heavy weapon is king

Chapter 45 Find a way to get real money

Chapter 45 Find a way to get real money
After Nie Zheng put away the dark secret letter close to his body, he pushed the two boxes of jewelry and antiques under the bed and hid them away.

Because of the sudden appearance of this dark secret letter, Nie Zheng had a lot of doubts in his heart. Regarding Gao Batian's background and wealth, to be honest, Nie Zheng was also extremely amazed.

The last time the Gaojiazhuang was robbed, although there was no danger, the harvest was indeed huge.

Many leaders in the cottage are saying that a super rich family like Gao Batian is rare in the world.

You know, like ordinary country gentry and local tyrants, although their family has a lot of land and food, but in fact the money in the family is estimated to be three to five hundred guan. Thousands of copper coins can be regarded as a real big family.

The reason why Gao Batian was able to accumulate such a huge wealth, in the final analysis, was his background.

According to rumors, there are three brothers in Gao Batian's family, except for Gao Batian, the other two are officials in the official court.

The third child, Gao Xiongtian, is the captain of the city defense school in Guangji County, and the second child, Gao Jingtian, has an even bigger background. It is said that since he married the daughter of a first-rank official in the court, his official career has been smooth, and now he has taken the post of fourth in Huangzhou City. The state of product supervision.

Jianzhou is the chief official of a state. Most of the people call Jianzhou the "state lord", who is in charge of all military and political power in a state. In modern terms, Jianzhou is the top leader.

In the strange Song Dynasty where Nie Zheng was reborn, the emperor's division of the country's official jurisdiction was a bit peculiar.

In the current Song Dynasty, [-] households are a village, and a "village official" is set up to assist in management.Ten villages form a town, and a 'town master' is set up to manage it.Ten towns form a county, and a "county magistrate" is set up to assist it.Ten counties constitute a prefecture, and a prison prefecture is set up to be in charge.Ten prefectures are a county, and a "junfu" is set up to manage all military and political powers within the county.

Although the official name is a bit of a mouthful, it is easy to understand. A county in the Song Dynasty is equivalent to a county in China in the previous life, a state city in the Song Dynasty is equivalent to a prefecture-level city in the country in the previous life, and a county in the Song Dynasty. It is equivalent to a large administrative province. As for the "junfu" adults in the county, it is estimated that they belong to the level of feudal officials.

Gao Batian's second younger brother, Gao Jingtian, as the "supervisor" of Huangzhou City, his power status is probably much greater than that of a gangster in the country in his previous life.

With such a state lord as his backer, it would be difficult for Gao Batian not to be rich.

The last time Gaojiazhuang was robbed and Gao Batian was beheaded, no wonder the state officials were furious and sent two thousand regular troops from the state city to encircle and suppress Heifengzhai. He won't just let it go, but the regular army in Zhoucheng can't pose a threat to him at all, but he doesn't know what kind of tricks the government in Huangzhou City will come up with to deal with Heifengzhai.

However, Nie Zheng didn't take the enemy seriously. As long as he had a strong army and enough money, weapons and ammunition, no matter how many soldiers and horses came from the court, he would still let the opponent throw away his helmet and armor and return home.

But the only thing Nie Zheng is worried about at present is the mysterious officers and soldiers of the imperial court who have rune armor.

Those rune armor soldiers are not only powerful, but compared with ordinary regular troops, both in force and defense, they are more than one grade higher.

If the imperial court really had such a powerful and mysterious army, Nie Zheng would have to make preparations early.

If it really comes to a dangerous moment, maybe the shotguns and assault rifles he owns now can hardly become the key cards to suppress the enemy.

Therefore, in order to prevent that from happening, he must constantly replace and upgrade his weapons and equipment to ensure that his own armed forces must be much higher than the enemy's armed forces.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng began to think about what kind of channels to obtain a large amount of real money.Before, he still had a balance of 80 million in the Arms Commercial Street.

