In the fast crossing, she relies on beauty and commits murder

Chapter 202 The Pretty Widow in the Village (4)

Chapter 202 The Pretty Widow in the Village (4)

People eat for food.

Nothing is bigger than a meal.

Even if she has monster power, she is still a mortal body at this time, and it is still uncomfortable to be hungry.

No matter which mission world she is in, even if she is a zombie, she always has a lot of food and has never enjoyed the treatment of starvation.

But now...

Usling managed to hold on to his exhausted and hungry body, got up and searched around the house.

This is really cleaner than her face, maybe the mice don't bother to come to the big hole to build a nest, right?
The rice jar is in the kitchen next to it, and you can even smell the faint aroma of rice inside, but now the jar is empty, and there is no shadow of a single rice.

Not to mention meat and vegetables, I'm really not afraid of thieves thinking about it, even the thieves have nothing to worry about.

The demon power can protect her from harm, but it can't keep her from starving!
Even if she was willing to put down her face and lurk to other people's houses in the village to steal some food, she still had to have the strength to go out.

Stealing from other people's houses, even if it's a demon, she's not so heartless.

After all, in this weather, the people in the village are not rich, and they can barely eat.If it is really found that the food is lost, this matter must be a big deal.

As a population who was forced to stay in the village, she would have more troubles.

If it wasn't for the food shortage this year, her older sisters wouldn't really have the heart to let her go.

But other people can't, steal You's house, You Siling doesn't have so much psychological burden.

Those things were originally obtained in exchange for "marrying" the daughter, so she, the person involved, can't eat?
But now he is so hungry that he doesn't even have the energy to use his demon power to find trouble with the system, let alone go out to throw food.

"Damn system..."

You Siling murmured in his heart.

Wouldn't she be the first host whose mission failed because of being starved to death?
Seeing that there was still some clean water in the tank, You Siling couldn't control that much, so he took a big gulp.

In this cold weather, even the water is freezing to the heart.

Taking a sip of cold water, You Siling felt that he would be able to get rid of the demon soul immediately and become a fairy.

Although there is no real use for drinking water, the feeling of fullness in a short period of time is still very strong.

She felt that her stomach was finally not the panicked feeling just now, so she went out the door after groping.

As soon as I went out, the cold wind hit my face.

She had just walked a few steps when another series of "cuckoo" cries came from her stomach.

Sure enough, she was so full and so hungry, it was impossible for her to hold on to this white water.

Dizzy from hunger, You Siling didn't know which direction he was going, so he just moved forward numbly.

Now, she really understands the extremely simple wish of Youjia Xiaowu.

eat meat!

She wants meat!

Usling gritted his teeth.

She swears that she must live a good life of eating meat every day until she vomits, and she will never be so hungry again!
If her current situation is known by the clansmen, it is estimated that she will not be able to regain You Siling's reputation in the future, right?A majestic big monster was stumped by a bowl of rice.

It's really hard for a penny to beat a hero!

I don't know how far I walked, You Siling braced himself to look at the surrounding scenery, but found that he seemed to be going in the wrong direction. The surroundings did not seem to be in the village, but rather seemed to be walking outside the village. There are even more weeds on the side of the road.

There is no people around, not to mention the aroma of cooking, not even the sound of dogs barking.

Usling's eyes darkened.

Would she have to turn around and walk back? !
With her previous ability, let alone walking back for such a long distance, even going back and forth to the capital in a day is no problem.

Even if the demon god is lost and the demon soul is present, it is easy to run around the village a few times a day.

but now……

With her starving appearance that she might die in the next moment, let alone walking back, taking one more breath would be like killing her.

I thought I was getting closer and closer to eating, but now I discovered such a cruel fact.

You Siling was so angry that his head hurt.

I don't know if it was the sequelae of a headache after waking up, or it was really hungry and dizzy, or it was extremely angry.

The next moment, she, You Siling, a big monster that has existed since ancient times, a race that caused so much trouble that God couldn't see it and wiped it out by hand, was actually fainted by anger or starvation on the road at the entrance of the village. past? !
At this time, the sky was getting dark, and it was very cold outside. Everyone in the village stayed at home, and no one wanted to go out to suffer.

You Siling was wearing the big red jacket that she disliked so much, and fell down at the intersection so bitterly.

After a while, a figure came from the path outside, and it seemed that he was about to enter the village.

After getting closer, I realized that he was wearing simple but clean cotton clothes.

This fabric, in this small village, is considered very good.Peasants who are struggling to get by, usually just live in coarse clothes.Only newborn children are lucky enough to get a set of cotton underwear, which is made up of pieces of rags, and one piece of clothing is passed on to several children.

He has a handsome face, a tall body, and wearing simple cotton clothes, it makes people feel that he has an extraordinary bearing and looks quite reliable.

He is obviously slender, but if you look closely, you can see his tight muscle lines from the fabric that is attached to his body.Beautiful without being exaggerated, with an expansive masculinity.

With a simple package on his right shoulder, he came from outside the village in a leisurely manner.

When he found a girl lying on the road, he paused, but only stopped for a moment, and was about to stagger his steps and pass by, without any intention of coming to help.

Just as he was about to walk away, the cold wind blew Usling's hair that covered half of his face after he fell down.

Red clothes, long black hair, and a face so pale that it turned blue...

It's like the scene of a horror movie.

In particular, Usling has a pretty face that is comparable to a goblin, or a goblin.

Used in the stories of the aunts educating their children, this is the banshee who wants to suck human blood.

But it was this goblin face that made the man stop.

The way he looked at You Siling didn't seem to stop simply because he was tempted by her beauty and wanted to take advantage.

His eyes were complicated and puzzled, as if he was puzzled by some question that he couldn't understand.

The man's feet unconsciously took another step forward, but his head still couldn't help but look back again, he couldn't bear to move his face away from that face.

"You... who are you..."

His voice was a little dry.

Why is it so familiar?Knowing that his heart hurts, realizing that his arms seem to have their own consciousness, I want to go over and hold him tightly in my arms.

In the end, he still failed to get away smoothly, and bent down to hug him up.After feeling the cold body of the person in his arms, he tightened his arms a little, frowned, and strode towards the village.

(End of this chapter)

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