Chapter 92
It is heard that Ao Zhan has led an army of [-] runes and appeared five miles away.

Immediately, Nie Zheng quickly passed down the order, ordering everyone to be vigilant and face the battle at any time.

"Master Zhang, are you ready?"

"Report to the village master, our firearms are all ready!"

"That's great, now we're waiting for Ao Zhan and the others to show up!"

Nie Zheng stood on the archery tower and looked down.

At this time, on both sides of the gate of Tiger Village, Nie Zheng had already ordered people to use sacks, stones, etc. to temporarily pile up a fortification with a length of tens of meters.

Within the simple fortifications, forty military bandits from Heifengzhai, headed by Zhang Dazhuang, all crouched inside calmly, holding the weapons in their hands tightly.

Today, ten RPG rocket launchers, ten RPK light machine guns and twenty AK47 assault rifles are deployed within this tens of meters of fortification.

At the same time, boxes of ammunition were piled up next to every gun bandit.

In order to deal with Ao Zhan's [-] Rune Armor army, Nie Zheng has spent all his money this time.

He took out almost all the ammunition he had stored in the Arms Commercial Street.

In the face of such a large-scale battle of persistence, the ammunition reserve must be sufficient, and the enemy must be given absolute firepower suppression, otherwise, once the enemy forms an formation and rushes up, the situation of Tiger Village will be very dangerous.

Currently, Nie Zheng has enough bullets for sniper rifles and high-explosive rockets for RPGs. The only thing that worries him is the ammunition reserves for light machine guns and AK47s.

Light machine guns and assault rifles, these two firearms are completely money-burning bomb spit machines. After a confrontation, they can casually shoot thousands of rounds of bullets.

Therefore, as far as the bullets are currently prepared, I don't know if they can last.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng thought to himself, if Ao Zhan's Rune Armor Army charged the cottage later, they would give priority to using rocket launchers for bombing deterrence, disrupting the enemy's formation and causing the enemy to panic.

Anyway, the number of rockets I currently have is too much.

Before attacking Changdaomen last time, only a few dozen of the 400 high-explosive rockets purchased were used at that time. When they returned to the mountain, there were as many as [-] rockets left.

In addition to buying an additional 600 high-explosive rockets in Shanshen Cave today, I now have a total of more than [-] rockets in my hands.

With so many rockets, it should be enough to bomb Ao Zhan's [-] rune armies.

But the only thing that makes Nie Zheng regret is that although he has a lot of rockets on hand, there are only ten rocket launchers, and there are only ten people who can skillfully control the rocket launchers.

"There are too few bazooka launchers. After this crisis is over, I must train more people to learn how to control the bazooka. In that case, no matter who the enemy is, I will have the confidence to defeat them!"

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng left the arrow tower and came to the fortification outside the village gate, preparing to fight with Zhang Dazhuang and others.

Beside a bazooka launcher, Nie Zheng crouched down, and at the same time, he also brought the AWM sniper rifle over, preparing to use this gun later to show off his might and snipe and kill several Rune Armor soldiers. general.

Ten snipers, including the three brothers of the Chen family, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, had already followed Nie Zheng's orders to find some secluded commanding heights near the gate of the village, preparing to hide in the dark and launch a surprise attack on the enemy's core generals.

Just as Nie Zheng was driving the sniper rifle, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps behind him.

Nie Zheng turned his head and saw that it was Niu Meng who brought people over.

"Xiao Meng, are you all cured of the poison?"

Niu Meng nodded and said: "Now everyone has recovered their strength. I just heard that Ao Zhan's soldiers and horses have appeared. I quickly led everyone down to help defend."

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: "Xiao Meng, you should immediately select [-] brothers with the strength of third-rank warriors and above among these people, and then find [-] horses and [-] horses in this fierce tiger village. Heavy-duty sabers, gather at the gate of the village at that time, and follow my orders!"

Hearing this, Niu Meng's heart was moved, and he hurriedly cupped his hands and said, "I'll do it now!"

After saying that, he led a group of people to search for war horses in the Tiger Village in a hurry.


Time, every minute and every second is passing by.

At this moment, inside and outside the gate of Menghuzhai, the elite bandits in the Qianlonghu Mountain Range all held their breath, waiting for the appearance of the enemy with full vigilance.

Suddenly, several bandits standing on the top of the arrow tower and responsible for observing the enemy's situation suddenly reminded loudly, "The enemy has appeared!"

Hearing this, all the people guarding inside and outside the gate of the village were shocked, and hurriedly raised their heads to look down the mountain. Sure enough, at the foot of Menghu Ridge, there appeared a group of officers and soldiers of the Great Song Dynasty with a ruthless aura.

Nie Zheng crouched in the mud sandbag, and with the help of the scope on the sniper rifle, he clearly saw a group of strange officers and soldiers wearing purple and black embroidered uniforms and leopard-head helmets rushing in like flying. out of sight.

This team should be the vanguard of Ao Zhan, only five hundred people.

When they came to the entrance of Tiger Ridge, all of them suddenly stopped in unison, bowed their bows and erected their shields, forming a defensive formation.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's heart moved, and he secretly estimated the distance between the two sides.

From the gate of Tiger Village to the entrance at the foot of the mountain, it is at least 500 meters away.

At such a long distance, whether it is a sniper rifle or an RPG rocket launcher, it is difficult to exert its power.

Especially rocket launchers, their effective range is less than 500 meters.

The enemy is too far away, and the high-explosive rockets fired are undoubtedly a waste.

Therefore, Nie Zheng could only stand still for the time being, and only launch an attack when the opponent's troops were within range of the bazooka.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng continued to calmly observe the movement of the group of enemies down the mountain.

The [-] pioneer rune armies, after appearing at the entrance of Tiger Ridge, did not rush up the mountain to kill them. They seemed to be waiting for the arrival of the follow-up large army.

After a while, finally, the enemy's large troops appeared in an endless stream.

At this time, Nie Zheng looked towards the enemy's team with the help of the scope, and saw thousands of rune armor soldiers in purple and black uniforms and helmets rushing down the mountain like a long dragon.

From a distance, Nie Zheng saw that at the front of this group of rune armor troops, there was a majestic general wearing the armor of General Purple Leopard, holding an extremely thick and long mace, sitting on a tall and strong horse. On the horse.

I saw that this general was about forty years old, with an ugly face, like a jackal, especially his slanting triangular eyes, which flashed with a gloomy and cold light from time to time.

As soon as this person appeared, Nie Zheng guessed his identity.

Jackal Ao Zhan, who else has such a cruel and ugly appearance except him.

Compared with the Rune Armor Army under his command, Ao Zhan was particularly eye-catching, because he didn't wear a helmet and visor, and his long hair in the shawl fluttered in the wind. With his brutal and ugly appearance, he was extremely impressive.

After seeing Ao Zhan with a stern face, Nie Zheng frowned, and muttered to himself: "Ao Zhan, a jackal, looks like a jackal, looks really awesome..."

(End of this chapter)

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