But during this period of time, he was buying and buying, and Jack sent large quantities of weapons and ammunition out. Now, the hundreds of thousands of funds in his arms commercial street have long been consumed.

With no funds in hand, Nie Zheng has nothing to do.At the very least, there must be at least a few million deposits in the personal account in the Arms Commercial Street. In case there is no ammunition one day, you can go in to replenish some ammunition.

Now that his hands are empty, to put it bluntly, if one day the army of Xipinghou really appears in the area of ​​Longhu Mountain, he will have nowhere to cry.

Lack of money, serious shortage of money, must get real money as soon as possible!

Then take people down the mountain to rob the big family?Obviously somewhat unrealistic.

The vicinity of Longhu Mountain was originally a poor and remote wild land, where there were so many rich families to rob.

Besides, there are as many bandit forces entrenched in the Longhu Mountains. In the past few years, the court has been incompetent, natural disasters and wars have continued, and there are refugees and refugees everywhere. Landlords and local tyrants with powerful backgrounds, who can save a lot of real money.

Even if there are some well-to-do families in the prefectures and counties near Longhu Mountain, it is estimated that they have been robbed by the bandit forces entrenched in this area, and the remaining large families who have not been robbed may have moved out of here In the area, we headed to the important town of the state city guarded by the army.

In a short time, I'm afraid there will be no chance to rob a big family like Gao Batian.

If you want to get real money as soon as possible, you have to find another way.

Suddenly, Nie Zheng looked down at the two boxes of antique jewelry hidden under the bed, suddenly, his heart moved, he patted his head and said: "Damn, how did I forget these treasures! These two boxes of jewelry , Antique calligraphy and paintings are worthless in my hands, but if they can be sold through some channels, they are estimated to be worth a lot of money. In that case, wouldn’t I get a lot of real money soon?”

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng decided on the spot that he must find a way to sell these two boxes of treasures.

In this way, it saves trouble and is convenient, and you don't have to take people to take risks yourself. It's a good way to get the best of both worlds.

Immediately, Nie Zheng told Zhang Long who was guarding outside: "Go and invite Hall Master Fang, just say that I have something to look for him."

"Obey, village master!" After Zhang Long received the order, he quickly left the yard, went to the warehouse in Houzhai, and went looking for the fat man.

Not long after, Fatty Fang came up to Nie Zheng with a big belly.

"This subordinate has seen the village master!"

"Hall Master Fang, sit down quickly, I need you to help me with something urgent."

Fatty Fang was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and hurriedly said: "The village master, please give me instructions."

"Come with me and show you something valuable."

After saying that, Nie Zheng led Fatty Fang into his bedroom.

Under Fatty Fang's puzzled gaze, Nie Zheng pulled out two boxes of jewelry from under the bed.

Looking at the two large boxes of jeweled antique treasures in front of him, Fatty Fang's heart skipped a beat, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "Hey, there are so many treasures in these two boxes, it's really rare. Does the village master want me to put these two boxes of treasures into the warehouse?" ?”

Nie Zheng shook his head, looked at him deeply, and said, "I want you to find a way to sell them for me."

Hearing this, Fatty Fang pondered for a moment, and said: "Village Master, these two boxes of your treasures are rare items. They are valuable, but they are not easy to sell. It is estimated that few people in Guangji County can afford them. Only Huangzhou Those rich and wealthy merchants in the city can afford to buy it, but it will take at least half a month to go to Huangzhou City, and if some people are eyeing it, I’m afraid there will be an accident.”

Nie Zheng felt that his worry was not unreasonable, so he nodded immediately and said: "You can figure it out. If you are worried about accidents, arrange a few brothers who are better at guarding you. How to make insurance is up to you to arrange.”

"Okay, this subordinate will go back and discuss with Jia Xiufang later, and ask him to bring a few people to do it tomorrow."

Fatty Fang lowered his head and thought for a while, then said: "Village Master, if you want to sell these treasures at once, it is probably impossible. You can only pick one or two valuable things and take them down the mountain at a time."

