heavy weapon is king

Chapter 44 A Weird Secret Letter (1 more)

Chapter 44 A Weird Confidential Letter (Part Two)
That night, because Nie Zheng slept late, he didn't wake up until noon the next day.

After waking up, after eating the lunch Zhao Hu prepared for him, seeing that there was nothing important to do in the afternoon, Nie Zheng stayed in the yard to relax.

Sitting on the bamboo armchair in the yard, Nie Zheng kept thinking in his heart, whether he should prepare some gifts when he went to Qingzhu Ridge to meet Shen Hongyu in a few days.

From the mouths of the leaders of the cottage, since Shen Hongyu was driven out of Heifeng Village by the former "he", it has been more than four years since Shen Hongyu has not seen each other.

As for whether the previous "Nie Zheng" had feelings for Shen Hongyu, Nie Zheng didn't know, but he was sure that Shen Hongyu from Qingzhuling must have feelings for him.

Women in ancient feudal times were usually more sentimental and conservative, unlike those women on Earth in previous lives, who were empathetic and forgetful.

Besides, no matter what, the two of them are married with their fingertips, and they grew up together as childhood sweethearts. The foundation of their relationship for more than ten or twenty years is there, how can they just break it off?

If you go to Shenjiazhai this time, you must be mentally prepared to come back without a feather.

After all, she was the one who ruthlessly drove a daughter's family out of the mountain. Shen Hongyu must have resentment in her heart, and it was still a very big resentment.

It's just how long it will take for Shen Hongyu's resentment to be unraveled. I'm afraid that this process will require Nie Zheng to spend more time expressing it.

Thinking of all the bandit leaders, when they mentioned Shen Hongyu, their voices were full of admiration and awe. It can be seen that this Shen Hongyu is not only beautiful, but also very skilled in martial arts. What is even more admirable is that this woman's behavior , should also be very fair and moral, otherwise, the bandits below will never support her so much.

Just because she left Heifengling alone back then, she established a village with more than 2000 people in just a few years. This kind of ability is beyond the reach of ordinary men, let alone a woman?
Thinking of this, Nie Zheng secretly decided that in the next period of time, he must do whatever it takes to coax this woman back.

If Shen Hongyu returns, it will undoubtedly be a huge strength upgrade for Nie Zheng and for the entire Black Wind Village.

During this period of time, Nie Zheng often thought that the more than 400 troops in Heifengzhai were nothing if they were placed in the Longhu Mountain Range where there are many bandits.

If he hadn't owned the golden finger of Arms Commercial Street, he might not even be a fart in the eyes of other mountain leaders.

But now everything is different.

Not only did he lead Heifengzhai into such a huge business as Gaojiazhuang, what is even more surprising is that he also led a mere 300 troops to repel the [-] regular troops from Zhoucheng who came to suppress the bandits.

It won't be long before this news spreads throughout the Longhu Mountain Range, and by that time, all the mountain forces in Longhu's territory will look at Heifengzhai with admiration.At the same time, he, Nie Zheng and Nie Da, will be famous in the Dragon and Tiger Mountains, and he will be in the limelight for a while.

In addition to stealing the limelight, Nie Zheng still has a lot of hidden worries in his heart.

This time he robbed Gaojiazhuang at night and defeated the regular army of Zhoucheng. With such a sharp edge, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of the imperial court and some special forces.

Especially the strange-looking arms and weapons they use, it is estimated that they can easily attract the attention of some interested people.

At that time, I'm afraid that someone will come secretly to attack him and Heifengzhai's attention. If that happens, the situation will be a bit bad.

At present, what Nie Zheng is most worried about is not that he is afraid that others will attack Heifeng Village with open swords and spears, but that he is afraid that someone will send a skilled assassin to assassinate him secretly.

You must know that in the entire Heifengzhai, there is no real master who can stand on the stage at all. Although Wang Gang, Zhang Dazhuang and others have the strength of second-rank warriors and their skills are not bad, but compared to real As far as the masters are concerned, they are still very weak.

Not to mention Nie Zheng's own strength.

Before his rebirth, Master Nie might still have some martial strength, but since his last rebirth, Nie Zheng has completely become an ordinary person who doesn't understand martial arts at all.

With my own strength, if I don't have a few powerful guards to protect me, I will be in trouble in the future.

Although it is said that in Heifeng Village, there is money and food, and they can recruit troops at any time, but in a short time, where can they recruit some experts and minions with reliable backgrounds?
Therefore, the most important thing right now is to coax Shen Hongyu well, as long as she is made happy, by then, the more than 2000 people in the Shen family village will all belong to him, Da Nie, who is the head of the family?
There is no need to worry about the strength or origin of my mother-in-law's troops.

What's more, Shen Hongyu's own strength is so high, and I heard that she has a group of generals with high martial arts skills under her command. As long as she successfully lures them back to Heifengzhai, the overall strength of Heifengzhai will immediately be like a rocket , Cengceng up several grades.

