Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 687 Changting Fu

Chapter 687 Changting Fu

During this autumn hunting event, King Mu disappeared and became a fascination. He searched for several days without any results.

After Shuizhi returned to the palace, she continued to be her envoy safely and still lived in the Fuqu Tower, but when the emperor got an heir, it seemed that her feelings for the former emperor and noble concubine disappeared suddenly, and she never came to the Fuqu Tower to commemorate her for a month.

After all, she was an insignificant person. After Shuizhi returned to the palace, the queen didn't bother to attack her again, but those innocent guards disappeared like King Mu.

Another month passed, and the weather became more and more severe. Most of the plants withered their branches and leaves and entered hibernation to rest to prepare for the next year's growth. Only wintersweet is just budding at this time.

When the first snow fell, there was still no news about King Mu's whereabouts. By this time, most people had the answer in their hearts, knowing that the chance of him surviving would be very small.

The group of dragons has no leader, and the hearts of those who used to be King Mu's henchmen are scattered at this moment, and some of them who can't bear their temper have turned to the emperor to show their loyalty and serve the emperor from then on.

Such people are naturally shameless, but they are not rare, and Jing Yu is one of them.When Shuizhi was watching the snow on the piano pavilion of Fuqu Tower, he saw a thin figure standing in the garden downstairs from a distance.

Snowflakes fell on the water surface of the withered lotus pond and disappeared, and the dark fragrance of plum blossoms fluttered with the fine snow. Shuizhi looked at the man below, and had the illusion of a thousand years.

Jing Yu looked at the girl on the high pavilion, her lips were red, her teeth were white, and her eyes were cold and cold. She was far from the appearance she remembered back then. What changed was her beautiful face, and what remained the same was that beautiful face.

They looked at each other, and after a long silence, Shui Zhi invited him up, and then burned a small stove to boil wine, and the two of them were relatively silent while singing wine as a song amidst the fragrance of white snow.

After drinking too much, Shuizhi became drunk, and Jingyu had already left when she was sober.Later she learned that the emperor liked his careful and prudent work, so she personally transferred him to serve him.

It was a court lady who told Shuizhi the news, and she also told Shuizhi that the Emperor Suye's official office had newly favored a court lady with red sleeves and extra fragrance, and made her a beauty.

That court lady was Qian He who had met Shuizhi earlier.

These news are actually of no use to Shuizhi who doesn't care about worldly affairs deep in the Fuqu Tower, but now she finally understands one thing, that is who the original owner's wish is aimed at.

Throughout the winter, Shuizhi stayed in the Fuqu Building, except for Jingyu who would often visit her, and only Aunt Huanqing who was with the Queen came to see her once.According to the previous promise, Shuizhi handed over the top-secret file that could shake the emperor's status to Huanqing.

After winter, the weather warmed up, and good news came from the harem. Liu Wanyi, who was loved by the emperor, and the beauty who was promoted from a court lady were both pregnant. The queen was very pleased, and gave them generous rewards respectively.

At this time, the harem is harmonious, but the former dynasty is turbulent.

King Mu's loss of power has become a foregone conclusion, and those former supporters have basically dispersed like birds and beasts, but there are always a few stubborn ones who are unwilling to reconcile, and who don't know where the courage came from, to openly criticize with great fanfare in the court The emperor's civet cat is replaced by the prince.

The instigator was an old minister, who had always been dissatisfied with the emperor's tyrannical methods, and seeing that King Mu was missing and the emperor was doing nothing, he became even more furious, and continued to speak out for many days
(End of this chapter)

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