heavy weapon is king

Chapter 97 Changes in Xiguan (2 updates)

Chapter 97 Changes in Xiguan (Second Update)

Just when hundreds of rune armor troops in the giant tiger battle formation were spraying blood and offering guns.

Nie Zheng immediately seized the gap, and quickly ordered Madman Hu and the others to fire rockets to counterattack.

call out!call out!call out!
Ten high-explosive rockets dragged their long flame tails again, whistling and lasing out, and in an instant, they bombarded the giant tiger battle formation.

Boom! !

The flames soared into the sky, and the deafening sound of explosions shook the entire mountain.

This time, under the bombardment of ten rockets, the enemy's giant tiger formation swayed from side to side and rolled back again and again.

Although, the second round of rocket bombing failed to break the enemy's flying tiger formation.

However, the defensive shield of the enemy's battle formation was dimmed and almost burst.

The five hundred Rune Armor troops hidden in the battle formation were even knocked over by the second round of rockets, rolling all over the ground, and the black steel spears that had just been sprayed with blood in their hands fell to the ground one after another.

Although the battle formation was not broken, the formation was completely in chaos.

Judging from this situation, Nie Zheng only needs to launch a third round of bombing to completely destroy the enemy's Flying Tiger Formation.

Seeing this, Nie Zheng immediately ordered, "Reload the ammunition quickly and prepare for the third round of bombing!"

After hearing about it, a group of bazooka launchers hurriedly took out the ammunition from the side, and filled it incomparably quickly.

At the same time, Ao Zhan led three thousand soldiers and horses, and had just rushed to the back of the Feihu Hegang formation.

Seeing the entire battle formation of giant tigers, the light was dim, and the defensive shield might break and dissipate at any time.

Immediately, his expression changed, and he hurriedly roared: "Retreat, retreat down the mountain, regroup and fight again!"

With an order, the [-] Rune Armored Army rushing up the mountainside, including the giant tiger formation in front of them, turned around and rushed down the mountain to retreat.

At this moment, under the gate of the cottage, ten bazooka launchers had just loaded their ammunition.

Seeing the enemy troops who had quickly withdrawn from the attacking range, Madman Hu couldn't help but frowned and said, "Village Master, those Song Dynasty troops have withdrawn."

Looking at Ao Zhan's army that quickly retreated down the mountain, Nie Zheng smiled coldly and said, "I'd like to see what else Ao Zhan can do."

As Ao Zhan's army retreated down the mountain like a tide, at this time, the dragon and tiger bandits guarding the gate of the village had a chance to breathe a sigh of relief.

For a while, under the command of the village masters and hall masters, everyone carried the corpses, treated the wounded, and dealt with the aftermath.

At the same time, Niu Meng, who had been leading the bandits of [-] horses, saw the fierce attack of the enemy's giant tiger battle formation just now, fearing that my uncle and the others might be in trouble, so he hurriedly jumped off his horse and brought a group of powerful The dragon and tiger elite rushed to the fortifications quickly, intending to protect the safety of Nie Zheng and others.

At this moment, all the bandits at the scene knew it very well.

If you want to survive today, you must keep the gang of Heifengzhai alive.

Especially Master Nie of Heifengzhai is the top priority of their protection mission.

They have fully experienced the power of the Flying Tiger Formation formed by Ao Zhan's army just now.

If Nie Zheng hadn't led the troops of Heifengzhai to use that powerful mysterious firearm to bombard, it is estimated that Tiger's Zhai would have fallen by now.

Facing thousands of rune armor elites, these green forest heroes of Longhu Mountain have no way out but to die in battle.

Now, in the Tiger Village, all the bandits from the mountain forces are working together to resist Ao Zhan's army and helping each other. This makes Nie Zheng very pleased.

Xindao, this group of green forests and grasslands, although they have different identities and different villages, but they are able to unite as one at the moment, which really makes people clearly feel the loyalty of the grasslands in them.

Suddenly, Nie Zheng felt darkness behind him, turned his head to look, and found that the tall Niu Meng was standing behind him holding two huge hammers at some point.

