heavy weapon is king

Chapter 413 Crisis Emerges

Chapter 413 Crisis Emerges
Since Tianqiu transported [-] tons of AR ore back to Annan, Nie Zheng has been staying in the military base most of the time these days.

Helian Bobo, king of the Huns, is about to lead an army of one million to attack Annan, and Nie Zheng has to prepare for the battle in advance.

Originally, nearly a thousand tanks and artillery were parked in the land and air military base, but in the past few days, Nie Zheng repeatedly ordered thousands of clone soldiers to drive these tanks and artillery to Annan on average. Various border fortresses are deployed.

Especially in the south bank of the Yuan River, hundreds of main battle tanks and self-propelled artillery were deployed.

If the army of the Huns came, they would definitely break through the Yuanjiang defense line at all costs.

Because the south bank of the Yuan River is the first military defense line in the entire Annan. If this defense line is breached by the enemy, then the rune armored wolf riders of the Huns will drive straight into Yangzhou.

Although it is theoretically difficult for the Huns to break through with the armed defense force that Nie Zheng is currently deploying, but there are no absolutes in the world, not afraid of ten thousand, just in case.

Anyway, it's always good to be cautious.

Now that the Huns already knew that Annan possessed a large number of mysterious weapons and weapons, they probably had already taken precautions and preparations, so Nie Zheng still did not dare to underestimate the enemy.

During this period of time, the temperature in Annan dropped a lot, but the weather was very sunny.

Such weather is very beneficial for armed helicopters to detect the enemy's situation nearby, because even at an altitude of thousands of meters, the scouts in the cabin can clearly see any abnormal movements on the ground.

In the recent period, in order to guard against the mysterious army under the command of the Xiongnu King—the Yanyang Mowu Army, Nie Zheng sent a large number of scouts and spies.

Even the armed helicopters will send more than a dozen of them to patrol and investigate the border area every day, in order to prevent the enemy from taking advantage of them.

At noon today, Nie Zheng had just finished his lunch and was about to lie down in the office building of the military base to rest for a while. Suddenly, he received an emergency call from Niu Meng.

Niu Meng's hasty voice suddenly sounded from the other end of the wireless communicator, "Commander, something happened!"

Nie Zheng frowned, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Niu Meng said, "Last night, the seven teams of scouts we sent to the upper and lower reaches of the Yuanjiang River all lost contact."

Nie Zheng's face darkened, "Have you sent someone to search?"

"Yes, early this morning, I specially selected two elite teams of 300 people, plus ten armed helicopters, to search the upstream and downstream of the Yuanjiang River, but found nothing. We suspect that they...they may have encountered an accident ..."

"You didn't even find the body?"

"So far, not even a single body has been found!"

Nie Zheng took a deep breath, "How many people lost contact in total?"

Niu Meng gritted his teeth and said: "Seven teams of scouts, 56 people, whether it is the south bank of the Yuanjiang River or the north bank, we have searched the entire upper and lower reaches of the Yuanjiang River, and we have not found any traces."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng secretly felt that something was wrong, and asked again: "Those scouts are carrying a lot of munitions and equipment, have you found any traces of fighting in that area?"

Niu Meng shook his head again, "No, there are no traces at all. We didn't even find a single bullet casing. As for the weapons and equipment carried by those scouts, we didn't even see a single piece of them."

A cold light flashed in Nie Zheng's eyes, and he said slowly: "From now on, your Yuanjiang defense line will send additional patrolling personnel, and you must strengthen your vigilance. If you find any suspicious and abnormal movements, please notify me as soon as possible."

"Yes, handsome..."

After interrupting the conversation with Niu Meng, Nie Zheng immediately put on his clothes and sat in front of the large desk.

At this moment, Nie Zheng was full of doubts.

Seven teams of scouts, more than [-] people, are all equipped with advanced weapons and equipment, and everyone carries a wireless communicator. Even if they really encounter danger, they should report to Niu Meng and the others in time.

All of a sudden, these scouts lost contact without a sound. There must be something wrong?

Nie Zheng's face was gloomy, and he held his chin and fell into deep thought.

Today, there are nearly [-] troops stationed on the entire Yuanjiang defense line, and tens of thousands of them are drawn from other legions.