"Okay, let's do it like this. However, we only accept gold, not silver or bank notes. You must remember this!" Nie Zheng reminded.

After Fatty Fang heard this, he nodded and said: "This subordinate understands that there is too much silver, and it is too conspicuous to carry on the way back to the mountain. Gold must be easier to carry."

After the two discussed for a while about how to sell jewelry and antiques, Nie Zheng asked Fatty Fang to pick out the two most valuable calligraphy and paintings from these boxes of treasures and take them away.

Before leaving, Fatty Fang suddenly turned around, looked at Nie Zheng hesitantly, and said, "Village Master, this... this is Xiaozhi's birthday tonight, this silly boy is clamoring to buy you a drink, I don't know Does the Lord have time to show your face?"

Nie Zheng was taken aback for a moment, then nodded immediately, and said, "Okay, since it's Xiaozhi's birthday, I must go."

Hearing this, Fatty Fang was overjoyed, and hastily cupped his hands in thanks: "This subordinate is here to thank the village master on Xiaozhi's behalf."

Nie Zheng smiled and waved his hands, "What's there to thank, Xiaozhi hasn't come to me for a long time, I really miss him."

Seeing that the village owner was always thinking about his silly boy, Fatty Fang was inevitably moved, and immediately smiled, saying: "This subordinate will leave first, and don't disturb the village owner."

"Hall Master Fang, go slowly, remember to prepare more good dishes tonight, the nearest mouth of this village master is..."

Looking at Fatty Fang's leaving back, Nie Zheng felt a lot in his heart.

From the mouths of a group of bandit leaders, I learned that this fatty Fang was originally named Fang Dahai, and he was the former "Nie Zheng". Fengling's.

It can be said that now, in the entire Heifengling, almost all the bandits who stayed behind are Nie Zheng's hard-core confidantes, especially Fatty Fang, who I heard once owed Nie Zheng a great favor , so he is loyal and dedicated to Nie Zheng.

It is said that when Fatty Fang followed Nie Zheng up the mountain seven years ago, he brought two sons with him. The eldest son was Fang Yuanzhi, and the youngest son was Fang Xiaozhi.

When his two sons first went up the mountain, the eldest was only less than ten years old, and the youngest was only three or four years old. Anyway, they were quite pitiful at that time.

As for Fatty Fang's two sons, Nie Zheng has been reborn in Heifeng Village for almost two months, and he has met them a few times. Because of their low status in the village, they have seen Nie Zheng several times. They just hid in the corner and watched from a distance, not daring to go up to say hello to the head.

Nie Zheng was quite impressed with the two sons of Fang Dahai.

Especially his youngest son, Fang Xiaozhi, who is almost ten years old this year, has been plagued by illnesses since he was a child. In addition, he has some malnutrition, so his body is as thin as a five or six-year-old child.

Nie Zheng also heard Zhang Long and Zhao Hu mention it many times before, saying that Fang Xiaozhi seemed to have been stimulated by something when he was young, and his personality was a bit withdrawn and shy. Usually hide in fear.

When the dead ghost "Nie Zheng" was still there, for some reason, he loved and cared for Fang Xiaozhi. Nie Zheng heard people say that there was a time when the two were together almost every day, inseparable. Like father and son, as close as brothers.

Hearing the matter of Fang Xiaozhi and that dead ghost "Nie Zheng", Nie Zheng couldn't help but secretly sighed in his heart, thinking that the character of "Nie Zheng" in the past might be a little violent and domineering, but his nature should be a very kind and loyal person.

Otherwise, Heifengling was reduced to a situation where he couldn't even eat enough, and there were still so many bandits following him, sticking to Heifengzhai and refusing to leave. His personal charm should also be very strong. Big credit.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng sighed softly, and murmured: "Don't worry, Nie Zheng, you can go with peace of mind, everything you leave behind is also everything to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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