Looking at his dignified and serious appearance, he was probably shocked by the black steel spear fired by the giant tiger battle formation just now.The reason why he stands behind him so nervously is probably to protect his own safety.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng couldn't help feeling warm in his heart, and thought, when he goes back this time, he must ask Shen Hongyu, this mother-in-law, to bring this loyal general, Niu Meng, to his side, and let him be his personal bodyguard.

With Niu Meng's majestic iron tower-like body and a six-barreled Vulcan cannon, he is like an ancient version of Schwarzenegger.

As for Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, since the two of them have extremely strong shooting talents, when the time comes, after returning to the mountain, a new branch hall will be re-established. The members in the branch hall will only recruit those elite bandits who are proficient in arms and weapons. .

With Niu Meng guarding behind him, Nie Zheng felt more at ease.

Taking advantage of the time when Ao Zhan's army was withdrawing from the battlefield, Nie Zheng quickly inspected the fortifications.

It is found that, in addition to rockets, ammunition like those of light machine guns and AK47 consumes the most.

Especially the suppression and strafing just now, all of a sudden, the few remaining ammunition was exhausted.

From this point of view, when the Ao Zhan army formed an formation to attack again, the twenty AK47 gunmen should give up attacking, and just reload the ammunition for the ten bazooka launchers including this lunatic.

In that case, it can also save time and improve the efficiency of rocket launch.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately ordered the twenty AK shooters to cooperate with the bazooka shooters.


At this time, in the open space under the Tiger Ridge Mountain.

Thousands of Rune Armor troops who retreated in embarrassment gathered in place again.

Ao Zhan sat on the horse's back, his face was livid with anger, his eyes were ruthless, and he wanted to kill someone.

He never expected that the gang of rebels guarding the tiger village would be so difficult to deal with. He would not hesitate to send out flying tigers to join forces, but they could not break through the gate of the bandits' village. Instead, they were bombarded by the bandits' mysterious firearms. You have to fail one after another and return home.

Ao Zhan, who is arrogant and conceited by nature, couldn't swallow this bad breath.

This time, he was completely irritated by Nie Zheng and the others.

Ao Zhan secretly felt ruthless in his heart, no matter how much he sacrificed today, he would break through the mountain gate of Tiger Village and slaughter all those hateful thieves.

Only in this way can the hatred in his heart be relieved.

Only in this way can he, Ao Zhan, be able to capture Nie Zheng of Heifeng Village, and torture him to find out the origin of those mysterious firearms in Heifeng Village.

Thinking to this point, Ao Zhan immediately ordered in a cold voice: "Chen Duwei and Wang Duwei, this time you two will go out in person, and pick another thousand soldiers to form a double formation of flying tigers to attack the mountain!"

"The last general takes orders!" After receiving the order, a captain general immediately went to select soldiers and horses, preparing to fight again.

At this moment, the young Taoist priest suddenly held a secret fire talisman letter in his hand, rushed to Ao Zhan with an extremely anxious expression, and said loudly: "General Ao, something is wrong, there is a change in Xiguan, just now the Marquis sent me Huo Talisman urgently orders me to lead the army back quickly without delay, otherwise, I will be dealt with by military law!"

"What, has Xiguan changed?"

Ao Zhan's body trembled, and he lost his voice, "How is Lord Hou?"

The young Taoist also had a worried expression on his face, "A strong enemy is pressing the border, we must rush back to Xiguan with the Rune Armor Army as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!"

Hearing this, Ao Zhan turned his head unwillingly to look at the gate of Tiger Village halfway up the mountain, endured it for a long time, finally gritted his teeth, and ordered in a cold voice: "All soldiers obey the order, Xiguan has changed, return quickly!"

After saying that, Ao Zhan slammed his palm on the horse's back. Immediately, the yellow puma under the painful crotch let out a piercing long neigh. Then, the yellow puma kicked out four hooves, sending up smoke and dust all over the sky. Go straight to the return road and gallop away.

Seeing this scene, thousands of rune armor elites also took the "Huiyuan Shendan" one after another, displayed their whole body's skills, followed Ao Zhanma, and left the foot of the Tiger Ridge extremely quickly.

Ao Zhan took the lead and rushed to the front of the team, his eyes gleaming with extremely angry cold light.

This time the attack on Tiger Village fell short.

In the future, I, Ao Zhan, will make a comeback. At that time, I will slaughter all the dragons and tigers all over the mountain...

(End of this chapter)

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