In order to ensure the combat effectiveness of the Yuanjiang defense line, Nie Zheng transferred all the most elite forces in the entire territory to the south bank of the Yuanjiang River.

As for those scouts, they were all selected from among them. Not only were they proficient in all kinds of firearms, but all of them had martial arts strength above rank five, so they could be said to be the best of the best.

Like these scouts, unless they met a very powerful opponent, under normal circumstances, they would not suffer at all, let alone be wiped out by the group.

You know, they are not only equipped with the best weapons and weapons, but also carry a series of high-end and advanced detection and detection equipment such as military telescopes, thermal imaging detectors, night vision goggles, etc.

Even in the face of an enemy stronger than them, these scouts can rely on the advanced military equipment in their hands to detect the enemy in advance, and ambush or escape and hide at the fastest speed. No matter how bad it is, there should be enough time to use wireless communication to deliver messages and alerts.

But they didn't do any of these, or in other words, they were killed by the enemy before they had time to do it.

These scouts, what kind of enemy did they encounter, why didn't they even have a chance to call for help?

The seven teams of scouts, a total of 56 people, all lost contact and disappeared without a trace, leaving no trace. Thinking about it carefully, this is a bit too weird.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's heart suddenly trembled, and he exclaimed secretly: "Could it be that they met someone from the Yanyang Mowu Legion?"

"Only members of the Yanyang Mowu Legion have this mysterious power, which can make all seven teams of scouts disappear from the world without a sound, otherwise, there is no way to explain all this!"

Thinking up to this point, a bad thought came to Nie Zheng's heart, because, if he guessed correctly, the mysterious Yanyang Mowu Army under the King of the Huns might have sneaked into Annan's territory secretly, otherwise , they will not kill the seven teams of scouts so recklessly.

Once the scout loses contact, it's easy to find out that something is wrong.

If this is the case, then the situation may be a little bad.

Now Nie Zheng is not afraid of the enemy's attack with sharp swords and spears, but he is afraid that the enemy will lurk in the dark and use various insidious tactics to deal with him.

Ever since the Snow Mountain Witch King Han Qianzhang was killed by the troops of the Hall of Ghosts, there was no one in the entire Hun Empire who could threaten Dao Nie Zheng's personal safety.

But for a long time, the mysterious Yanyang Mowu Army under the command of the Xiongnu King Helian Bobo has made Nie Zheng very afraid.

A group of powerful martial arts masters, together with a group of Western magicians with mysterious origins, what kind of terrifying combat power they possess, Nie Zheng can't even imagine.

Reborn in this strange ancient time for such a long time, Nie Zheng has fought against almost all samurai masters of all ranks. He is not afraid of martial arts masters at all, because he knows the depth and ins and outs of those martial arts masters, and knows what methods to use to deal with them.

But Western magicians are different.

The name magician represents strangeness and mystery.

Before the two sides had a formal confrontation, Nie Zheng couldn't guess their true strength, nor did he know what kind of supernatural power they possessed, let alone whether his own weapons could effectively deal with them.

This is very annoying.

Now, this group of mysterious magicians may have sneaked into their own territory, and they may pose a great threat to themselves at any time. Therefore, we must find them as soon as possible, and then kill them at all costs just work.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then took out the wireless communicator, and quickly contacted Li Yan who was still lurking on the north bank of the Yuanjiang River.

"Li Yan, where are you now?"

"Reporting to the commander, the subordinates have already lurked near Luozhou."

"Your ghost hall is located in the upper and lower reaches of the Yuanjiang River. Have you planted spies?"

Li Yan was taken aback for a moment, and said, "There are four, what's the matter?"

Nie Zheng took a deep breath, "Have you contacted them these two days?"

Li Yan was a little puzzled, but he still replied respectfully: "According to the usual practice, the more than 400 members of the ghost hall will look for opportunities to report to me every day. , They have reported to me one after another, and no abnormal movements have been found so far."

Nie Zheng said: "Have you found any traces of the Yanyang Mowu Legion?"

Li Yan said awkwardly: "Not yet...not yet."

Nie Zheng said in a deep voice: "You immediately contact the four secret agents lurking in the upper and lower reaches of the Yuanjiang River to see if they are still there?"

