Chapter 366 The Queen Never Sleeps (41)

Doctor Li is like a good old man. Speaking of this, he took a list from the medicine box and comforted him gently:

"This is not uncommon in the palace. Most of it is the inconvenience of going to the toilet at the beginning, and there are more peculiar smells on the body. Some people will have the phenomenon of beard and hair disappearing, and the voice is sharp. It will be fine after you get used to it. Tanhua... Eunuch Yang, he With a sincere person like you, Ms. Liu, taking good care of her, she will definitely cheer up as soon as possible."

This doctor Li is also a talent.

He acted well, and found it quite interesting, and the more he acted, the more natural he acted, so that people didn't feel that there was anything wrong with his behavior.

Liu He was stunned by his words, and it took him a while to find his voice: "Castration? Father-in-law?"

Why did she suddenly not understand what the imperial doctor said?

He was talking about Yang Ji?


How could it be Yang Ji!

Yang Lang is Tanhualang who is very popular in the palace examination, and the queen is willing to dismiss the harem for him.

She is still waiting for Yang Lang to make her a queen after taking the queen's throne.

How could he become a castrated eunuch?
Isn't the queen happy with him? It's absolutely impossible to do this!
Doctor Li intended to expose the truth, how could she continue to deceive herself?So, he explained very seriously:
"Miss Liu, don't worry. Although the body will not be considered complete if it is removed, it may not be a good fortune. If you can win the favor of the nobles in the palace, you can go to the cleansing room to buy things later. You can go underground completely. Now Eunuch Liu voluntarily gave up the titles of Tanhua Lang and editor, but his talents and learning are still there, and he is different from those stupid young eunuchs in the palace."

The one on the left was castrated, and the one on the right was incomplete, so I was afraid that Yang Ji's status as an "eunuch" would not be emphasized.

For men, being a eunuch is definitely an option of last resort.

Especially in such an era, eunuchs with incomplete body like this are not allowed to be buried in peace because of their parents, and it is said that they will be suppressed in Avici Hell.

Therefore, the great eunuchs who gained power usually took back the things that had been cut off and kept them properly, and buried them with the corpse after death.

The more detailed doctor Li said, the more terrified Liu He felt.

Now that it's all said and done, how else can she deceive herself?

At this moment, Yang Ji's abnormalities some time ago gradually became clear.

The smell lingering on her body, the gradually changing femininity, the sharp voice that was deliberately thick but hard to hide, and the wound that she never let her touch...

She and Yang Ji had a relationship for a long time, and they slept together a lot before.

But now, she dislikes Yang Ji's smell and weak appearance, and sleeps on another bed by herself.

Yang Ji actually didn't have any intention of getting close to her.

Before Liu He thought it was because he was injured and weak, he didn't have the energy to think about other things, and he couldn't bear her being too tired.

Now that I think about it, it's clear that she was powerless and deliberately concealed, that's why she wasn't allowed to get close!
She gritted her teeth, and before saying hello to Doctor Li, she turned around and ran quickly to the room where Yang Ji was.

That pretty face was already livid, but the eyes were full of anger and bloodshot, making people tremble just looking at them.

Doctor Li saw her entering the room, and hurriedly said to the little drug boy beside him: "Hurry up, pack up your things and leave quickly, so as not to be entangled in trouble here later."

After finishing speaking, he led the medicine boy to the gate of the courtyard without looking back.

The guards outside saw them and quickly opened the door to let them through.

As soon as Dr. Li walked out of the courtyard, he heard a loud "bang" from the courtyard, as if something fell to the ground.

The next moment, the door opened for him and the drug boy was firmly closed.

"Fortunately, I ran fast..."

Doctor Li patted his heart with lingering fear, and walked away with Yaotong.

In the room, Liu He looked as if he wanted to crush the flesh and blood of the person on the bed.

The ground was already a mess, broken bowls and dark brown soup were scattered all over the floor, and even the tables and chairs fell to the side.

It could only be regarded as a simple room, but now it is even more unsightly.

Yang Ji on the bed did not expect that the secret he had concealed for a while was still revealed.

He couldn't figure out, since Li Taiyi was willing to help him hide it last time, why did he suddenly speak up this time.

The first time he was questioned by Liu He, a trace of guilt flashed across Yang Ji's face.

But when Liu He began to vent crazily, the guilty conscience was replaced by ferocity.

He also glared at Liu He: "Why did I become like this? It's not your Liu family's fault! Do you think I'm willing to become a useless person? I'm Tanhua Lang! I don't know how many people envy me, and I was taken by His Majesty. In the end, it was because of you!" If I hadn't been seduced by you, I would have become a king's husband under one person and above ten thousand!"

"I seduced you?" Liu He yelled, "Why didn't you say that when you slept with me? You said that you could make me a queen. Now that you've gotten to this point, you still blame me. You even lied to me to suffer with you here during this time!"

Liu He is not a fool, how can he still not understand now?

Yang Ji is like this, how can he win the queen's favor?Her queen dream was completely shattered.

However, Yang Ji left her with a glimmer of hope before, asking her to stay here and take care of him without complaint during this period of time.

But Yang Ji sneered disdainfully: "I lied to you to stay here? Liu He, you, the daughter of the left prime minister, will be sent to the queen's court, and you can't even leave the courtyard on weekdays. Can I keep you here? Obviously, that dear father of yours sent you here!"

He laughed out loud, feeling uncomfortable, but Liu He suffered the same torture as him, which actually made him feel excited for the first time in this period: "Liu He, you are just a person who has been slept by me now." He was abandoned by the Liu family again. Besides me, who else can you follow? Do you think you are still the high-ranking daughter of the Zuo Xiangfu?"

" won't be..." Liu He's face paled.

She tried her best to deny it, but she thought of the behavior of her parents sending her into the palace, and the fact that there were no maids in the queen's palace.


She turned around and ran out, opened the door and was about to rush out, but was rushed back by the guard with a knife outside the door, closed the door with a "slap", and locked it from the outside.

In front of him is the closed gate, behind him is the desolate small courtyard and Yang Ji's hazy and lingering laughter.

Liu He felt cold all over.

She shouldn't.

You shouldn't look at Yang Ji as a Tanhualang.

She shouldn't be greedy and want to be the queen, and even secretly happy after learning about Yang Ji's plan, encouraging him to act as soon as possible.

You shouldn't have evil thoughts towards the queen, want to use her to gain status and father's permission, and want to deal with her cruelly afterwards.

This is all retribution...

She crouched down, shivering and screaming.

 PS: This mission world will end soon!

  What do you think about writing mermaid stories in the next world?

(End of this chapter)

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