Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 855 Shushu Munan

Chapter 855 Shushu Munan
It's not a good thing, but it doesn't have much to do with him, Murong Yun has the final say on whether he is very good or not.

Su Munan's ignorance made the atmosphere cool down immediately. Seeing this, the male colleague only patted Murong Yun's shoulder to comfort him, but it could be seen that he did not agree with Su Munan either.

At this time, the strong orange light suddenly came on, and Wang Bin drove up to the three of them.

"Let's go, you've worked hard, and you have to go to work tomorrow."

The three got into the car one after another, Su Munan sat in the passenger seat, Murong Yun and the man sat in the back.The car started and slid in the dawn night. Wang Bin asked the address, sent the two people from the technical department back separately, and finally made a detour to Dongfeng Road, but he did not drive in immediately, but parked the car on the road. On the side, lit a cigarette, and smoked under the dim light in the car.

Su Munan looked at him sideways, knowing that he had something to say, so he quietly waited for his next words.

The flame of the cigarette was extinguished, until one cigarette was finished, Wang Bin put the cigarette butt into the ashtray at hand, squinted, and looked at Su Munan meaningfully.

"Munan, to be honest, I found that you have not been quite right the past two days. If it is really difficult for you to get out of Tao Siqi's matter, I advise you to suspend your duties first and give you a long vacation."

No wonder Wang Bin thinks so, it's just that Su Munan's behavior these two days is too abnormal. He used to be jealous and enthusiastic, but since Tao Siqi's death, he seems to have changed completely, taciturn, unattainable, with a pair of What shines in the eyes is no longer the clear and bright light as before, but calm as water, unfathomable.

Occasionally, when the eyes met, Wang Bin would be subconsciously afraid of those eyes. It felt like the first day of school when he was a child. When he didn’t understand anything, a heavy ancient book was placed in front of him. , do not understand anything.

Hearing what he said, Su Munan was not surprised, he was silent for a few seconds, and then nodded slightly.

"Team Wang, thank you for your kindness. I think I should look at this issue in a different way. As you said, give me ten days off. Don't ask me what I do during these ten days. gone."

Hearing this, Wang Bin lit a second cigarette, smoked it, flicked the ash, and did not answer Su Munan's words directly, but asked instead: "Ten days, can you adjust your mentality?"

"it should be OK."

"Well, I'll give you ten days off, but I won't count the ten days' salary for you."

This made Su Munan purse his lips and smile.

"to make."

It's just ten days' salary, which is nothing to Su Munan now.

Having said all that needs to be said, Wang Bin started the car again after smoking the cigarette in his hand, and took Su Munan to his house and stopped downstairs.

Su Munan got out of the car, and after walking a few steps, Wang Bin suddenly stopped him.

"Munan, I hope that after ten days, I can see the original you. There is nothing in this world that cannot be overcome. You still have a heavy responsibility on your shoulders. I don't think you want another girl to die innocently like Tao Siqi. I will return to the team. Waiting for you here."

After Wang Bin finished speaking, he smiled and drove away in his car. Su Munan looked at the shadow of the car getting farther and farther away in the dawn, and felt a faint warmth in his heart.This world is very dark, but there are always some people who will welcome you with light.

(End of this chapter)

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