heavy weapon is king

Chapter 414 The Strange Skull

Chapter 414 The Strange Skull
Today, it is rainy, and the temperature in Annan continues to drop.

Although the climate here in Annan is not as cold as the frost and snow in the north, the wet and cold weather combined with wind and rain is the most uncomfortable.

Now the people in Yangzhou city have already put on the fur coats for the winter. They can't wear this kind of fur coats a few times throughout the year.

Similarly, in the Air Force military base outside the North City of Yangzhou, all the staff and clone soldiers stationed here are all wearing thick military coats.

These thick military overcoats were all prepared by Nie Zheng before, in order to prevent the cold current from coming, so that all the staff and soldiers could not be affected by the cold current, so that they could display their normal combat effectiveness.

Ever since the seven teams of scouts lost contact on the Yuanjiang defense line a few days ago, Nie Zheng has been living in the military base, and Fang Yuanzhi personally protects his safety.

Now that Fang Yuanzhi is by his side, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and the others basically don't have to guard Nie Zheng day and night.

Now, although the two of them are still leading a team of elite guards by Nie Zheng's side, their main job is to run errands for Nie Zheng and pass orders, and they are also responsible for the liaison work of various legions, and then sort out the information and news. Report to Nie Zheng in detail.

Although the leaders of each legion could report to Marshal Nie immediately, Marshal Nie always had time to eat and rest. Therefore, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu acted as his orderlies and secretaries.

At this time, Nie Zheng had just had breakfast, made a pot of hot tea, sat quietly behind the desk, and patiently listened to Zhao Hu's daily morning report.

"Marshal, last night we received information from the Yuanjiang defense line. They said that the Hun King Helian's vigorous southern expedition army had entered the territory of Shao County, and it was still more than two hundred miles away from Yuanjiang. At the same time, at the same time yesterday afternoon, , Tuoba Rui also led the Wulin Armored Army, and arrived at Gurong Town on the north bank of the Yuanjiang River. It is about 140 miles away from the defense line on the south bank of the Yuanjiang River. Can join Tuoba Rui's legion.

In addition, Shi Zheng and Xue Changsheng's hundreds of thousands of troops divided into multiple groups, and successfully recovered all the five counties of Nanyuan south of Hengjiang.A few days ago, a group of Burmese horse thieves appeared in the west border of Annan. They wanted to plunder supplies in the towns along the border, but they were wiped out by our border army..."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng nodded in satisfaction, and asked again: "By the way, Ling Donglai and Yao Chenzhou guarding the territory of Nanyue Kingdom, are there any abnormalities on their side?"

Zhao Hu shook his head and said, "Everything in Nanyue Kingdom is as usual, but..."

"But what?" Nie Zheng frowned.

Zhao Hu was stunned, and hurriedly said: "In the early hours of this morning, the commander of the Niu Meng Army on the Yuanjiang Defense Line suddenly sent an urgent report that a strange and bizarre tragedy suddenly occurred in a remote village on the south bank of the Yuanjiang River. The 430 seven people in the village, regardless of men, women and children, all died suddenly last night."

"All sudden death?"

Nie Zheng's face darkened, "Why did you tell me now?"

Zhao Hu said in a low voice: "At that time, the commander-in-chief was fast asleep, so the subordinates didn't wake him up."

Sighing slightly, Nie Zheng waved his hands and said, "I see, you go down first."

After Zhao Hu left, Nie Zheng immediately took out the wireless communicator, contacted Niu Meng who was far away on the south bank of the Yuan River, and inquired in detail about the tragic death in the village.

According to what Niu Meng said, that village is called Wangjiazhuang, located in the northwest border of Annan County, less than sixty miles away from the upper reaches of the Yuan River.

When the patrol team passed by Wangjiazhuang the day before yesterday, nothing happened in the village. Why did everyone in the village suddenly die for no reason in just one day?
It was very strange at this time, not only Nie Zheng felt weird, but even Niu Meng felt something was wrong.

Nie Zheng secretly felt that the sudden death of the entire village in Wangjiazhuang might have something to do with the Yanyang Mowu Legion sneaking into Annan County?

