heavy weapon is king

Chapter 96 Flying Tiger Gunslinger

Chapter 96 Flying Tiger Gunslinger
Under Nie Zheng's order, 47 armed bandits headed by Zhang Dazhuang and others raised their light machine guns and AK[-]s one after another, and launched a fierce shooting at the retreated giant tiger battle formation. .

Under the bombardment of dozens of guns and weapons, the Feihu Hegang battle formation, which was originally unstable in formation, became even more embarrassed.

The entire battle formation of giant tigers swayed left and right, unable to stand steadily.

The defensive shield, shaped like a giant tiger, was shocked by bullets like a storm, and its brilliance was dimmed, and its ripples oscillated endlessly.

Although the offensive of the light machine gun and AK47 seems fierce, in fact, it does not pose too much threat to the enemy's giant tiger battle formation.

After all, the combined power of ten light machine guns and twenty AK47s is not as powerful as a few rocket bombs.

Although the giant tiger battle formation was stagnated by the bombardment, it has slowly withstood the suppression and slowly gained a firm footing.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng secretly shook his head.

Xindao, if you want to break the enemy's battle formation, you must use large-scale bombing weapons such as rockets. In addition, ordinary machine guns and assault rifles are undoubtedly protecting the enemy's giant tigers. Hood tickle.

After the Flying Tiger Formation composed of five hundred rune armor elites stood firm, suddenly, the translucent giant tiger opened its bloody mouth again and let out a deafening howl.

Roar! ! !
Amidst the fierce roar of the tiger, the three thousand armored soldiers led by Ao Zhan, relying on the cover of the giant tiger battle formation in front, rushed forward aggressively.

At this time, the distance between the two sides was less than 300 meters.

The atmosphere at the scene was a little tense.

Ten bazooka launchers were hiding behind the fortifications, filling their bazookas nervously.

Although it didn't take long, the enemy's giant tiger formation immediately sensed the opportunity.

Because, when the main officer who controlled the Flying Tiger Hegang Formation was knocked back again and again by the rocket bombs, he was about to order the five hundred soldiers under his command to arouse his true energy again, making the Hegang in the big formation The power of the weapon can be raised to another level, so as to resist the terrifying explosive firearm of the thief just now.

However, the gang of rebels guarding the gate of the village only used mysterious explosive weapons in the first round of confrontation, and then there was no movement for an instant.

Seeing this scene, several generals in the main formation immediately guessed the key point.

Obviously, the thieves' powerful explosive firearms cannot be continuously attacked. It seems that they also need time to prepare.

After guessing the attacking shortcomings of the thief's firearms, on the spot, the main officers roared and gave orders.

"All the soldiers in the formation obey the order and sacrifice the flying tiger gun!"

With an order, in an instant, the five hundred Rune Armor troops hiding in the formation raised their black steel spears obliquely, bit their tongues sharply, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the spears.

boom! ! !
In an instant, the five hundred dark steel spears shone with red light all over their bodies, especially at the sharp tip of the spears, a crimson flame shone faintly.

Nie Zheng, who was hundreds of meters away, saw the changes in the enemy's giant tiger battle formation with his own eyes.

The enemy's [-] rune armor army held a five-foot-long dark steel spear, and carried four identical spears on their backs.

Although Nie Zheng didn't know what the main function of those long spears was, but at the moment when hundreds of enemies in the giant tiger's battle formation tilted their long spears at the same time, Nie Zheng felt something bad in his heart.

Immediately, he immediately turned his head and reminded everyone guarding inside and outside the gate of the village, "Everyone, be careful! You lunatics, launch rockets immediately..."

Just when the ten bazooka launchers had just finished loading the rockets and were about to pick them up and launch them.

Suddenly, the giant tiger hundreds of meters away suddenly opened its mouth wide.

Suddenly, a wave of shouts came out.

"Open the formation, let the tiger go back to the mountain!!"

Roar! ! !
An invisible sound wave swept across the entire mountain forest in an instant.

