In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 203 The Pretty Widow in the Village (5)

Chapter 203 The Pretty Widow in the Village (5)

After walking to the destination, the man holding You Siling couldn't help frowning.

The courtyard door in front of him was actually open.

He glanced around, and felt that his old house, which hadn't been tidied up for a long time, had nothing to covet, so he simply walked in.

Probably some animal or a child accidentally opened it?


The courtyard door was not fully opened, and he didn't pay much attention when he walked in, plus he had never had the experience of holding someone in his arms...

As a result, Usling's head hit the door frame of the courtyard like this.

Her complexion was very fair, and after such a bump, a small patch of red soon appeared, and gradually turned a little blue.

Feeling the pain, she frowned uncomfortably, and let out a small moan.

The tall and strong man suddenly felt a little more guilty, so nervous that he stopped breathing, just hugged her like this, watching her face remain motionless.

Usling's coma is not light.

Or maybe he had already recovered, but was knocked unconscious again.

In short, after she made those slight movements, she quickly fell silent again.

Probably feeling the warmth next to his body, he even moved closer to the man's arms on purpose, and even put his palms on his body.

The man breathed a sigh of relief when he felt that she was no longer moving.

This time, he learned his lesson and carefully protected Usling's head with his arms before stepping in the door.

As soon as he entered the yard, he noticed something was wrong.

Although it is still dilapidated and not even very popular, there are still some traces that he can detect at a glance—someone lives here.

how can that be possible?
His parents have passed away, and he is the only child in the family.

If something hadn't happened, he probably wouldn't have come back either.

The courtyard was not good, and the house was only left with some basic furnishings, which were completely worthless, and it was not even as neatly arranged as other houses in the village.

How could anyone come and live here?

The bedroom door was also open, as was the yard door.

He glanced in the direction of the bedroom, and went to the kitchen first.

Unexpectedly, the place was empty, even cleaner than the new home.

Let alone stored grain, not even a single grain of rice was found.

He thought that someone lived here before, but now he couldn't help doubting this guess.

In this situation, unless the person living here is a goblin or a land lord, how on earth did that person survive?

Is it possible to rely on drinking wind and eating soil?

He couldn't understand it, and finally went to the bedroom.

Forget it, let's find out in the past.

Before entering the house, he felt a cold feeling coming from inside.

When I walked inside, I found that the window on the other side was broken, and the cool wind poured in from there from time to time.There is also a hole on the roof, and water drops are falling "tick-tock-tick", and it is not known when the rainwater accumulated.

It looks like this, no wonder it's so cold!

The old table with a short leg on the other side is still there, but there are things under it, barely maintaining balance.


It would be strange if no one lived here!

The half-opened quilt was not something originally in this room.

Also, the colors look familiar.

The man looked down at the woman in his arms.

Isn't it familiar?

The color of the quilt was clearly the same as the big red flowered jacket worn by the woman in his arms!It looks like it was cut from the same piece of fabric.

Moreover, it is a bit like something that his grandmother or mother-in-law's new bride would use, festive!

But this pattern has been outdated for a long time, and young girls still like this kind of thing?

Even if he is not afraid of ghosts and gods on weekdays, he feels that his arms are a little hot now, as if he is holding a flint.

Is this woman... really a ghost?

Or an aged newlywed female ghost?
As everyone knows, the clothes on You Siling are really the wedding dress of the You family Xiaowu.

Her pitiful dowry consisted of a few bites of food, plus a quilt cut and sewn from the same piece of fabric.

In order to save money, the You family went to the warehouse of the cloth village to find such an outdated pattern.

And Xiao Wu of You family was kicked out when she was newly married, her husband's family refused to recognize her, and her mother's family could not return.

In such a cold weather, she had no choice but to wear these clothes to keep out the cold. Of course, she could only continue to wear the wedding dress that made her feel dazzling.

Men are quite courageous.

If it were someone else, they would definitely be so frightened that they would throw the person in their arms out.

But he took a few steps forward, trying to put Usling on the bed for examination.


It was chilly in the room, and the bed that had been separated from the person was already freezing cold.

Even if You Siling is in a coma, he can still feel comfortable and uncomfortable.

She didn't want to leave the hot stove at all.

Feeling that the back was pressed against the cold place, the whole person has already moved forward, and the whole body shrank into the man's arms, and the arms spontaneously hugged the other person, refusing to leave at all.

The man simply let go of the arms around her and stood up directly.

Even so, she refused to let go, clung to his body with hands and feet, and even pressed her face against his neck.

The man was amused by her rogue behavior.

And the faint breath coming from the neck made him sure that it was a living person.

However, look at this poor appearance, even if he is still alive, if he doesn't eat something quickly, he will probably starve to death.

From the feminine items in this room, the color of the quilt, and the place where the woman fainted, he is basically sure——the person who lives in his old house is just lying in his arms and refusing to accept it. The woman came out.

As usual, he should have pushed people away impatiently.

In other words, he had never let anyone get so close.

But now, his patience is surprisingly good.

The man looked around, picked up the strangely colored quilt, and wrapped the woman in his arms together with his body, so as not to catch her cold.

Then, with some unsteady movements, he walked out the door.

After a while, the fire was lit, and some dry food and dried meat were taken out of the package brought back and put aside, ready for dinner.

While cooking, he went to the room on the other side to find the tools left by the previous home, and repaired the windows in the house.

As for the leak on the roof, we can only talk about it after the woman in my arms wakes up.

There's no way he's going up to the roof with such a big package, is he?

Seeing that the dinner made of dried meat and dry food was almost ready, he was thinking about how to wake up the woman, when he noticed that her nose was wrinkled slightly, and her eyes opened in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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