Thinking of this, his brows were furrowed and his mind was restless. If he didn't investigate this matter clearly, he would probably have trouble sleeping and eating in the next few days.

Now the million-strong army led by the King of the Huns has entered the territory of Shao County, which is only more than 200 miles away from the north bank of the Yuanjiang River. If the Huns march quickly, it is estimated that they will be able to reach the north bank and reach the Annan border in a few days at most.

At such a critical moment, it is definitely not normal for such weird and bizarre cases to occur within the northwest border of Annan County!
"It seems that I have to go to Wangjiazhuang and check it myself to see if I can find anything unexpected."

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng immediately left the office building and prepared to go to the mecha warehouse.

At this time, Fang Yuanzhi saw this and hurriedly asked: "Master, what happened?"

Nie Zheng glanced at him and said, "A strange murder happened in our territory, I have to go there and investigate it myself."

Fang Yuanzhi said: "Do you want to bring more people?"

Nie Zheng waved his hand, "No need, Niu Meng has already dispatched a team of soldiers to seal off Wangjiazhuang. There is no need to bring too many people. It is enough to have you by my side."

Fang Yuanzhi nodded, "Okay!"

Now that he decided to go to Wangjiazhuang, Nie Zheng must be prepared.

Although Fang Yuanzhi, a super expert, is said to be his bodyguard, for safety reasons, Nie Zheng still thinks it is more reliable to bring a biological giant.

As long as he hides in the body of the biological giant, Nie Zheng will not be afraid of any enemies.

After all, this matter may have something to do with the mysterious Yanyang monster army, especially those mysterious western magicians. No one knows what kind of terrifying abilities they possess.

Facing a group of mysterious enemies whose details are unknown, it is better to be cautious.


Half an hour later, Nie Zheng controlled the biological giant and left the military base swaggeringly with Fang Yuanzhi.

The staff in the military base had seen biological giants several times before, so they were not as shocked as they were when they saw giants for the first time.

After leaving the military base, Nie Zheng and Fang Yuanzhi headed all the way to the northwest border of Annan County.

Due to Fang Yuanzhi's strength, he used lightness kung fu to run, and his speed was not slower than Nie Zheng's biological giant. In this way, the speed of the two people's journey was extremely fast, and the short distance of hundreds of kilometers was reached within a few hours. .

After arriving at the northwestern border of Annan, Niu Meng had already followed Nie Zheng's instructions and sent an armed helicopter to lead the way in the air, leading Nie Zheng and the two towards Wangjiazhuang.

Finally, around eleven o'clock at noon, Nie Zheng and Fang Yuanzhi arrived at Wangjiazhuang smoothly.

Wangjiazhuang was built in a relatively remote valley. The scale of the village is not very large. It is estimated that there are only a hundred or so households at most.

Standing outside the valley, from a distance, Nie Zheng saw hundreds of Annan soldiers in camouflage uniforms outside the village, firmly blocking the entrance of the village.

These soldiers were fully armed and looked dignified. Obviously, such a tragedy in Wangjiazhuang really made everyone feel very uncomfortable.

Soon, the huge giant suddenly appeared outside the village, which aroused the vigilance of many soldiers.

However, when they took a closer look, they found that the biological giant was Marshal Nie's mysterious weapon. The last time Nie Zheng led the mech troops to attack Luozhou, he had controlled the biological giant to pass through the Yuanjiang defense line. Therefore, Yuanjiang All the soldiers on the defense line have heard of this.

When Nie Zheng controlled the biological giant to the entrance of the village, an officer at the level of regimental commander quickly ran up to the giant, saluted respectfully, and said, "Lord Luo, commander of the third regiment of the fourth regiment, No, hello, Commander!"

Seeing this, Nie Zheng immediately ordered the giant to release him from the cockpit.

Looking at Luo Fei who was standing in front of him, Nie Zheng said in a deep voice, "Have you searched the village carefully and found someone alive?"

Luo Fei nodded and said: "The subordinates have already sent people in to search several times, almost every corner of Wangjiazhuang has been searched, and there is no one alive. There are a total of 430 people in Wangjiazhuang, all of whom died suddenly. No one survived."

Nie Zheng said coldly: "Have you found anything suspicious in the village?"

