heavy weapon is king

Chapter 91 The Rune Armor Army Is Coming (2 more)

Chapter 91 The Rune Armor Army Is Coming (Second Update)
At this moment, within the gate of Tiger Village.

Nie Zheng led hundreds of Dragon and Tiger bandits who had just recovered their strength, and rushed to guard here.

These bandits are all the elites of the forces on the top of Longhu Mountain, and each of them is above rank four warriors.

On both sides of the gate of Tiger Village, there are six arrow towers and watchtowers.

Under Nie Zheng's order, the elite bandits in the Longhu Mountains all drew their weapons and set up defenses inside and outside the gate of the village.

Now, in the entire Longhu Mountain Range, all the head of the village of all the mountain forces were beheaded by the Wei Jindao who took refuge in the court. All of a sudden, all the mountain forces lost their leaders and lost their backbone.

Facing the army that was about to attack the mountain, these green forest heroes of Longhu Mountain were terrified in their hearts, and they didn't know what to do at all.

However, to everyone's rejoicing, the leader Nie of Heifengzhai is still there.

If Master Nie hadn't helped and detoxified everyone just now, they would have died in Ao Zhan's hands sooner or later. Even if Ao Zhan didn't kill them, he would have escorted them to Xiguan as coolies. This kind of life is better than death.

Since all the leaders of the cottages have died, for the present plan, they can only obey the orders of Master Nie.

Because, at present, in the entire Tiger Village, there are dozens of people gathered up and down from different hills, and together with the original thousands of people in Tiger Village, the total number of people is more than 2000.

Now, these people are all centered on Nie Da, the head of Heifengzhai, and follow the lead.

Judging from the current situation, apart from relying on the mysterious firearms of Master Nie, they have no confidence at all in the face of Ao Zhan's rune armor army, these bandits from Longhu Mountain.

At this moment, Nie Zheng stood on the gatehouse with a serious expression, shouting orders loudly. "Master Shi of Tiger Village, hurry up and lead people, and get all the bows and arrows ready."

"Yes, Master Nie! Shi will bring someone to do it."

"There is also Hall Master Su of Wuyang Peak. You lead 60 people and ambushes on both sides of the mountain pass. As soon as Ao Zhan's army starts to attack the mountain, you will put down rolling stones and lumberjacks to disrupt the enemy's position."

"Obey, Master Nie!"

"By the way, um...that Qingyang village master Xu, you choose some of the strongest brothers to guard the men and horses of our Heifeng village, and protect their safety so that they don't get distracted when manipulating firearms. ..."


Under Nie Zheng's arrangement, all the personnel nervously prepared for the battle.

As more and more dragon and tiger heroes recovered their strength in the playground at the top of the cottage, thousands of people rushed to the gate of the Tiger Village in a steady stream, ready to obey Nie Zheng's command, Everyone worked together to guard the Tiger Village, repelled the Ao Zhan army, and survived the crisis in Longhu Mountain.

When Nie Zheng saw that all the men and horses on the top of the mountain were busy in an orderly manner according to his instructions, his dignified expression suddenly eased a little.

The gate tower of Tiger Village is two feet high, and the six arrow towers built on both sides of the gate are even four feet high.

The gate tower built above the gate of the cottage is a passage leading to the arrow towers and watchtowers on both sides.

In order to observe the terrain and environment of Tiger Village as soon as possible, Nie Zheng left the gate tower and came to the top of an arrow tower on the left side of the gate.

In addition to arranging crossbowmen for long-range defense, this arrow tower has another main function, which is to look out into the distance and observe the enemy's situation down the mountain.

Standing on the top of the arrow tower, Nie Zheng looked down the mountain, and suddenly, he could see the surrounding terrain of Tiger Village.

The terrain of Tiger Ridge is flat on the top of the mountain and steep on the bottom.

Except for the mountain road leading directly down the mountain from the main entrance of the cottage, the other directions of Menghu Ridge are all surrounded by mountains and rocks, with steep slopes that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

As the defensive side, Nie Zheng and the others can rely on the terrain of Tiger Village today, give full play to their advantages, and have a good battle with the upcoming Ao Zhan army.

