heavy weapon is king

Chapter 340 Exploring the Underground, Dragon King of the South China Sea!

Chapter 340 Exploring the Underground, Dragon King of the South China Sea!
Boom! ! !
The flames exploded, and the smoke filled the air.

Deafening bangs continued to resound in the underground palace.

More than a dozen rockets hit the secret door in a row, shaking the entire underground palace.

Facing the violent shock, everyone was stunned by the shock, and their blood was surging. Fortunately, everyone wore protective earplugs, otherwise, in such a closed space, the continuous sound of explosions would be very loud. It may damage the eardrum.

After a series of bombings, finally, a big hole was blown out of the secret door embedded in the wall, and gravel and dust flew everywhere.

After a while, when the smoke cleared, Nie Zheng led the crowd to the secret door, looked inside with a flashlight, and found that the inside of the bombed secret door was pitch black, with cold wind blowing continuously. .

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng hesitated for a moment, and told the clone soldiers: "You, you, and you, the five of you go in and investigate to see what's going on inside, remember to be careful!"

"Yes, sir!"

Immediately after receiving the order, the five clone soldiers cautiously entered the bombed secret door with arms and weapons in their hands.

Watching their backs entering the secret door, Nie Zheng stood outside and waited patiently under the protection of everyone.

Not long after, several clone soldiers reported loudly to Nie Zhenghui: "Sir, there is an underground staircase leading directly to the ground."

"The underground stairs?"

Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and said: "Everyone listen, come down with me!"

After hearing the order, dozens of clone soldiers immediately divided into two groups. One group entered the secret door first with light and heavy machine guns, and then the second group of clone soldiers carried AK47 and shotguns to protect Nie Zheng and followed slowly. went in.

As Nie Zheng and others entered the bombed secret door one after another, at this time, Nie Zheng was surprised to find that there was actually a natural underground cave behind the secret door.

The area of ​​the cave is not very large, but it is dark and bottomless.

Around the cave, there is a long staircase that surrounds the stone wall of the entire cave and extends down slowly.

Nie Zheng stood on the edge of the stairs and looked down into the depths of the cave. He could vaguely see a few beams of flashlights coming from a very deep place.

It seems that the first five clone soldiers who entered the underground palace have almost reached the bottom of the cave.

Through the signal from them, Nie Zheng knew clearly that there was no danger at the bottom of the cave.

"Everyone, be vigilant and follow closely. There is also a thermal imaging search device, so keep an eye on it!"

Under Nie Zheng's order, everyone maintained a long formation, and then slowly walked along the stairs towards the bottom of the cave.

The cave was formed naturally, but the steps on the stone walls around the cave were carved out by humans. This made Nie Zheng feel guarded.

In the dark and silent cave, under the guard of dozens of clone soldiers, Nie Zheng carefully went down for about ten minutes. According to Nie Zheng's estimation, it went down to a depth of hundreds of meters at least. .

Finally, the front line stopped.

At this time, Nie Zheng found that he had reached the bottom of the cave.

At the bottom of the cave is a dark pool, and beside the pool, there is a flat land with a radius of nearly [-] meters.

Without any explanation, everyone jumped down the stairs one after another, came to the flat ground beside the pool, and continued to observe the surroundings.

Nie Zheng walked up to the five clone soldiers who entered the cave first, and asked, "Did you find anything?"

"There seems to be a stone gate inside..."

"Another stone door?"

Following the direction they were pointing at, Nie Zheng picked up the flashlight and took a look. Sure enough, an oval smooth stone wall appeared on the uneven stone wall on the left side of the plain.

This oval smooth stone wall is three meters high and two meters wide, like a huge mirror.

Nie Zheng took a flashlight and moved closer to the smooth stone wall for a look, and sure enough, he found a small gap between the stone gate and the surrounding stone walls.

This is already very obvious, if this is not a stone gate, then it is unreasonable.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng didn't talk nonsense, and directly ordered someone to use a rocket launcher to blow open the stone gate.

Nima has this group of clone soldiers as his younger brothers, and he is carrying an RPG and other artifacts to break through the city, so it's not too much to cause damage.

It didn't take a few rockets, and the stone gate was blown to pieces.

After the explosion, everyone immediately discovered that behind the stone gate, there was actually a secret passage more than two meters high.

Nie Zheng stood in front of the Shimen, faintly, he could clearly see that at the end of the long secret passage, strands of strange light flashed from time to time.

"There is a light flashing at the end of the secret path?"

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng was overjoyed, and hurriedly ordered the five clone soldiers to continue to explore the way first, while he stood outside and waited under the protection of dozens of clone soldiers.