At that time, with Shen Hongyu, a beautiful lady, protecting him, and the village is well-managed, with strong soldiers and horses, that kind of beautiful life will be the perfect life of the king of the mountain in his mind.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng decided on the spot to go back to the room and open the box of jewelry to see if he could pick out some special treasures and bring them to the Shenjiazhai to coax the woman.

Quickly returning to the bedroom, Nie Zheng pulled out two large wooden boxes from under the bed.

These two boxes were brought back from the treasure house in Gao Batian's bedroom last time.

Originally, there were five boxes in Gao Batian's treasure house, three boxes of gold and silver ingots, one box of jewelry, and one box of antique calligraphy and paintings.

The three boxes of gold and silver ingots had already been exchanged by Nie Zheng for arms and weapons.

As for the two boxes of jewelry and antique calligraphy and paintings, they have been kept in his bedroom.

Gently open the wooden box containing jewelry, and suddenly, there are strings of pearl necklaces, agate earrings, black jade ring fingers, emerald jade hairpins, coral hairpins... Under the sunshine, they shine brightly, and the jewels are so precious that they make people feel beautiful. People are dazzled.

Facing this box of shining treasures, Nie Zheng watched carefully for a long time, but didn't know which one to choose.

In desperation, Nie Zheng had no choice but to choose a few delicate-looking jewelry, tore off a rag from his body, and carefully wrapped them up.

Looking at the crumpled cloth wrapped in his hands, Nie Zheng couldn't help but wrinkled, and muttered to himself: "For such a precious thing, I have to find a better brocade wrapping, otherwise, it's just like this." Wrapping it with a piece of crumpled cloth and giving it to others seems too tasteless, since it is a gift for a woman, it must be wrapped delicately..."

After picking out the jewelry, Nie Zheng opened the box of antique calligraphy and paintings next to him, wanting to see what valuables were inside.

Rummaging around in the box, there were some calligraphy, painting, porcelain and other antique cultural relics. Since Nie Zheng knew nothing about the antique business, he couldn't see what was so good about these things.

Just when Nie Zheng was about to pack the antique calligraphy and paintings that fell outside into the wooden box one by one, he suddenly discovered that there was an exquisite brocade box hidden at the bottom of the wooden box.

"Hey, that's good. I was worried about not being able to find a gift box just now. I didn't expect that there was one ready-made in this box. I really want to get what I want."

Nie Zheng immediately separated the antique items in the box, and took out the brocade box hidden in the wooden box without any effort.

Taking out the brocade box and taking a closer look, Nie Zheng found that it was a bit unusual.

This brocade box is one foot square, and the whole body is carved from a whole piece of golden nanmu.You must know that golden nanmu is a very precious thing in this world. It is said that this wood has an expensive price of one inch of wood and one inch of gold.

The brocade box alone is so expensive, isn't the thing inside it even more extraordinary?
"Could it be that there are some rare treasures in this brocade box, otherwise, why did Gao Batian hide it so secretly and use such a precious brocade box?"

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng inevitably became a little excited.

At that moment, he carefully opened the brocade box and looked inside full of expectation. Suddenly, the smile on his face froze, and he couldn't help being greatly disappointed.

It turned out that inside this precious golden silk brocade box, what was placed was not any rare treasures, nor some magic elixir, but an ordinary account book.

Depressed, Nie Zheng took out the ledger, flipped through a few pages casually, and saw that there was a lot of account information densely recorded on it, which made him, who hated data accounts in his previous life, very headache.

"What kind of rags? It's just such an ordinary account book. That guy Gao Batian actually hid it so tightly, and even used a high-quality gold silk brocade box to hide it. I really don't understand these ancient landlords and local tyrants. What is going on in their minds?" It's not all in the water..."

Suddenly, Nie Zheng felt something was wrong!

According to common sense, if it is really an ordinary ledger, there is absolutely no need for Gao Batian to hide it so precious.

The only explanation, the ledger, is definitely not as simple as it appears on the surface.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng hurriedly bent down to pick up the ledger, and looked through it carefully again.

However, no matter how much he looked through it, he couldn't understand anything except the account information on the ledger.

Just when he was about to close the ledger and throw it into the box, suddenly, a dark confidential letter slipped out of the ledger lightly.

"Hey, what is this?"

Nie Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and with doubts in his stomach, he picked up the dark secret letter.

The secret letter was sealed with fire wax. When Nie Zheng opened it, he found that there was also a piece of dark letter paper inside. The letter paper was so dark that the contents and information on it could not be seen at all.

Driven by curiosity, Nie Zheng closed all the doors and windows, lit an oil lamp, and wanted to use the light of the oil lamp to discover the contents of this dark secret letter.

In the end, it was still useless. There was not a word on the secret letter, which seemed a bit mysterious.

Nie Zheng kept a careful eye in his heart. He was going to put this secret letter close to his body first, and when he had a chance in the future, he would find someone to decipher the secret, and see what was written in this dark secret letter. thing.

If this secret letter was really ordinary, it is estimated that Gao Batian would not treasure it so preciously.

(End of this chapter)

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