Chapter 587 Begonia
"Boss, what about the shoes my lady ordered? It will be used in three days, please show me first." The woman said, at this time the store was wrapping the shoes of Haozi Shutang and handing them over to the side Xiao Er. "You go, send it to Zishu Mansion."

Xiao Er got the order, and immediately prepared to put on her shoes and run outside.Seeing this, Zi Shutang looked at Qing Ye standing by the door of the store, and immediately reached out her hand to stop Xiao Er who was about to go out.

"Don't bother, just leave it to me." Qingye said politely, Xiaoer then turned to look at the store manager, and the store manager looked at Zi Shutang.

"It's okay, since you're busy, I'll take the things away myself." Zi Shutang said politely, and the store manager nodded gratefully. "Miss Xie Zishu is considerate."

This store is not very big, but the business is good. Zi Shutang only saw the store manager and a waiter, so he didn't need to bother them to make an extra trip, just take them away by himself.

Zi Shutang raised his eyes and looked at the woman who was standing waiting for the store manager's reply, and turned his gaze away to say goodbye to the store manager. "Then you are busy, I will go back first." "Miss Zishu, go slowly." The store manager immediately saw off the customer respectfully.

Miss Zishu.These four words obviously attracted the woman's attention, and she looked at Zi Shutang with round eyes, with some doubts, some envy, and some hard-to-disguise disappointment in her eyes.

When passing by her, Zi Shutang paused for a moment, looked sideways, and then left as if nothing had happened.Zi Shutang has an impression of this woman, she is the singer of Chunfengduli, and the follower of Zi Shuhan's wife in the future.

The young lady that this woman mentioned just now is Baixi, the hottest singer in Spring Breeze. She and Zi Shuhan are old acquaintances, they come from the same hometown, and they wandered to Haishi together. marry as a wife.

Baixi used to be a member of a certain opera troupe in the south of the Yangtze River, but after the troupe disbanded, she wandered to Haishi with her senior brother. Zi Shulian's sexuality was provided to the opera mother and son by her.

Zi Shuhan would join in every scene of Baixi whenever he had the chance.

After leaving the shoe store, Zi Shutang went to Jinyifang in the south of the city to pick up a custom-made cheongsam, and Sun Qiniang met her in person.The cheongsam was brought to Zishu Mansion to try on once before, and after a little modification, it is now close to perfection. After reading it, Zi Shutang was very satisfied, and after Aoba paid the money, he sat in the car and went home.

There are not many people in Haishi who can afford to drive a car, and Zishujia is one of them.And this car was specially bought by Zi Shulian at a high price from other places, and it was exclusively used by Zi Shutang. Even Zi Shuhan did not have such treatment.

Cars in this era are far less advanced than those of later generations. Not only are they noisy and smell bad, but they can also be used as a means of transportation.

On the way back home, Zi Shutang saw all kinds of people on the street outside through the car window, and there were many beggars squatting on the street.In these turbulent times, with great disparity between rich and poor, many people live precariously.Not far from Haishi, the flames of war were burning.

Qingye is not qualified to ride in the car with Zi Shutang, long after Zi Shutang arrived home, she trotted all the way with the other servants and came late, with beads of sweat on her forehead and temples.

The weather in early June was getting hotter, Zi Shutang ordered someone to prepare tea for her, and watched her sip it.

 Four is over, good night

(End of this chapter)

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