Wear it quickly, she's beautiful

Chapter 686 Changting Fu

Chapter 686 Changting Fu

Tired from walking afterwards, the two found a place to sit down and rest. Shuizhi reached into her sleeve and pretended to take out water and food, but they were actually things she put in the space.

When she was moving, Jing Yu glanced at the wide cloud sleeves embroidered with exquisite patterns, as if he was a little puzzled that so many things could be hidden in them, but he was only a little surprised, and didn't delve into it.

The two ate something, regained some strength and continued on their way. Not long after, they met two other young masters from aristocratic families who were hunting in the forest. When they heard the news of King Mu's disappearance, they turned pale with shock and immediately sent them back to the station.

When they returned to the station, the two were sent to the emperor. When Jing Yu explained the story to the emperor, Shuizhi noticed that the emperor was obviously relaxed under the pretended worried expression.

"You go down first. Come here, pass on my order, stop hunting activities, everyone pay attention to safety, and do your best to search for King Mu's whereabouts."

After Jing Yu finished speaking, the emperor immediately flicked his sleeves and issued an order, and the guards around him immediately stepped back to carry out the order.After finishing Jingyu's matter, the emperor turned his attention to Shuizhi.

"Shuizhi, I brought you here to find and transplant a few rare wild flowers here, but a few days ago the queen sent someone to tell you to look for Zhu Rong, why are you with Chengfu again?"

Cheng Fu is the name Jing Yu was given in the palace.When the emperor asked, his eyes were sharp.In fact, he has always known the relationship between Jingyu and Shuizhi, and he controlled Jingyu through Shuizhi, but at this moment when the two are together, it is worth pondering.

Seeing that he clicked on her, Shuizhi replied with a respectful salute.

"Back to the emperor, the servant girl was entrusted by the empress to look for Zhu Rong in the forest. She also went with several guards sent by the queen. But then there was a thick fog in the forest, and the servant girl and the guards lost their way and separated. I wandered aimlessly in the forest alone for two days before I met Cheng Fu and came back with him this morning to ask for help."

Shuizhi replied calmly, omitting some content just right, and completely recounted the original process of the whole thing.

Hearing her answer, the emperor just frowned and didn't pursue it any further. He waved his hand to signal her to step down too.The scheme against King Mu was set by the emperor, and he had already anticipated Shuizhi's end when he heard the report from the maid beside the queen, although he was a bit regretful, he was not regretful.

"Let's all go down, I will send someone to investigate this matter later."

After receiving the order, Jing Yu and Shui Zhi didn't stay any longer, and retreated obediently after saluting.But as soon as they got out of the emperor's tent, they parted ways, one went to deal with King Mu's funeral, and the other went to report to the queen.

The queen was surprised by the news that Shuizhi came back alive, and wanted to continue to make things difficult, but saw that she did not forget to pick Zhu Rong after she escaped from death, and presented a big bag full of it.

Everyone is like this, because of face, the queen can only change her mind, after taking Zhu Rong, she praised a few symbols and rewarded a piece of jewelry casually, then ordered her to go back to rest and let it go.

The news of King Mu's disappearance quickly spread, and people sighed for a while, fidgeting with ghosts in their hearts.Hunting activities were forcibly changed to tracing activities.

On the night of the fourth day, whether they like it or not, a large number of people searched in the woods for a whole night.At dawn on the fifth day, considering various reasons, the emperor, empress and all the ministers left for the palace ahead of schedule.

(End of this chapter)

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