Li Yan's heart sank, he nodded hurriedly and said, "Yes, Commander..."

After the middle of the call, Nie Zheng sat quietly behind the desk, waiting patiently for Li Yan's reply.

Sure enough, within 5 minutes, Li Yan's voice sounded from the wireless communicator again.

This time, Li Yan's voice was obviously serious, "Commander, the situation is not good. I tried many times just now, but I couldn't contact them at all."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's face changed, and the ominous premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

After pondering for a while, he ordered in a deep voice: "Li Yan, immediately call all the members of the Hall of Ghosts and tell them to withdraw to Annan. I suspect that the Yanyang Mowu Legion has sneaked into our territory."

As soon as this remark came out, Li Yan's heart was shocked, and he nodded on the spot and said: "Of course, Commander, I will go back immediately!"

After finishing the call with Li Yan, Nie Zheng immediately left the desk and walked towards the door.

At this time, Fang Yuanzhi, who had been guarding the door all this time, saw that something was wrong with Nie Zheng's face, and he couldn't help but stepped forward and asked, "Master, what happened, why are you so worried?"

Nie Zheng glanced at him, sighed deeply, and said, "The situation is not good. The Huns have a very mysterious army, and they have sneaked into our territory secretly. I don't know what methods they will use to deal with us. .”

After saying that, Nie Zheng told him about the Yanyang Mowu Legion.

Hearing this, Fang Yuanzhi frowned, "Yanyang Mowu Legion, what kind of existence are they, are they very powerful?"

Nie Zheng shook his head and said: "It's not clear yet, but the reason why King Helian Bobo of the Huns has been able to win every battle and sweep the world over the years is due to his mysterious Yanyang Mowu Army. Therefore, we You have to be careful to guard against it.”

Fang Yuanzhi lowered his head and pondered for a moment, then suddenly said: "Master, since this Yanyang Demon Army has secretly infiltrated into our territory, the subordinates are worried that they will be detrimental to Master, so from today onwards, The subordinates must protect the head of the family closely and closely."

Seeing that Fang Yuanzhi was so worried about his own safety, Nie Zheng couldn't help feeling warm, and nodded immediately, without saying anything more.

In such a critical period, with a super expert like Fang Yuanzhi around to protect him, no matter what I do, I will feel at ease, but Fang Yuanzhi has worked hard.

But Nie Zheng knew in his heart that the relationship between him and Fang Yuanzhi was called master and servant, but in fact the relationship between the two was no different from that of brothers.

There are many things, between the two of them, there is no need for too much politeness and words.

However, just to be on the safe side, Nie Zheng decided that starting today, he will live in the military base and will not return to Yangzhou County for now.

The last time Han Qianzhang broke into the county mansion at night, he not only kidnapped himself, but also killed dozens of guards of the county mansion, and even Shen Hongyu was seriously injured.

Because of the lessons learned from the past, Nie Zheng didn't want to cause too many casualties, and Fang Yuanzhi alone was enough to protect him.If even Fang Yuanzhi couldn't keep himself safe, then no matter how many guards he had around him, he would die in vain.

Besides, living in the military base, at least it is very convenient for Nie Zheng to command and mobilize. Moreover, a large amount of armed firepower is deployed in the military base. If ordinary ninth-rank masters dare to break in, they will undoubtedly die.

The most important thing is that the mecha warehouse is here, and Nie Zheng's biological giant is also here.

In the event of a battle, he can command the mecha troops to fight in the shortest possible time. Even the biological giant lying in the dormant cabin, only Nie Zheng can control it to fight at any time if needed.

With the powerful fighting power of the biological giant, even if he really meets the legendary magician, Nie Zheng has the confidence to fight against him.


(PS: Today’s update is a bit late, sorry. Because this book is about to end soon, so the speed of code words is not very fast, please be considerate. There may be tens of thousands of words, and this book will be completely over. It is estimated that the next I finished the book in a week, no matter whether it is good or bad, I have worked hard for half a year, and you have spent more than half a year with me. The grades of this book are not good, but there is still one reader who supports Lord Hou , Master Hou also has to work hard to write it down, and let it finish smoothly.)
(End of this chapter)

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