At the moment when the five-meter fully armed clone soldier stepped into the secret passage, something happened that surprised Nie Zheng.

A clone soldier holding a thermal imaging detector suddenly reminded in a deep voice: "Sir, a figure suddenly rushed out of the secret passage just now!"

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's expression changed, and he hurriedly made the five clone soldiers back out.

"Be careful, everyone, prepare for battle!"

With an order, everyone aimed their guns into the secret passage.

Nie Zheng stood in front of the thermal imaging display. Through the thermal imaging display, he could clearly see a red figure hidden deep in the secret passage.

The figure quietly hid in the depths of the secret passage, and seemed to be full of vigilance.

"What the hell is it? Could it be that he is lurking in the depths of the secret passage and wants to sneak attack us?"

Thinking up to this point, Nie Zheng immediately asked Jack to send a few shots of Barrett back out.

As far as the weapons currently in hand, it seems that the lethality is not very large. In order to ensure safety, it is more reliable to take out Barrett.

At the moment when Nie Zheng summoned the five Barretts, suddenly, a hoarse voice suddenly came from the depths of the secret passage.

"You... who are you... how...how did you find this place?" The voice was not only hoarse, but also a little stiff, as if this person hadn't spoken for a long time.

However, what shocked Nie Zheng even more was that the person hiding in the secret passage seemed to be Han Chinese, because what he just spoke was Chinese.

After hearing the other party's inquiry, Nie Zheng did not rush to shoot, but turned to the depths of the secret passage, and asked loudly: "Who are you? Why are you hiding here?"

The man didn't answer Nie Zheng's question, instead he kept talking to himself like a nightmare, "You...you sure don't...you didn't come to save me, you...you just wanted to take away my treasure and Seven-color spiritual fruit, you...you definitely didn't come to save me..."

Hearing his constant nonsense in the depths of the secret passage, Nie Zheng's heart was shocked, "Eh? He said that we are here to snatch his treasure and seven-color spiritual fruit, and that we are not here to save him, is it true? ...Is he the Dragon King of the South China Sea who led 10,000+ pirates to the island?"

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in Nie Zheng's mind, and he thought of a very crucial thing, "Ink cartridge!"

According to Wu Xuanyin, the ink cartridge was passed down from the Immortal Isle of Longevity. At the same time, inside the ink cartridge was hidden a nautical map engraved with a route to the Immortal City.

I just heard that person talking nonsense, saying that he is waiting for someone to rescue him from the island. Could it be that he released the ink cartridge?
However, by what means did he spread those ink cartridges to Nanyang thousands of miles away?

Thinking of this, the doubts in Nie Zheng's heart became deeper and deeper.

In order to confirm his guess, Nie Zheng secretly brewed his words, adjusted his tone, and said slowly: "Excuse me, are you the Dragon King of the South China Sea?"

As soon as this remark came out, the voice of the figure hiding in the secret passage changed immediately, "You...how did you know this king's nickname?"

Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and said lightly, "We found this place according to the navigation route map inside the ink cartridge."

"Ink cartridge? Could it be... really someone received my emergency treasure box?" The man's tone was full of surprise.

Ding Ding Deng

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps coming from the depths of the secret passage. Immediately, Nie Zheng and the others who were guarding outside the secret passage felt nervous and were considering whether to shoot when a short and skinny figure appeared. In the eyes of everyone.

Under the illumination of the flashlight, Nie Zheng clearly saw a short, thin old man with white hair standing at the door of the secret passage.

The old man's eyes were cloudy and his face was full of wrinkles. He looked extremely old and thin.Especially his dark yellow old face full of wrinkles, it is simply a skinny skeleton face.


After seeing that person's appearance, Nie Zheng couldn't help but gasped.

At this moment, the short and thin old man was standing quietly at the door, his eyes were a little dazed and dull. Looking at him like this, it was obvious that he was suffering from severe Alzheimer's disease.

The old man stared at Nie Zheng and the others obsessively, his withered lips trembling non-stop, "You... it's fine if you come, take me out of here quickly, I want to go home..."

Nie Zheng was taken aback for a moment, not knowing what to do for a while.

At the same time, Nie Zheng was extremely puzzled. Isn't the Dragon King of the South China Sea a peerless master?How did it become like this?
Looking at his old and sluggish appearance, he has nothing to do with a peerless master. Moreover, when he ran out from the depths of the secret passage just now, his body was trembling and his steps were staggering. He was simply an extremely weak old man.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng frowned secretly, "Damn, is this old guy the Dragon King of the South China Sea? If it is true, then hasn't he lived for hundreds of years?"

(End of this chapter)

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