very noisy, but he could not hear what happened.

Puzzled in my heart, it was approaching six o'clock, and the April sky in Fengting City was still deep in darkness at this time.Su Munan thought, maybe the owner of this house got up to watch TV and make breakfast.

Thinking of this, he didn't rush to knock on the door to interrupt.

If he remembers correctly, he lived downstairs with a middle-aged couple. The original owner had met them a few times when taking out the trash. The man in this house was tall and thin, and he often had a sad face, very sad. feeling of mourning.

And the hostess of this house is of the slightly fat type, she has never seen much smile, and she rarely goes out, she seems to be a housewife, she should not have a job, but she is quite dedicated, the original owner lives upstairs, and she can often be heard at home Meaty cooking.

Thinking of the scent, Su Munan, who was exhausted after thinking deeply, suddenly felt hungry again, and just wanted to go back and have a good rest.He didn't bother to turn on the flashlight of his mobile phone. Anyway, he was already very familiar with this corridor after walking for some time, and he could walk up it even in the dark at this time.

Going upstairs step by step, Su Munan didn't try to hide his voice anymore. After reaching his home, he didn't even bother to take off his clothes. take a break.

But lying on the bed, in a daze, Su Munan seemed to hear the strange voice downstairs again, the voice was very clear in the silent early morning, and the Yingying lingered around his ears, disturbing like mosquitoes clear dream.

This kind of situation made Su Munan who was exhausted all night very unhappy. In this world, his body is just an ordinary mortal, and he needs to rest very much at this moment.

The faint smell of meat wafted from the nostrils again, and his stomach began to drum. Su Munan became more irritable, opened his eyes depressed, turned on the light and opened the window to look downstairs, only to find that there was no light in the house downstairs. But the scent was more intense in the air.

Su Munan frowned, he suddenly realized that he might be in trouble again.

Without further hesitation, Su Munan turned around and untied the clothesline on the balcony and found a place to tie it.This is the fourth floor, whether it is tall or short, and there are no security windows on the upper and lower floors. He wrapped the other end of the rope around his waist, and then slowly descended from the window of his house along the mottled wall. Stop at the third floor window.

The dark curtains were drawn on the windows on the third floor, and nothing could be seen, but at this moment, the strange sound suddenly disappeared.The window glass was locked, Su Munan pushed it carefully, but found that it couldn't be pushed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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