Chapter 586 Begonia
Upon hearing this, Sun Qiniang turned sideways and took out the prepared measuring ruler from her purse, carefully measured Zi Shutang's size and recorded it, and left after a while.

After she left, it was almost dinner time, the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled yellow and orange on the wall in the yard, the sunset glow stained the sky, and the maid brought food.

The days are so ordinary, the time is passing in the day and night in the corner of the yard, when Zi Shutang can open his eyes to see the surrounding scenery, the crabapple flowers on those trees have already passed their full bloom, and the remaining withered ones have already deepened Color petals.

Another day, Chen Songzhi came to check up as usual. After finishing, he was packing up his things and was about to leave when he heard a very soft sigh from beside him.

"It's a pity, I missed the flowering period." Zi Shutang stood in front of the flower tree, raised his hand to caress the rugged flower branches, showing regret.

Chen Songzhi turned his head, shifted his eyes from her face to the withered flower tree, and smiled slightly. "It's a pity that after the flowers bloom, they will bear fruit, and that is the meaning of their life." The purpose of plants to bloom is actually to bear fruit.

Hearing this, Zi Shutang turned his eyes to him, then suddenly smiled and changed the subject. "Mr. Chen, I wonder if you have chosen a dance partner for the banquet in three days' time?"

Today's Haishi is a semi-colonial and semi-feudal chaotic zone. The national government and the military regions stationed in China are lined up side by side. No matter which side they are, they all advocate new culture. Therefore, Western dance music, cheongsam and reception.

Hearing the question from the woman in front of him, Chen Songzhi raised his eyebrows and his eyes became full of interest. "Not yet. If possible, would Ms. Zishu be willing to be my dance partner? Or does Ms. have any recommendations?" She took the initiative to bring up this topic, naturally with a plan, and Chen Songzhi continued to ask rhetorically.

Zi Shutang smiled, his clear eyes reflecting bright brilliance in the sunlight. "Mr. Chen's guess is right. Since we don't have any dance partners, we might as well choose each other."

Zi Shutang said with a smile, the 15-year-old girl is still very immature, different from the rich makeup girls Chen Songzhi is used to, she has a unique purity.

"Okay. It's a great honor to be Miss Zishu's dance partner. Your eyes have basically recovered. You should pay more attention to maintenance, avoid direct sunlight, and avoid excessive fatigue. Basically, there will be no serious problems."

As Chen Songzhi said, a very relaxed and natural smile appeared on Junyi's face, and Zi Shutang really saw his face clearly.He is a very handsome and temperamental man, his eyebrows are like stars and eyes like the sea, and when the corners of his lips are raised, it makes people feel like a spring breeze, as if the sunshine is his foil, and he is warm because of him.

There are still three days before the banquet prepared by the old lady, Zi Shutang has nothing to do anyway, just happened to miss a pair of shoes that can match the cheongsam, so he personally brought Qingye and Chen Songzhi out of the house.

After sending him back to the clinic, he went to a few shoe stores and bought a pair of silver-gray stilettos with flashing diamonds.In this era, such shoes are very avant-garde and expensive.But Zi Shutang didn't hesitate for a second, and asked someone to wrap it up and send it to Zi Shufu.

When the store manager was wrapping shoes, Zi Shutang casually looked at the finished shoes on the display cabinets around him. Suddenly, a woman walked in from the steps. She looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, with light makeup on. The shopkeeper opened his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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