In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 302: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (41)

Chapter 302: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (41)

When he said that the new tribe joined, everyone happily looked at the place where Usling was, and grinned at her with a big smile.

If Usling was not a female, he might be lifted up by the clansmen and thrown in mid-air to finish the job.

A Yuan, who was guarding beside Usling, looked at the male orcs vigilantly, and only looked at Usling with satisfaction after he stared back at their eager eyes.There was a smirk on that cold handsome face, which really ruined the image.

But none of the male orcs felt that there was anything wrong with him, and they even envied him very much.

To give them a female who is so cute and intelligent, they can surely laugh more silly.

Usling is very interested in the celebration.

She has already changed into the iconic clothes of the Tila tribe, with a tube top on her upper body and a short skirt on her lower body. Her delicate and fair skin is extremely beautiful.The pair of cat orc ears on the head trembled slightly occasionally, causing all the orcs who saw it to tremble with their hearts, and they were almost turned into cuteness by her.

However, that face and figure are very attractive, and she is a living female fairy.

It's no wonder that when Lin Xiaochu saw her for the first time, he classified You Siling as a vase, and even thought that her ears were intentionally dressed up in a sexy suit.

"Here, the priest and I officially announce that they are married..."

After the patriarch finished a long series of words, he finally said what A Yuan was most looking forward to hearing.

At the same time, the priest waved at A Yuan and You Siling.

When the two approached, he took out the garlands he had prepared in advance, and put them around their necks one by one, then stood on the high platform, put his palms on the top of their heads, and said Standing up: "In the name of the priest of the Tila Tribe, best wishes to the two orcs in front of me, may..."

The priest's voice was slow and long, and his tone was slightly different from his usual speaking, which made people feel at ease and comfortable.

When getting to the point here, Lin Xiaoyue finally managed to get through the blocked door.

Unlike these straightforward orcs, she still has a good understanding of the structure of this kind of door.Although I was tired and sweating profusely, I still achieved my goal.

After so many days, she finally got out of this room.

Lin Xiaoyue walked forward quickly. At first, she couldn't help but took two steps towards the place where the celebration was held, but the sudden burst of cheers over there woke her up, and she quickly turned around and walked towards the other side.

All the orcs in the tribe were there to participate in the celebration, and the other side was extremely quiet, there was no one there, and naturally there would be no lit torches, and the surroundings were dark.

At this time, Lin Xiaoyue walked here alone, and she really felt a little scared.

She tightly held the only oil lamp in her hand.

This stuff was something Yousling made out of animal fat some time ago, which surprised the tribe members who could only use torches for lighting, and quickly arranged them in every room.

"Dong dong dong..."

Lin Xiaoyue held her breath, lowered her head and continued walking forward.

The direction she was going was surprisingly the paddy field that Usling was in charge of.

The closer you got, the more obvious the malice on Lin Xiaoyue's face became.

Even if she were to leave, she would have to do something before leaving.

The maturity period of plants in the Wilderness Continent is very short, which may be related to the vitality of the plants themselves, or to the greater sunlight energy here.

Usling's rice field has her accumulated experience and knowledge, and there are some orc females whose physical strength is not inferior to ordinary men to take good care of it. With the optimized seeds, the effect of cultivation is indeed excellent.

In fact, a few days before the hunting season came, a wave had already been harvested.

New ones have been planted in this field. As for the harvested rice, some of them have been planted on a larger scale, and the other part has been stored.

These, Lin Xiaoyue still likes the news that the orcs pieced together one by one when they were chatting outside.

She was going to take away the stored seeds today, and then burn the field down.

Didn't those orcs drive her away because her fields were burned?That being the case, don't even think about that cat orc.

The rice was originally brought back by her, so she gave some to the cat orc, why is it better than hers!
Anyway, she gave it away, isn't it natural to take it back now?
Lin Xiaoyue didn't feel guilty at all.

Not long after, I saw the shadow of the paddy field.

It is already some distance away from the area where the tribe lives. After all, rice fields cannot be planted in the backyard.

Compared with the liveliness in front of it, the quietness here is a bit scary.

Lin Xiaoyue is not very courageous.

Lin Xiaoyue would not have dared to come if she hadn't been holding on to revenge.

Tremblingly protecting the light in her hand, she slowly approached the edge of the rice field.

The rice field is not the wheat field, there is water in this field!The buds that come out are not dead grass either, and are not so easy to ignite.

It is easy to burn one or two plants, but it is difficult to burn a large area.

If you really want to get there one by one, I'm afraid people will have discovered the movement here long ago.

The light in Lin Xiaoyue's hand alone is obviously not enough to see.

It's just that the orcs of the Tira tribe have repeatedly emphasized the role of that special combustion-supporting grass when they got into trouble before.

On the way here this time, Lin Xiaoyue deliberately found some more.

She snorted and brought the combustion grass in her hand closer to the lamp.

Before I touched it, I heard a rustling sound in the rice field.

Lin Xiaoyue's body froze, and she stood there not daring to move.




Familiar voices came from far to near.


Another loud roar completely woke up Lin Xiaoyue who was standing there dumbfounded.

She turned pale.

This... Isn't this the sound of the cuckoo bird and the tooth beast?

One scared her and pushed Archie out as a shield, and the other scratched her right shoulder.

How could Lin Xiaoyue forget the calls of these two animals.

As soon as she heard the voice, her shoulder, which had already healed, began to ache.The stench of the toothed beast and the sharp claws of the cuckoo bird kept coming back to her mind.

She shook her hand, and the combustion-supporting grass that she was holding in her hand fell to the ground and scattered into pieces.

But Lin Xiaoyue didn't have time to pick it up, and didn't even have the heart to burn the rice field. She turned around and ran to the other side. She hurriedly took the rice inside, then turned her head and ran towards the exit of the Tila Tribe.

While the orcs in the tribe were celebrating the arrival of the hunting season, the gates were all vacant.

It is impossible to break in from the outside, but it is much easier to get out.

Lin Xiaoyue used all her strength to move the valve that the orcs had easily closed, and ran out of the gate of the tribe in a flash. After a while, she disappeared into the night...

 PS: Continue to add more~
(End of this chapter)

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