Luo Fei thought for a while and said, "This subordinate found a strange mark on those dead villagers."

"Oh, really?"

Nie Zheng frowned, and hurriedly said, "Where are those corpses now?"

Luo Fei said respectfully: "According to the commander's order, in order to protect the scene, we have not moved every corpse in the village."

Nie Zheng nodded in satisfaction, "Very well, take me there right away."

"Yes, handsome..."

Under the leadership of Luo Fei, Nie Zheng and others quickly entered the blocked village.

As soon as he entered the village, Luo Fei brought Nie Zheng to the nearest farmhouse. In the yard of this farmhouse, lay five corpses, an old man, three grown men and a five or six-year-old girl. .

These five people lay straight on the ground, their bodies were already stiff, and their faces were pale, especially their eyes were wide open, full of panic, as if they had encountered something terrible before.

Seeing this, Nie Zheng frowned and asked, "Why are they all lying in the yard? Are you sure no one has moved these corpses?"

Luo Fei nodded, and said in a firm tone: "This subordinate dares to guarantee his life. Since we arrived, no one has moved these corpses."

Nie Zheng lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then asked, "Where are the other corpses?"

"The other corpses are also lying in the yard, or at the main entrance."

"Isn't there a body lying in the house, in the pantry, or elsewhere?"

Luo Fei shook his head and said, "No, after we arrived, we found that these corpses were all gathered together. There were no corpses in the village lanes, grain drying yards or other places. Therefore, they must have died at night. At night, the villagers will all gather in their houses."

Nie Zheng said, "When were these corpses discovered?"

"At three o'clock in Yinshi, my subordinate led a patrol team passing by, carrying a thermal imaging display device, and there was no sign of life in the village on it, so we discovered that the people in the entire village had all died suddenly."

"Yin hour three o'clock..."

Nie Zheng lowered his head to calculate, and muttered to himself: "Three quarters of Yin's hour is about four o'clock in the morning. If calculated according to this time period, the villagers of Wangjiazhuang would have died a long time ago."

Luo Fei nodded, "The commander's calculation is correct. According to the inspection of the corpses by his subordinates and others, the villagers of Wangjiazhuang should have died around midnight."

Nie Zheng said: "You just said that you found abnormal traces on these corpses? Why didn't I see them?"

"Look, Commander, here..." After saying that, Luo Fei quickly squatted in front of the corpses, and took off all the clothes of the five corpses on the ground.

At this time, Nie Zheng clearly saw a black skull pattern engraved on the chest of each corpse.

Each of these black skull patterns is only the size of a fist, and there are many weird runes engraved around each black skull pattern.

The color of the rune is bright red, as if it was painted with blood.

After seeing these weird skulls and blood-colored runes, Nie Zheng's face darkened, he took a deep breath, and said, "Does every corpse have these weird runes and black skulls?"

Luo Fei nodded, and said: "That's right, there are 430 seven corpses in the entire Wangjiazhuang, and these black skulls and runes are engraved on the chest of each corpse, so I dare to conclude that the villagers of Wangjiazhuang , must have died at the hands of some sinister monster."

At this time, Nie Zheng's face was extremely gloomy, and now he was absolutely sure that the tragedy in Wangjiazhuang was definitely related to the mysterious Yanyang Mowu Legion.

He even began to wonder in his heart whether there was an evil magician who secretly sneaked into Wangjiazhuang, and used some evil and secret means to kill all the villagers in Wangjiazhuang.

However, at the same time, another question arose in Nie Zheng's mind. Since the Yanyang monster army had sneaked into Annan's territory secretly, they should keep a low profile and not make such a big noise, right?

Even if they want to kill, they should kill the Annan army soldiers stationed on the Yuanjiang defense line. Why do they want to kill these innocent villagers?

The villagers in Wangjiazhuang are all unarmed ordinary people, who pose no threat to them at all. Why would they do this?
What is their purpose in doing this?
Thinking of this, the doubts in Nie Zheng's heart became deeper and deeper, and at the same time, the murderous intent deep in his eyes became more and more intense.

"What a mysterious Yanyang Mowu Legion, who dares to cause trouble on Lao Tzu's territory. If I don't kill you all, I swear I won't be human!"

(End of this chapter)

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