Chapter 367 The Queen Never Sleeps (42)

Yang Ji and Liu He are just two inconspicuous people in this huge court. If they are not related to the cause and effect in the mission, I am afraid that others will not pay extra attention.

After confirming that the two of them had no strength to turn around, Us Ling put it behind his head.

The real pain is not a death.

She doesn't plan to kill these two people with an eye for an eye, so let it be. One is a wolf, and the other is ruthless. Wouldn't it be nice to spend the rest of your life together?
Kong has a heart that wants to be an emperor, but has no emperor's life, and now he is an eunuch who is not even a normal man.

How could a proud person like Yang Ji live comfortably?

Tan Hualang, who used to be personable in the past, now has a sharp broken voice when he speaks, and it is difficult to look at himself when he goes to the toilet. If this continues, even if he is not abnormal at the beginning, he will become paranoid in the end.

And Liu He who is by his side is the best vent.

Doesn't Liu He think that he and Yang Ji are invincible in true love?Didn't he know that he coveted the Queen's position, but after getting the benefits, he shyly pushed all the crimes on the Queen, and tortured innocent people who were kept in the dark to death?
Just right.

For the rest of her life, she should also stay with her lover who she truly loves.

I just don't know if she can bear this kind of day-to-day relationship.

The two instigators have been punished clearly, and the rest are of course the fools who turned to Yang Ji.

It's just that these people didn't take action directly, and You Siling didn't have the energy to kill them all before going to appease people's hearts.

These people turned to Yang Ji for "power", then she would deprive them of the most important "power".

A revolution that spread from the harem to the former dynasty was gradually brewing in secret.

Those courtiers who persuaded the queen to give up her exclusive favor on Tanhualang and keep the harem probably never thought of why they lost their official positions when they returned home.

Those concubines in the harem are people with a lot of heart.

If they were not good enough, those people would not have sent them into the palace to compete for favor.

However, if a dignified man is sent to the palace to be a concubine, even if the woman is a king, it will cut off their future.

This kind of thing is not sent to their sons, but to their sons.

Not every bastard is stupid.

They have not been taken seriously for so many years, and when they are needed, they are required to pay their hearts and souls for the family?
Who would want to!
When the queen told her everything slowly through the mouth of the husband, the concubines did not hesitate at all, and they fully agreed.

With the title of concubine, those ministers who thought they were in control didn't have much defense against them.

The "family" who deliberately let them compete for the emperor's favor, and thus supported the family, provided all the favorable conditions they could provide for their "competition for favor".

They already had the best prerequisites, and it was secretly allowed by the supreme ruler of the dynasty, so their strength accumulated at an alarming speed.

The officials in the court have undergone a series of changes within a year.

At first, the change was so silent that it was hardly noticeable.

The old officials who have reached their age return to their hometowns, and the young students begin to enter the court for the first time.

The exchange of blood is just some insignificant officials, how can they make the "big shots" with their eyes above the top pay attention?

As everyone knows, a single spark can start a prairie fire.

The disciples of the son of heaven are like water droplets piercing a stone, gradually occupying half of the country in the court.

By the time the conservative faction reacted, they were already powerless to stop it.

In the past, there were enemies representing the new forces confronting them, and later, "family members" from the palace turned their faces and refused to recognize anyone, and even the emperor sitting in a high position was unpredictable.

At this moment, what else can they do?

If you want to keep this life, you can only let go of everything and retire in peace.

Several male concubines in the harem also completely got rid of the title of concubine at this time, officially entered the court, and became a member of the courtiers who supported the queen.

Facing the accusations of the elders in the family who used to be superior, they have no regrets.

In the past, wasn't it the elders who said to them, "This is sending you to the palace to live a good life, have great fortune, and not to harm you"?
Well, now they can also calmly reply: "This is to send you home to recuperate, but it's because you lost your official position and didn't kill you. It's His Majesty's kindness."

Left Prime Minister Liu Jiyuan was the first to notice the queen's thoughts.

Probably because he had already sent a daughter into the palace, and worries had already arisen at that time.

When this day really came, he didn't feel surprised. Instead, he had a feeling of "it's finally here".

Although he was unwilling, he did not lose his life and the family did not suffer too heavy a loss.

Even though the Queen cleared out these vacillating conservative veterans, she did not prevent the possibility of their children in the family becoming officials in the future.

He lost his good foundation and had to compete with those poor children.

This was something they could not have imagined before.

But by this time, it became a glimmer of hope.

At least, it's not like there's no way out, and there's still a chance for a comeback after all.

Probably because of this glimmer of hope, it didn't force some people to jump over the wall.

Coupled with proper precautions, an accident passed so peacefully.

A new day has come.

When the sun rose, the people still smiled and opened the door, came out to say hello to the neighbors, and chattered about today's meal arrangements, completely unaware of what kind of event happened in the capital.

People who only live next to those official residences feel that they have discovered the fact that their neighbors moved out overnight.

The queen's harem exists in name only.

From her full power to her final abdication, there was one and only one husband, who had two sons and one daughter.

Historical records:
The empress doted on her husband very much. During her reign, she tried her best to abolish the harem system and favored only one person, and she would not change it for decades.The husband of the king belonged to the Qin family, and wanted his relatives to take power, so his Highness righteously exterminated the relatives.Later, he became more and more favored by the emperor.

After two years of marriage, one daughter was born, and she was named the princess at birth; the second son was born later, and the friendship between siblings is quite deep, which is indeed a rare harmony in the royal family.

The emperor reigned for forty and three years, and was said to be the eldest daughter, and then disappeared with the king's husband in the world without a trace.

It is said that the heart returns to the mountains and fields, or it is taught by immortals, there are different opinions.

No matter what others say, but here in Usling.

After giving birth to an heir, there is no prompt to complete the task.

The imperial power is in hand, but there is still no reminder.

When she had just passed the throne to the eldest daughter, she was still thinking about taking Qin Chongyuan outside to have a good time in the last gap, but she had already heard the familiar voice of the system ringing in her mind.

(End of this chapter)

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