Chapter 824 Qi Yi
People who care deeply in their hearts will instinctively want to protect them.

This is just a small tribe with a small population. The sacrifice once every two months was unbearable for the people. Now it is unknown how much Xiaoxiao has advanced the sacrifice and how many people have lost their lives innocently.

When the original owner came back with Jimozi, Muyue had been dead for more than a year. At that time, the original owner was also heartbroken, but the impact was not as sad as what he saw on the scene.

Qi Yi stopped not far from the people, Xue Ling moved according to her heart, ready to go at any time, no one in the audience noticed her coming, and she did not stand in front of them immediately.

Xiao Xiao, whose body was twitching on the stage, finally finished singing the sacrificial speech, and danced for a while, waving the wooden stick in his hand for a long time, and a blue snake head slowly protruded from the cliff above the Xuanshen Stage.

This is a giant python with a strong body, swallowing snake letters on the cliff, saliva dripping in the rocks between the cliffs, and black marks are eroded where it passes.

As soon as the giant python came out, everyone was in an uproar. They looked up at the cliff blankly, their eyes full of fear. At this point, the whole sacrificial process was completely over, and the next step was for the big snake to enjoy a delicious meal. In order to avoid being hurt for no reason, everyone Should leave immediately.

Xiao Xiaoces folded his hands and bowed respectfully to the green snake on the cliff, then stepped back cautiously and walked to the edge of the Xuanshen platform, then quickly turned around and waved his hands, signaling to everyone kneeling under the platform to leave immediately.

The accident happened at this very moment. When Xiao Xiao was about to climb down the stairs, a bright blade suddenly passed by his ear, and then there was a loud bang behind him, and the giant python hovering on the cliff was hit between the eyebrows. , The pain conveyed to the nerves, he immediately curled and fell from the cliff, splashing countless dust.

This sudden change stunned everyone. The moment they reacted, they immediately screamed and ran for their lives. Xiao Xiao didn't know what happened. A fear that he had never experienced before engulfed his heart in an instant, and he also wanted to run away. , but the legs were too heavy to move.

After this short moment, all the people in the audience had escaped. Their nerves were already tense, and their swiftness at this moment was completely an instinct for survival. Anyone who dared to stop and cower in a hiding place waited and watched to see what happened.

I saw the giant python struggling in pain in the sky full of dust, its huge body slapped everywhere, rocks rolled, trees fell, and on the Xuanshen platform, a woman walked out slowly from the dust all over the sky, in her arms, Hugging Muyue who was tied to the tree trunk just now, but that woman is Qi Yi, the daughter of the patriarch who has disappeared for a long time.

Xiao Xiao was also stunned. When Qi Yi walked out holding the unconscious Mu Yue, his heart shrouded in fear suddenly turned into deep anger. If there is anyone he hates the most in this world, then It must be this young patriarch, because at this time this person can still threaten his rights and status.

"Qi Yi, you made your parents sick with anger, and failed all the clansmen, yet you dare to come back!"

The moment he saw Qi Yi, Xiao Xiaoqie completely forgot about the dangerous situation he was in at this time, he only wanted to drive away the woman who was about to replace him, and waved his scepter viciously at the person in front of him.

However, Qi Yi just glanced at him lightly.

 Good morning, check in and ask for tickets every day
(End of this chapter)

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