The shock made everyone's eardrums tingle, and their bodies were unstable.

Suddenly, at this moment, the five hundred rune armor troops hiding in the giant tiger battle formation let out a roar that shook the sky, and they all threw out the black steel spears in their hands.

shhhhhh! ! !
All of a sudden, [-] dark steel spears, carrying a strange red glow, came rushing like a foreshadowing of heaven and earth.

In an instant, the entire gate of the cottage was enveloped within the attack range.

At this moment, when the ten bazooka launchers headed by Crazy Hu were about to pull the trigger and launch the rocket, Nie Zheng's face changed and he hurriedly shouted: "Get down, get down, everyone get down!" !"

As soon as the words fell, the hundreds of spears fired from the giant tiger formation, like red lightning bolts, shot powerfully into the gate of the village.

For a while, the sound of "jingling" can be heard endlessly.

These long spears shining red light are extremely powerful and extremely lethal.

On the spot, hundreds of elite Dragon and Tiger bandits guarding the six arrow towers were pierced through by black steel spears and died on the spot because they had no time to escape.

Fortunately, when the enemy's black steel spear was fired, Nie Zheng had already led Zhang Dazhuang and other fifty military bandits to lie down under the fortifications, so they escaped the catastrophe.

On the other hand, the six arrow towers and watchtowers on both sides of the gate of the village, the people guarding them screamed and wailed continuously, and corpses pierced by spears fell to the ground in an endless stream. The elite bandits guarding the archery tower suffered heavy casualties.

The long gun fired from the giant tiger battle formation was so powerful that it was almost as powerful as a heavy machine gun.

Nie Zheng was lying under the sack full of sand and gravel, and he could clearly feel thick and long black steel spears, dragging fierce winds, roaring past overhead.

Those wooden arrow towers, under the attack of these dark steel spears, were blasted to pieces of wood, piercing through and shaking endlessly.

And these long spears seem to carry some mysterious power in the giant tiger battle formation, not only powerful, but also extremely fast.

Like those Dragon and Tiger bandits guarding the watchtowers of the Arrow Tower, once they are unable to dodge and are stabbed by black steel spears, immediately, those spears can easily smash their corpses with their powerful impact. Penetrating and tearing, and still able to penetrate the bodies of several people in succession, nailing them to the wall before stopping.

Some spears that didn't hit anyone were even more destructive.

Like those wooden arrow towers, they were directly pierced and riddled with holes.

There are also some long spears, after piercing through the wooden boards of the arrow tower, they still shot towards the big trees behind.

With a series of loud bangs, these thick-waisted trees were pierced one after another, and the tails of the long spears nailed to them kept trembling, making a strange buzzing sound.

The enemy's first counterattack finally allowed Nie Zheng to see the power of the giant tiger formation.

Obviously, the reason why those black panther battle formations rushed forward desperately was probably because they were hiding such ultimate moves, but the distance was too far for them to use them.

At this moment, the flying tigers 300 meters away joined forces.

The five hundred rune armor elite hidden in the formation saw their own flying tiger sharpshooter, and the defense of the murderer collapsed instantly.

On the spot, they all roared to the sky, their confidence soaring.

At this time, the generals who controlled the battle formation shouted again and ordered, "The formation is open, and the sharp gun is back!"

As soon as the words fell, the [-] rune armor soldiers in the giant tiger formation pulled out a dark steel spear from their backs, ready to throw blood again.

However, after seeing the counterattack power of the giant tiger formation, Nie Zheng would never give them a second chance.

Just after the first wave of overwhelming spears, the ferocious offensive ended.

Nie Zheng's face turned cold immediately, and he roared angrily: "The bazooka is ready, let me blast them to death!"

While the rune armor army in the giant tiger battle formation was still spraying blood and offering guns, ten bazooka launchers who avoided the limelight all stood up with RPG bazookas on their shoulders.

I saw them aiming at the giant tiger in the distance with cold faces, and slammed the trigger...

(End of this chapter)

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