As long as Nie Zheng guards the main gate of Tiger Village today, it will be as solid as gold.

Although there are a few trails to go up the mountain on the back and left side of Tiger Village, but it's not a big deal.As long as some high-strength bandits are arranged to defend in several key areas of the back mountain, those Rune Armor troops will not be able to attack easily.

As for the rune armor army, whether they will drive the formation to attack from other directions on the back mountain, Nie Zheng doesn't have to worry about it at all.

A few days ago, on the way to Tiger Ridge, Nie Zheng once asked Yi Zixuan about the imperial talisman army and formations.

At that time, Yi Zixuan told him that there are many kinds of formations in the world, not only the imperial court, but even some famous martial arts sects who are famous all over the world will practice formations to protect mountains.

Although these formations are powerful, they have many restrictions every time they are used.

In particular, the "Xuangang Nine Formation" of the Great Song Fujia Army has very high requirements for the soldiers who form the formation. For example, only soldiers whose strength reaches the third-rank warriors can successfully form the formation.The higher the level of the formation, the greater its power, and the stricter the requirements for the strength of the soldiers in the formation.And every large formation needs a strong person who acts as the eye of the formation to control the overall situation. As long as the eye of the formation is broken, the large formation will collapse on its own.

Anyway, according to what Yi Zixuan said, the formations formed by these rune armor troops have a certain time limit, usually only about half an hour, and once the time is up, the soldiers participating in the formation will be weak and unbearable hit.

Therefore, unless it is absolutely necessary, generally these rune armies will not easily form a formation.

Unless you want a quick battle, or forcefully break through and break the formation, otherwise, the consumption and cost of setting up the formation is too huge, and once you lose, the casualties will be very heavy.

In addition, there are many other restrictions in the Hegang Formation. For example, the position and distance of each soldier has a clearly defined range. With the effect of Qi and Gang, the formation will fail.

Therefore, why the two armies choose to fight in a flat and wide area when they confront each other for a decisive battle is because the two sides set up formations for the convenience of cooperation.

As far as the terrain around Menghu Ridge is concerned, except for a valley at the foot of the front mountain, where the terrain is relatively flat, other directions, such as the back mountain of Menghu Village, are simply rugged and precipitous. .Even if the enemy succeeded in setting up an formation at the foot of the mountain, it is estimated that the formation would have dispersed long ago when they rushed up the mountain.

As long as the enemy has no formation to rely on, relying solely on the rune armor on their bodies, it is estimated that the defense power will be higher at most, but under the strong attack of the master, the defensive air shield of the rune armor will gradually weaken and exhaust.

Therefore, after Nie Zheng had a certain knowledge and understanding of the formations and rune armor of the Song army, the worries and fears in his heart also weakened a lot.

Besides, the arms and weapons he possessed were born to be the nemesis of the rune armor formation.

No matter how fast and powerful your formation is, you still have to get down under the bombardment of thousands of rockets.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately gave instructions to several other cottage masters, ordering them to select another group of elite warriors with strength above the third-rank warriors, and go to the rear of the Tiger Village to defend. What to do specifically, let Yi Zixuan come in person at that time Hill command.

At this moment, suddenly there were several figures at the foot of the mountain, rushing towards the gate of the village like lightning.

Nie Zheng took a closer look and found that it was the elites of the Shen family who had been sent down the mountain to patrol the mountain before.

These elite members of the Shen family came under the gate of the village out of breath, cupped their hands at Nie Zheng who was standing on the top of the arrow tower, and said, "My lord, Ao Zhan's troops are less than five miles away from Tiger's Village."

Nie Zheng's face darkened, and he said: "Have you checked clearly, how many soldiers and horses are there on the other side?"

"Around four thousand!"

"four thousand?"

Nie Zheng was stunned for a moment, and secretly asked: "Didn't you hear that Ao Zhan brought 4000 rune armor troops to the dragon and tiger to suppress the bandits? Why did only [-] come today? Could it be that the other [-] people have other missions?"

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng said to them: "Since Ao Zhan's army has arrived, you don't need to go down the mountain to investigate anymore, just stay here to help defend."

"Yes, uncle!"...

(End of this chapter)

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