Chapter 823 Qi Yi
Compared with the endlessness of the Qianyun tribe, this small tribe located deep in the jungle is much simpler. When Qi Yi walked up to the towering wooden gate at the entrance of the tribe, he immediately saw the wooden gate not far behind one another in mid-air. nest-shaped dwelling.

This tribe also needs its own culture and language. Unlike the Qianyun tribe, it still maintains the original appearance of the primitive tribe. Except for stones and fire, there will be nothing else.

And the living places of people here are not the standard house structure like the Qianyun clan. Most of them imitate the structure of bird's nest and build huge nests on the big trees that they can sleep in.

As soon as Qi Yi walked up to the wooden door, he was spotted by the waiting clansmen. They suddenly jumped down from the tree like monkeys and landed in front of her. Their expressions were surprised and flustered, and they were scrambling to be the first. A lot of words.

Thanks to the original owner, Qi Yi still understood their messy language, and these young guards were basically the original owner's descendants, even though she had been away for so long, they still respected her.

And what they said in such a wild way is that the patriarch regretted forcing his daughter away, and the patriarch fell ill because of this, and all the affairs of the clan were handed over to the elder Xiao Xiaocai for management. After Xiao Xiaocee took power, many people were killed. A woman was being dragged to sacrifice. That woman was a former friend of the original owner. I hope Qi Yi would hurry to save her.

Qi Yi came back earlier than the original owner. In the memory of the original owner, the tribe sacrificed to the monster snake once every two months. They only provided wild animal meat as offerings on weekdays. According to the calculation of that time, it was not a sacrifice at this time. Time, from this point of view, the new lord in power clearly abused his power and used the lives of his clansmen to curry favor with that demon snake.

Hearing that Qi Yi's expression is getting colder, calm and wise superiors will never use the lives of ordinary people to please outsiders, the actions of this shabby elder are worse than beasts, but there are so many rotten people in this world .

"Go and report to my father, and say that I don't blame him, and I will save Muyue."

Qi Yi used the language here to direct the few people in front of her. As soon as she finished speaking, she had disappeared in place. During the ups and downs, everyone only saw a phantom shuttle away, and everyone looked at each other. They knew that the saint was very powerful and agile, but Unexpectedly, after more than a year, she was even faster than before.

Thinking of Qi Yi's instructions before leaving, several people hurriedly divided up the work and cooperated, sending one person to notify the old patriarch, one person continued to stay at the gate, and the others all followed Qi Yi to the Xuanshentai.

Compared with the original people now, Qi Yi is extremely fast. When he arrived at the Xuanshen Stage according to the route in the memory of the original owner, he could see most of the clan gathered in front of the stage, kneeling and paying respects, and that one replaced him. His father's elder, Xiao Xiaoces, was writhing like a goat on the stage, singing a sacrificial rite.

And in the center of Xuanshentai, a woman was tied to a thick tree trunk with her head down, her long hair was covering her face indiscriminately, and only her bare skin was covered with scars. She must have struggled to death before being restrained. .

Looking at the familiar woman, Qi Yi unconsciously felt angry. She was the original owner's friend. The two grew up together and had a deep relationship. Now that they are treated like this, she will naturally feel distressed.

(End of this chapter)

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