In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 301: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (40)

Chapter 301: The Beastman’s Favorite Pet (40)

"Boom boom! Boom boom!"

In the open space of the Tila Tribe, a bonfire had already been lit early, and the sound of cheerful beats could be heard far away.

You don't need to see the specific scene, but you can imagine the scene in your mind from the red light shining in the distance and the lively voice.

The hunting season ceremony is held on the evening of the first day of the hunting season every year. For the orcs in the wilderness continent, this day is like a new year.

Everyone will start in the evening and continue to carnival until dawn.

In addition to singing, dancing, and eating barbecue, there will also be fighting performances between males.

And the male and female who made up their minds some time before the hunting season will also push the time to this day, and under the witness of the tribe, the priest and the patriarch will officially announce their partnership.

In the case of single females without a partner, males are also publicly recruited at this time.

In order to win the favor of the female, the males will show off their charm to the fullest in this day's fighting performance, striving to win the favor of the female.

Newly joined females like You Siling and Lin Xiaoyue came just before the hunting season, so they should have been one of them.

You Siling has already made up her mind with her guide A Yuan, of course it is much simpler, just wait until the priest and patriarch announce the result.

Lin Xiaoyue is here to choose her future partner freely, and some have the opportunity to enjoy the chasing eyes of males.

It's a pity that the trouble she got into earlier completely ruined this opportunity.

A female who is destined to be kicked out of the tribe is certainly not the choice of the tribe.

Hearing the movement from over there, Lin Xiaoyue who was locked in the room gritted her teeth, her heart was full of unwillingness and resentment.

Until now, she didn't feel that she had done anything wrong.

Isn't Archie dead?Although he was injured, he was spared the hunting mission during this period of time while recuperating!Now that his injury is healed, he can still go to the celebration.

As for the burning grass...

Wasn't it extinguished in time?

Except for her being injured and the small paddy field burned, everyone else was fine, not even the shadow of the house was burned.

She was covered with bruises, and those burnt rice were also brought back by her. What qualifications do those stupid orcs have to blame her?
As for the reneging on Agu, Lin Xiaoyue never even thought about it.

Her way of thinking is just like those murderers who stabbed people with knives, but the heart happened to be different from ordinary people, it grew on the right side, and they narrowly escaped the catastrophe without dying, and then the murderers felt that they were not guilty .

This kind of thing should not be judged by the result.

What matters, isn't it her behavior itself?
Archie survived because he had the ability to escape, and the orc brothers from the tribe arrived in time;
The burning of the grass did not cause more casualties and losses. It was because the orcs who helped them arrived fast enough and the efficiency of putting out the fire was high enough to stop the damage in time.

That's totally different from her making a mistake.

However, Lin Xiaoyue's thinking was twisted to a wrong path, and she still refused to correct it.

"Laugh, laugh, when you cry!"

She gritted her teeth and looked at the closed door, her thoughts kept churning.

The Tila tribe guarding outside had withdrawn at this time.

During the hunting season celebration, there will be no shortage of people in the tribe.

This celebration is a prayer for the hunting season and a thank you for the wild land.

They were not worried about Lin Xiaoyue's escape either.

Because, the priest had no intention of hiding it for Lin Xiaoyue, and everyone knew that she deliberately aggravated her injuries and relied on her thoughts here.

Besides, their original intention was to drive people out of the tribe. If Lin Xiaoyue was really willing to leave by herself, they would be more than happy!

Who wants to support a restless outsider with the hard-earned supplies all the time.

But Lin Xiaoyue's previous behavior still aroused everyone's vigilance, and she didn't really let go of the empty door and let the other party walk around.

What should be guarded against should be guarded against.

Even if no one is guarding it all the time, the door must be blocked, lest she come out and cause trouble again.

When the footsteps outside gradually disappeared and the noise in the distance became more active, Lin Xiaoyue, who was sitting in the room, started to move again.

She walked to the door, put her ears on it and listened, and after confirming that there was no sound, she reached out to open the door.

The door failed to open.

It seems to be resisted from the outside.

There is no such thing as door locks here, and the people in the tribe have simple minds, so it is really an era where there is no need to close the door.

Lin Xiaoyue is not worried that there will be some big locks outside that she needs to crack.

At most, it is a wooden stick inserted horizontally.

She walked around the house, rummaged a bit, and found what she wanted.

In the tribal open space, the clansmen have fallen into carnival.

The strong arms of the males kept tapping on the stakes, making a rhythmic "bang bang" sound. The females, who were much slender than the males, also stood up generously at this moment, surrounding the campfire , twisting its body to the rhythm of the beating of the males, dancing cheerfully on its face.

There is still a lot of meat beside the campfire, and a special clansman is in charge of roasting it.

The oil on the meat dripped on the charcoal fire, making a "sizzling" sound, and the aroma of the roasted meat spread far and wide in a short while.

From time to time, hungry clansmen would go over and take a piece of meat to fill their stomachs.

After eating a portion, there are new fresh meat racks to continue roasting immediately.

In the crowd, the little orcs who couldn't change their form also spread their hooves and ran around, sometimes stepping on the legs of the adult orcs sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The orcs who love these little guys very much don't scold them now, and occasionally pat these little guys on the head with a smile, and give them a small piece of food when they run by. Grilled meat.

There is a jubilant atmosphere everywhere.

The patriarch and the priest sat alone on one side, smiling and watching the clansmen who joined the celebration sing and dance.

When the time was almost up, the two elders with gray hair and beard smiled and nodded, and stood up: "Okay, okay, be quiet."

Everyone cheered a few more times, and then suddenly fell silent, only the sound of whistling wind and the sound of carbon fire splashing once or twice could be heard around.

The eyes of the clansmen all looked at the patriarch and the priest.

"Today, we are very happy to usher in the beginning of this year's hunting season. At the same time, we also celebrate that our Tila tribe has successfully passed the day, and even welcomed a new member..."

When the patriarch spoke, all the clansmen listened attentively with sparkling eyes, even those naughty little orcs.

(End of this chapter)

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